COMMUNICATIONS M.P.205.01 Flashcards
The Fire Department will respond to any EMERGENCY situation that threatens____, ____, or____.
Life, Safety, Property
The fire department will dispatch the_____ available unit(s) with the required capabilities to control the emergency
Deployment will dispatch the appropriate assignment and upgrade the response as necessary based on information received up to a Working ____ _____ until command is established upon the arrival of the first unit.
First Alarm
“Emergency incidents within the Automatic Aid boundaries served by the PFDRDC will be dispatched without regard to ________.”
PFDRDC has one (1) way Automatic Aid onto Luke Air Force Base (LAFB). CAD has been programmed to select LAFB units for any calls that fall within a ____ mile radius of the base.
Five (5)
Calls for assistance from public or quasi-public agencies outside the Automatic Aid Consortium boundaries will be dispatched as what type of incidents? Who is responsible for providing approval?
If Phoenix resources are needed, who is responsible for providing approval?
Mutual Aid
Individual jurisdiction’s on-duty BC
Phoenix Fire Department Shift Commander
Calls for assistance from citizens outside the Automatic Aid Consortium boundaries will be transferred to the appropriate agency. If that agency requests Mutual Aid assistance, PFDRDC will contact the appropriate_______ for approval of the Mutual Aid request and dispatch accordingly.
Call Routing, When a positive determination of need for emergency response cannot be made THE FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY IS TO DO WHAT?
The Calltaker assigns a_____ - Code based on information gathered from the caller
“The_____ system recommends the closest, most appropriate unit/s/ for dispatch based on availability, current location and capabilities. The CAD system combines this information with the response type.”
CAD System
A response type is assigned to each Nature Code. What does the response type identify?
What two ways can requirements be identified and give an example of each?
- Requirements needed on the assignment
- By unit capability, such as engine or ladder; or by specific unit, such as BC2
The requirements for ALS response are based on what protocol? (EMD)
Emergency Medical Dispatch
On BLS responses who will make a C2 or C3 response decision and press the appropriate response on the MCT?
Company Officer
“The patient has to meet the following criteria in order to meet a ________ _____ call ; no loss of consciousness, peripheral injuries only, head/face;
arm: below elbow; leg: below knee, no trunk injuries, no impaled objects, no amputations, no severe bleeding”
Minor Medical Call
The incident has been determined unsafe to respond directly to the scene. Units assigned to the incident shall stage until the Police Department secures the scene. What type nature code is this call?
Violent Medical Call
The default assignment to Sky Harbor Airport is what?
what assignment will be dispatched for vegetation fires that are serious in nature?
What assignment will be dispatched for vegetation fires that are small in nature?
still brush
What assignment will be dispatched for vegetation fires that are and/or have the potential to be a major situation requiring this level of resources?
First Alarm Brush
What assignment will be dispatched on calls that involve hazardous materials of a minor nature?
What assignment should be dispatched on most situations involving leaks or spills of hazardous materials?
What assignment should be dispatched for incidents that indicate a major potential danger by virtue of materials involved, quantities, location, fire or explosion danger and/or number of people exposed?
A ______ call is a request for the dispatch of any combination of additional unit types, unit capabilities or specific units. The requestor must specify the desired quantity of unit types or capabilities or the specific units desired.
Special Call
Depending on the resources required additional units may be dispatched to an incident in several methods. Units can be______ _____, an assignment can be______ or a_____ _____can be requested.
Special Called, Assignment Balanced, Greater Alarm
A Greater Alarm is a request for the dispatch of additional units using predefined requirement sets. A Greater Alarm request requires both a Greater Alarm Type and the ____ ____.
Response Level
When an assignment is Balanced, the system takes what into consideration?
Unitscurrently assigned to the incident
A 3-1 assignment that needs the resources of a Greater Alarm must first be Balanced to a Working _____ ____ then the Greater Alarm request must be generated
First Alarm
Command should ask for the specific type_____ needed to continue managing the incident:
Third Alarms and greater still require a specific type of______ to be requested; however the capabilities recommended will be generic and are the same for each Greater Alarms up to a Ninth Alarm.
The voice dispatch message is broadcast over Fire Channel 1 giving what information? (7 things)
- Dispatch Tone
- Companies Assigned
- Tactical Radio Channel
- Type and/or Nature of Incident
- Location
- Companies Assigned
- Tactical Radio Channel”
High Activity
Specific high priority Nature Codes are flagged for________ dispatch upon incident entry.
Immediate Dispatch
Units changing their status to UNAVAILABLE should report to Deployment by radio on Tactical Channel__ or________ the reason and the length of time they will be unavailable.
Channel Two, Telephone
When becoming available again, units are responsible to report this status change to________.
It is important that company officers contact______ prior to putting their unit unavailable. _______ will determine if any priority needs exist which may require the unit to stay in service
Who is responsible for relocating units as necessary to maintain the best available resource coverage for the entire dispatch jurisdictional coverage area?
on-duty Deployment Supervisor/Battalion Chief
Who handles all communications between units assigned to an incident and Deployment on the assigned Tactical Channel?
If Deployment does not receive an acknowledgment within_______ minute, the TRO will request acknowledgment by radio on all channels and via MCT
One (1)
Deployment will send a cover assignment if no reply is received within a____minute timeframe. Deployment will continue to attempt to make contact with the original company while the cover unit is responding.
Two (2)
All fire and ALS EMS responses will be C3 unless otherwise indicated by______or ________
Deployment or Command
What feature allows a company assigned to a low priority incident to be preempted for a higher priority call if they are the closest unit?
A unit dispatched on a C2 AOI call will automatically become AOI after acknowledging ______ to the initial call.
After acknowledgement they will remain AOI until when?
they arrive on scene
If a unit is responding longer than____ minutes on an AOI call, CAD will automatically place the unit in the Unavailable On Incident (UOI) status, and they will no longer be considered for preemption.
Ten (10)
If the company officer determines they do not want to be AOI while responding C2 to the incident, they may use the MCT command ____
UOI- Unavailable On Incident
Once a company arrives on-scene of an incident and have determined they could leave the call promptly to take another call, they can place themselves AOI again either via____or____
MCT or Radio
who should review tactical information on their MCT, map books and any pre-fire planning information carried on the vehicle for specific tactical information?
Company Officer
Companies needing specific additional information shall request it from who?
The initial Incident Commander shall remain in Command until 1 of what 3 thing happen?
transferred, stabilized, terminated
One or two company responses that are not going to escalate beyond the commitment of these companies does not require the first arriving unit or officer to do what?
assume Command
The first arriving fire department unit initiates the command process by giving what?
initial Radio Report
After a On-scene report, a follow up report should include? (4 things)
- Any immediate safety concerns
- Accountability started (announce the initial accountability location)
- Disposition of resources (hold/add/return)
- IRIC - in place and identify
During active firefighting operations, Command will provide Deployment with regular_____ _____ or whenever significant tactical plans are changed or unusual situations are encountered.
Progress Reports
The first progress report should be given after initial action has been Implemented and should include what?
- correct address
- improved description of the building and fire conditions if the on-scene report was incomplete.
Any fire at a school facility requires who to be contacted and his/her will response at there discretion?
-State Fire Marshall
Upon the balance of a working ______ Alarm assignment, Level II Staging will be identified by Command
Second Alarm
Deployment will announce Level II staging ______ and the staging _____ when the additional units are dispatched
Location, Channel
Units responding should direct any staging inquiries to the_______ ______, rather than the Tactical channel assigned to the incident.
Staging Channel
Typically Staging will be assigned to what Channel ?
Channel Two (2)
The driver of the ___ will coordinate information on the Staging channel until an officer assumes the position of the Staging Officer.
CV (Command Van)
Units arriving at the Level II Staging Area will report in person to who?
Staging Officer
who will manage all radio communications to and from the Staging Area.
Staging Officer
Elapsed time notification will be given every how many minutes until the incident is what?
- Five (5)
- Under Control
The TRO will verbally provide command with elapsed time notifications until the situation is declared under control or what?
Command requests to Discontinue notifications
If fire unit/s/ need immediate police department assistance what can be called over the radio?
In the case of a building that is well involved in fire, the All Clear may be delayed and not come until When?
the fire is out
What is MCT code for a Patient transfer from Rescue personnel to hospital is greater than 30 minutes?
Extended Patient Transfer
What term is given when salvage has been completed and there should be no more damage to the building involved?
Loss Stopped (LS)
What report tells command All personnel assigned to a particular work area or sector has been accounted for and It is used to confirm there are no missing fire personnel on the incident site?
PAR (Personnel Accountability Report)
The fire has been contained, and will not extend. It does not mean the fire is out. It may also be used during Haz Mat calls, indicating a leak has been secured.
Under Control (UC)
Only who can release companies assigned to an incident?
what are assigned by their geographic location?
what are assigned by their function ?
Sector Officers should use what type of communications with assigned companies as much as possible?.
“May Day” is a term to be used only in the event of what?
lost, trapped firefighter
what term will be utilized by any unit encountering an immediately perilous situation and will receive the highest communications priority from Deployment, Command and all operating units?
Emergency Traffic
Units may initiate emergency traffic communications in what 3 ways?
- depressing the red emergency button on their Portable Radio
- verbally contacting Deployment/alarm
Command’s orders to operating companies should indicate a specific____ assigned to the company
In addition to being task and company oriented, assignments should indicate an______ to the action.
Sectors may be assigned by what 2 things?
- geographic location
- function