Air Operations 201.07 Flashcards
helicopter services are available for what 5 purposes?
- including emergency medical transportation
- rescue from inaccessible locations
- aerial reconnaissance of emergency scenes
- brush firefighting
- emergency transportation of personnel and/or equipment
Med-Evac helicopters are capable of carrying how many immediate patient
only 1 immediate patient
DPS helicopters are capable of carrying how many patient only.
Helicopters may be requested for transportation of what two things urgently needed at the scene of an emergency, particularly when distance is a factor
personnel and/or equipment
The Phoenix Police Air Unit has the ability to put how many bambi buckets in service.
The Mesa Police Department has the ability to put how bambi bucket in service.
The PFD has how many buoy wall tanks.
The buoys hold either _______ or _______ gallons of water.
3000 or 4000
The bambi buckets can hold ___ to ___gallons of water
67 to 96 gallons of water
Buoy Wall Set Up Apparatus kept at least how many feet to the side of the flight path of helicopters dipping the tank?
Contract Helicopters
Can drop approximately____ gallons of water each pass. Average flying time per fuel load is ___ to ___ hours.
120 gallons
1.5 to 2 hours
An engine company shall be assigned to control the _______ zone
Any “special use” of helicopters during rescue operations will require a _______ _______ to be established by Command.
Technical Rescue
Firebird is the designation for a helicopter operating under the direction of the what Fire Department
Phoenix Fire Department
The risk of using helicopters and placing rescue personnel in dangerous situations must be weighed against the What?
urgency of the rescue situation
The following is considered what?
1. External load (slingloads, longlines, water bucket, etc.)
2. Hover sites (low-level hovering)
3. Helicopter rappelling (insertions and extraction’s)
4. Flights conducted below 500 feet above ground level (AGL)
5. Helicopter operations around a fire perimeter
6. Single skid landings
7. Any takeoff or landing requiring special pilot technique due to terrain, obstacles, or surface
“Special Use” helicopters operations:
what is the designation for the helicopter operating under the direction of the Department of Pubic Safety. Staffed with 2 DPS and 1 FD member?
Ranger 41
Air-to-ground communications shall be used whenever possible to give landing instructions to approaching helicopters. Dispatch will coordinate the establishment of air-to-ground communications most of the time it will be on what channel?
mutual aid 4
Should anything become unsafe during the approach of any helicopter during landing operations instruct pilot to GO AROUND __ TIMES.
landing zone must be relatively flat and free of obstructions for an area of at least ____ x ____ for
each helicopter
100’ x 100’
All spectators and apparatus must be kept a minimum of ____Feet away from landing zone.
For heavily loaded helicopters (i.e., water drop), the clear path should be extended How much?
at least 100 yards in each direction.
“Tail guard” shall be stationed 50 to 100 feet from the what?
tail rotor
Approach and departure paths should not pass over a treatment area, Command Post, or other activity
areas where _____ and _____ ____ will cause problems.
where noise and rotor wash
The landing zone should be located at least 100 yards from what?
other activity areas
Avoid dusty locations if possible. If the landing area is dusty do what?
wet down the area with a hose line before
The area between the treatment area and landing zone shall be ____feet .
All fire personnel and crew members on helicopters will wear What?
Flight Helmet/TRT helmets, fire resistant clothing, leather boots, gloves.
for LZ in order of first to last 1 to 5 ?
- Concrete
- Asphalt
- Grass
- Compacted dirt (lightly moistened to control dust)
- Dry, loose dirt/sand (heavily moistened to control dust