Community Flashcards
What is the intent of the Community Concept?
support access to essential healthcare, build a culture of health that
accommodates diverse population needs and establish an inclusive, engaged occupant community
How many companies in US report that racial diversity is a priority?
How much women are paid compared to men in UK?
How many urnban families are living in substandard housing?
235 millions
How much low health literacy costs the US economy?
$70 to $240 billion each year
What is health literacy?
: Health literacy refers to a person’s cognitive and social ability to access, interpret and understand basic health
information, as well as the ability to act on that understanding to maintain health
What is the ROI of health literacy promotion?
WELL Feature Guide
Option 1: WELL feature guide
A physical or digital WELL feature guide is prominently displayed and/or made widely available to all occupants, meeting the following requirements:
a. Describes the WELL features achieved by the project.
b. Explains how the WELL features achieved by the project impact occupant health, well-being and comfort and support the project’s health-oriented mission in Part 2: Provide Health-Oriented Mission in Feature C02: Integrative Design.
Option 2: Communications
The following requirement is met:
a. Quarterly communications (e.g., emails, modules, trainings) are sent to regular occupants, and onboarding communications are given to new employees (as applicable), about health resources, programs, amenities and policies available to them addressed by the WELL features achieved by the project
What does the stakeholder charrette address?
Health and Well-bieng goals
1. Occupant health and well-being needs.
2. The project’s objectives for health promotion to meet stakeholder needs
Environmental and sustainable goals
1. Reduce the project’s contribution to global climate change and promote a greener economy.
2. Protect, enhance and restore water resources and ecosystem services.
3. Promote sustainable material cycles.
4. Enhance community through social equity and environmental justice.
How to define the Health-Oriented Mission?
a. Outlines the project’s objectives for health promotion.
b. Connects supporting and improving occupant health to the organizational objectives or mission statement
c. Incorporates relevant project goals or strategies established during the stakeholder charrette.
d. Incorporates the ten WELL concepts: Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Movement, Thermal Comfort, Sound,
Materials, Mind and Community.
e. Health-oriented mission is made available to all occupants and is detailed in the WELL Feature Guide established
in Part 1: Provide WELL Feature Guide in Feature C01: Health and Wellness Promotion.
How many people are killed by natural disasters?
90,000 people worldwide every year
How many people are affected by natural disaster?
160 million people worldwide every year
How many small businesses close permanently following a disaster due to lack of disaster preparedness plan?
risk assessment for Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Identify project assets (e.g., employees, facilities).
- Establish a pathway for occupants or groups who may be more vulnerable (e.g., older adults, people with disabilities, pregnant women, children) to confidentially identify specific needs they may have during an emergency.
- Evaluate potential impacts of relevant hazards and identify high-risk hazards.
- Determine emergency management planning priorities
Which hazards an emergency management plan must address at least?.
- Natural (e.g., flood, tsunami, wildfire, earthquake, heatwave).
- Fire.
- Health (e.g., acute medical emergency, infectious disease pandemic).
- Technological (e.g., power loss, chemical spill, explosion).
- Human-caused (e.g., civil unrest, active shooter, terrorism).
What are the requirements of the emergency management plan?
- Incorporates annual (at minimum) inventory and maintenance of building emergency response resources
(e.g., first aid kits, automated external defibrillators (AEDs), emergency notification system, personal
protective equipment) and operations capabilities (e.g., backup power, remote management systems). - Includes a list of specialized personnel that is updated annually (at minimum) and includes roles and
contact information of the emergency response team. - Plan is reviewed and updated (as needed) on an annual basis and is easily accessible to all regular
What education and training on emergency preparadedness and response are provided to regular occupants?
- Communications about the emergency management plan and related resources, including guidance by relevant local-, state-, regional- or global-level emergency response agencies (e.g., WHO, government
emergency management agency or equivalent), annually (at minimum), to employees during new employee
onboarding and during an emergency event. - Practice drills or other operations-based or discussion-based exercises conducted annually (at minimum)
for each high-risk hazard identified in the risk assessment, and conducted every two years (at minimum) for
other hazards covered under the emergency management plan
What is the requirement for a project to select a 3rd party survey?
10 or more employees
What is the preapproved list of survey providers?
- Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Survey from the Center for Built Environment at UC
Berkeley. - Building Evaluation Survey Use Studies (BUS) Wellbeing Survey.
- Sustainable and Healthy Environments (SHE) survey from the University of Melbourne.
- Space Performance Evaluation Questionnaire (SPEQ), High Performance Environments Lab (HiPE),
University of Oregon. - Leesman Index.
- Occupant Comfort & Wellness Survey from the Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State
University. - Comfortmeter.
- Healthy Building Index (HBI), from bba indoor environment & DGMR.
- Occupant Wellness Survey by Well Living Lab China.
How project select survey?
Third-party survey CUstom survey(topics from Appendix C1)
How survey is administered?
a. All eligible employees are invited to participate in the survey annually. Regular reminders are sent to eligible employees to complete the survey.
b. Survey protects all participant-identifying data through appropriate protective measures such as anonymous
reporting and safe data storage. Any communication of results should be on an aggregated basis, such that no
participant can be identified.
c. Analysis of responses is conducted by a qualified survey professional
How survey results are reported?
Annually, the project submits the following through the WELL digital platform:
a. Project and survey data, including:
1. Total number of employees invited to complete the survey and number of employees who completed the
2. Date survey started and finished.
3. Project location.
4. Project type.
5. Level of WELL Certification.
6. Sociodemographic information (age and gender at minimum).
b. Aggregated, anonymized survey results.
: Enhanced survey administration
a. Meet Feature C04 Part 1 using Option 1.
b. Address at least one of the topics listed in Appendix C2 through at minimum three additional survey questions by working with one of the parties listed below
1. The pre-approved survey provider selected in Feature C04 Part 1.
2. BeWellLeadWell.
3. OHFB-Afriforte.
4. The Thrive XM Index.
How much unvaccinated individuals cost to the US healthcare system?
$10.4 billion per year
How many countries mandate paid sick leave?
What OECD countries do not mandate paid sick leave?
US and Korea
How many americans have no paid sick leave?
20 million
How many UK employees have only 1 day sick leave?
On-Demand Health Services
Health services are provided for all eligible employees at no cost or subsidized, on-site, in-person within 0.25 mi(400 m) of the project boundary or through a telemedicine provider or digital health platform, and meet the following
a. Experienced and qualified healthcare providers (e.g., physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant) are available to provide confidential medical treatment for episodic, recurrent, urgent or other illnesses before, during and/or after regular business hours.
b. A scheduling system allows for drop-ins and/or appointment booking. If services are only available during regular business hours, then eligible employees are allowed to use services during the workday.
Short-term sick leave
Employers provide a short-term sick leave policy for all eligible employees, distinct from paid time off and family
leave, that includes the following:
a. At least 10 days of sick leave are paid at 50% or higher of the employee’s full salary or wages, offered through a
flat rate or annual accrual, during any 12-month period for an acute, chronic or serious health condition.
b. Statement that discourages employees from coming into work when they feel sick, and from doing work while
on sick leave.
c. Does not require a note from a medical professional or advance notice to gain approval for sick leave unless
employee uses more than three consecutive days of sick leave
Long-term sick leave
Employers provide a long-term sick leave policy for all eligible employees, distinct from paid time off and family leave,
that includes at least one of the following:
a. At least 12 weeks of sick leave (which may be unpaid) during any 12-month period for a chronic or serious health condition that involves inpatient care in a hospice or residential healthcare facility (e.g., stroke, infectious disease, surgery) or continuing treatment and/or supervision by a healthcare provider (e.g., diabetes, asthma, terminal cancer).
b. One or more of the following to support all eligible employees recovering from serious health conditions:
1. Part-time options.
2. Work from home flexibility
3. Flexible schedules.
Option 1: Health benefits plan
a. A health benefits plan is available to all eligible employees and their designated dependents (e.g., spouse,
domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling) at no cost or subsidized that includes the following services:
1. Medical care.
2. Dental care.
3. Vision care.
4. Mental health and substance use services.
5. Sexual and reproductive health services, including obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN) services and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment.
6. Medication/prescription coverage.
7. Essential immunizations based on region.
8. Preventive screenings and biometric assessments.
9. Tobacco cessation programs.
10. Infectious disease testing (e.g., tuberculosis, malaria, COVID-19) during a regional or global infectious disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic as declared by a regional or global public health agency (e.g., WHO, disease control and prevention centers or equivalent).
b. Confidential benefits consultations are available with clearly identified and qualified support staff (e.g., benefits
counselor, human resources representative).
Option 2: Community immunity
a. Projects provide one of the following vaccine programs at no cost to regular occupants:
1. Annual on-site seasonal influenza (flu) vaccine starting at least one month prior to peak flu season in the project region.
2. Health insurance coverage or voucher for flu vaccination, including paid time during the workday to receive immunization for seasonal influenza.
b. Vaccine program is accompanied by a seasonal flu prevention campaign that covers the following:
1. Alerts regular occupants regarding the availability of on-site flu vaccine clinic, coverage or vouchers and encourages or incentivizes individuals to receive the vaccine.
2. Educates regular occupants on the health reasons to receive the vaccine and good hand hygiene and cough etiquette, and instructs them to stay home when experiencing flu-like symptoms
Health benefits plan
a. A health benefits plan is available to all eligible employees and their designated dependents (e.g., spouse, domestic partner, child, parent, parent-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, sibling) at no cost or subsidized that includes the following services:
1. Medical care.
2. Dental care.
3. Vision care.
4. Mental health and substance use services.
5. Sexual and reproductive health services, including obstetrics and gynecology (OB-GYN) services and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment.
6. Medication/prescription coverage.
7. Essential immunizations based on region.
8. Preventive screenings and biometric assessments.
9. Tobacco cessation programs.
10. Infectious disease testing (e.g., tuberculosis, malaria, COVID-19) during a regional or global infectious
disease outbreak, epidemic or pandemic as declared by a regional or global public health agency (e.g.,WHO, disease control and prevention centers or equivalent).
b. Confidential benefits consultations are available with clearly identified and qualified support staff (e.g., benefits
counselor, human resources representative).
Option 1: Health promotion strategies
Occupant health and well-being is promoted through the following:
a. Monthly digital communications to employees and/or regular occupants (as applicable) that address the
1. Reinforce the project’s culture of health.
2. Market health promotion policies and programs.
3. Highlight stories from regular occupants (as applicable) who exemplify the project’s health culture.
4. Offer education (e.g., tips and resources created by the project or a third party) on at least two topics
within the ten WELL concepts.
b. Quarterly education sessions (e.g., workshops, lectures, seminars) that offer instruction on topics within the ten
WELL concepts, covering at least two different concepts per year
Option 2: Health promotion coordinators
One of the following is present:
a. Health promotion group that meets at least quarterly, is actively involved in planning and implementing health
promotion programs and policies and seeks to cultivate a culture of health in the project.
b. Paid mid- or senior-level employee that plans and implements health promotion programs. Health promotion
must be part of their job description, requirements and/or performance expectations. Projects that meet Part 2
Health Promotion Leader automatically fulfill this requirement.
What is the minimum parental leave time recommended by International Labor Organization?
18 weeks (research shows 40 weeksyields results in the greatest overall reduction of risk for low infant birth weight and infant mortality and results in higher rates of on-time infant immunizations