Community assembly Flashcards
Trophic cascade
direct and indirect
indirect interaction in which predator of a predator
(or herbivore) benefits the producer indirectly
-Direct interactions in trophic cascade are the negative
predator-prey interactions\
-indirect is positive impact of carnivore on producer
enemy of my enemy is my friend
Trophic facilitation
indirect effect in which one species benefits
another via a positive interaction (mutualism)
level >3
1° / 2° predators
Level 2
Level 1
Primary producers
Groups of species that exploit
the same resources in related ways
why is the food pyramid upside down in aquati environments
primary producers in aquatic environments are short lived and consumed quickly, more abundancy
change in ecosystem if removed:
Rare Species
Moderate abundance
Foundational Species
Keystone Species
-Not a vital role in the ecosystem
-moderate role
foundational species:
-Dominant/Abundant species, Play a vital vital role
Keystone Species
-Rare species, but vital to the ecosystem
Keystone species concept
-An organism that defines the entire ecosystem
-These species have low functional redundancy–> no other species can fill their role
-species that, despite its low biomass, exert strong effects on the structure of communities they inhabit.
keystone predators keep prey pops
what does this do
below K,
decrease competition,
* create ecological niches
* increase diversity within communities
keystone species not always predators
Dominant species vs keystone species
-Both dominant and keystone species have a high impact on
-keystone species have a high impact despite a low abundance
what is a Trophic Cascade
When something happens at one trophic level, it has
repercussions on the rest of the food chain – not just on the
levels that are directly involved
he only requirements for keystone status is
- have relatively low biomass in the community
- high impact on community structure.
Keystone are not to be confused with:
Umbrella species, or ecosystem engineers
umbrella species
-Species that are selected as
representatives of their ecosystem when
conservation plans are being made.
-Protection of Umbrella species will protect a
large amount of co-occurring species
ecosystem engineers
Species whose activity creates, or fundamentally alters, habitat
differences and similarities between ecosystem engineers and keystones
-The impact of ecosystem engineers may as large as keystones, but they differ in type of impact
* Keystone species are essential due to their trophic effect;
ecosystem engineers are not.
-Like keystones, their abundance does not need to be
high to have an impact on the ecosystem
* But they still can be highly abundant
2 types of Ecosystem engineers
Allogenic and Autogenic
Allogenic Ecosystem engineers
modify the environment by mechanically changing
the living / non living material from one form to another
Autogenic Ecosystem engineers
modify the environment by modifying themselves
Indirect interactions:
The relationship
between two species is mediated by a third
(or more) species
Direct interactions:
Between two species (e.g., competition, predation, facilitation)