Communication Systems Flashcards
Application Layer
Consists of the OSI Application and Presentation Layers. The actual data is created by the software application and then presented in a suitable format for transmission.
Asynchronous Transmission
Communication that does not attempt to synchronise the sender and receiver clock signals. Also called ‘start-stop’ communication.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode: Is a switching technique used by telecommunication networks that uses asynchronous time-division multiplexing to encode data into small, fixed-sized cells.
a hardware device used to separate a network into different segments at the data link layer of the OSI model.
Bus Topology
All nodes are connected to a single backbone – also known as a trunk or bus. The backbone is a single cable that carries data packets to all nodes. Each node has a t-connector or vampire connector for the backbone which listens for data and there is a terminator at the end of the backbone.
Communication and Control layer
Includes the of the OSI model layers: OSI session layer, OSI Transport layer and the OSI Network layer. This is where communication with the network is established, commences and is maintained.
Communication Systems Framework
The simplified view of the OSI model that is used in IPT when studying communication systems
Cyclic Redundancy Check: an error checking method performed by network hardware at the transmission level. Detects most of the common types of transmission errors.
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection is the LAN access method used in Ethernet. It senses or listens whether the shared channel for transmission is busy or not, and defers transmission’s until the channel is free.
The process of decoding encrypted data using a key.
Full Duplex mode
means data can be transmitted in both directions on a signal carrier at the same time
The process of making data unreadable by those who do not possess the decryption code.
traditional technology for connecting devices in a wired LAN
File server
a computer dedicated to the task of sharing disk space and files for a network. A feel server handles files on an individual file-by-file basis, allowing users to have their own settings for security-related issues.
A unit of data. A frame works to help identify data packets used in networking and telecommunications structures. Frames also help to determine how data receivers interpret a stream of data from a source.
File Transfer Protocol is used for the transfer of files between a client and server on a computer network.
Network hardware that acts as a ‘gate’ between two networks, and provides protection for the nodes its network. It may be a firewall, router, server or other device that enables traffic to flow in and out of the network.
used to establish a communication channel for senders and receivers. It refers to a series of messages or signals used to establish whether the devices are compatible and are able to communicate.
Italian cheese
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: the common protocol used in web browsers to communicate and receive web pages
(provolone = Italian soft smoked cheese)
Retrieves entire documents – the documents retrieved could be HTML files, image files, video files or any other type of file. The browser requests a document from a particular web server using a GET command together with the URL of the document.
Retrieves just the header information for the file. This is commonly used to check if the file has been updated since the browser last retrieved the file.
Is used to send data from the browser to a web server. Commonly the POST method is used to send all the data input by users within web-based forms.
Internet Protocol. responsible for the transmission of data across the internet
Local Area Network. A network connecting devices over small physical distances and using the same rules of communication.
MAC address
Media Access Controller address that is hardwired into each device. A hardware address that uniquely identifies each node on the network.
Mail server
hardware server dedicated to managing email on a network.
A modem is a device used to connect a computer to an ISP. It performs modulation- the process of encoding digital data onto an analog waveform. Demodulation is the reverse process - decodes analog signals back into their original digital form.
any hardware device connected to a network
Network Operating System
OSI Model
Open Systems Interconnection Model is the industry standard framework that defines the stages data must go through when being transmitted over or between networks.
a unit of data that travels along a given network path. Used in IP transmissions for data that navigates the WWW, and in other kinds of networks
Parallel transmission
a method of conveying multiple binary digits (bits) simultaneously.
Post Office Protocol. A protocol used to download email messages from an email server to an email client.
Print server
server dedicated to managing print jobs for a network.
A formal set of rules and procedures that must be observed for two devices to transfer data efficiently and successfully.
Proxy server
acts as a gateway between end users and the Internet. they provide varying levels of security, privacy and functionality according to organisation’s policy
Ring topology
In a physical ring each node connects to exactly two other nodes. As a consequence, the cable forms a complete ring. Data packets circulate the ring in one direction only and each node receives data from one node and transmits it to the next one until its get to its destination.
hardware device that interconnects two networks that have different network structures or topologies. Routers are protocol independent and can translate one protocol into another.
Serial transmission
a form of signal transmission that sends information one bit at a time over a single data channel.
Simplex mode
Communication in a single direction only.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol used to send email from an email client to an SMTP server and also to transfer email between SMTP servers.
Synchronous optical networking (SONET) is a standardized digital communication protocol that is used to transmit a large volume of data over relatively long distances using a fibre optic medium. With SONET, multiple digital data streams are transferred at the same time over optical fibre using LEDs and laser beams.
Star topology
A communication network with one central co-ordinating node, and other nodes connected along links which radiate out as spokes from the centre
Transmission Control Protocol. this operates with communication control and addressing level and makes sure messages are delivered correctly
Token ring network
a computer network where nodes are connected in a continuous circle. A three-byte frame called a token travels around the logical ring of nodes. Only the node that holds the token can send data, and tokens are released when receipt of data is confirmed.
Transmission layer
Includes the OSI Data link layer and the OSI physical layer where the Data link layer is defining how the transmission media is actually shared and physical layer is the actual physical transfer which is composed solely of hardware.
Voice over Internet Protocol
Wide Area Network. A network connecting devices over large physical distances.
Wireless Access Point
Is the name of a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections.