Community Cohesion (Religion): Government Flashcards
What are four points?
Citizenship days
Practical support
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
The government provides funding for local authorities to respond to immigration, youth projects, twinning projects, meetings for conflict resolution and community pride campaigns
These projects and schemes bring communities together and encourage community cohesion
Citizenship days
Citizenship days are held throughout the UK to celebrate national and local culture and stress the sharing of local traditions and such British values as respect for the rule of law, tolerance and democracy
Celebrations bring people together in a fun way whilst also learning and understanding other religions and cultures - this helps community cohesion
Practical support
Support is offered with translation and learning the English language to migrants who don’t speak English
This helps people to integrate into communities and thus helps community cohesion
Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006
This made it an offence to use threatening words or behaviour about religious beliefs or lack of beliefs
This also legally protects religious freedom