Communication Skills Midterm Flashcards
What is a schema
Mental structures used to organize information & preserve energy
Our perception of the message is influenced by our perception of the ________
indivindual sending the message
Describe five step communication process
- Sender has an idea
- Sender encodes message
- Channel carries message
- Receiver decodes message
- Receiver understands & sends feedback to sender
What is noise?
Anything affecting or inhibiting effective communication
Give examples of noise
Physical : loud talking, honking cars, illegible handwriting etc
Physiological: hearing or visual impairement
Psychological: preconceived ideas, wanring thoughts, fear, hallucinations
Semantic/Cognitive: misunderstood meaning, not interested.
Schemas and perception are affected by:
Prior learning/experiences
Attitudes and intersts
Needs anf feelings
current situaiton
Self-Concept is & is based on
Is who you perceive yourself to be. based on:
the perception of others
social comparisons
cultural teachings/societal norms
observations interpestations evalutions of experiences
What is the looking glass self?
Person looking into four or more mirrors each of which relfects someon elses image of him back to him
What is Imposter syndrome?
Phenomenon where high achevieng people feel like they are somehow not good enough or a fraud. Doubt abilities espeically in new settings
Dunning kruger effect?
When you think you’re the best but you’re not. High confidence low ability.
What is the BioPsychoSocial Approach?
Bio: gender, physical health, disability etc.
Psych: attitudes belief, self esteem, emotions, personality
Social: socioeconomic stauts, educaiton, family background
What are microexpression
very brief less than a quarter second facial expressions that leak emotions. suppression (deliberate concealment) repression (unconcious concealment)
macroexpression, obvious 0,5-4seconds
7% rule
only 7% of communication are verbal words
55-70 nonverbal
23-38 tone
People are more likely to believe verbal or NV?
Misinterpreation of patients NVB
All aspects of communications line up
Body movement: gestures, facial expressions, posture, gaze
awareness of body while communicationg
Open posture
Physical communication distance
Personal space, position, touch.
Colours, cleanliness, order, clean organized patient compartment
Perceptioin of ones enviroment influcences theri reaction to it.
Distracting factors
Lack of eye contact
Sniffing, knuckles, RBF, closed NV, tone
Illustrators: intentional gestures that serve to emphasize, clarify, add to verbal content of a message.
Movements often hands that demonstrate how to do something, how mnay, to conitnue, to stop
leakage occurs when subconscious gestures reveal true feelings
Monitoring appearance and feedback, regulating conversation and tone. Normal direct eye contact is 50-60% speaker 40 and listenere 75 avg 8 sec
Proxemics position and touch
Intimate distance less than 1.5 feet
personal distance 1.5-4 feet
social distance 4-12 feet
oyublic distance 12 feet+
can reveal emotional status
depression or discouragement: drooping head sagging shoulders low muscle tone etc
anxiety and fear, increased muscle tone where the body u held in a rigid and uprignt mmannner
interest is conveyed by leaning forward
avodiance and rejection closed body postyure, leaning back to create distnace
Tool for examinign diagnosing treating or simply caring fo rpatient
may decreas eanxisyr offer reassurance
can supplement verbal message
not everyone is okay with io9t
P itch
avoid speaking in a monotone
I nflection
be expressove and appropriate
C ourtesy
how yiou spoeak, reflect sincerity, interest, sarcasm
T one
be professional and poised not directive but problem solving volumne relaxed but serious about care
U nderstanding
open mindenedess empathy care and positive reagard, silence
R ate
120 words per minute. pace/ to fast seems rushed or impatinet
E nunciate
Speak clearly and like no slanguale bryuh lol
Enhance the verbal message they accompany often gestures such as pointing.
Which tone do patients expect form thei HCP
Problem solving
7 universtal facial expression
Happiness, fear, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, contempt
Empathy vs sympathy
empathy is compassion and undferstanding how the someone feels
symopathy is to feel sadmness or pitym for someones suffering or miusfortune
Expressive tone vs directive tone vs problem solving
expressive: social spontaneous emotiuonal and uninhibited, feelings jokes complaing etc. not appropritate for HCP
directive: authorative judgmenetal giving orders expert leadership authority not approtiate for HCP
Problem solving tone
rational objective and unbiased anyltical and solution oriented
What is paraphrase and teach back
repeating to the patient in your own words what they sadid
reinforces patients concerns empathy
allows opportunity got vlient to clarigy correct concur
reflect emmotion
When should you interrup
only to clarify otyherwise allow for silence and thinking
Open ended questions vs closed questions
open ended lead to HCP paraphrasing and better responses
closed p[rompr short focused asnwers, ytes or no , # of times, where helpful for info but tooo many equals interrogation
mc quesitons alternative options to choose best when there are barriers language anxisery youn kids
Gestyures that directly translate into words such as thumbs up
Affect displays
Communicate emotional meaning
movements of face and body to dis[pla y emoytions open arms greetying
B’s that mointor control coordinate or mantain conversation, head nodding to tell the person to keep speaking
Gestures that satisfy a personal need to make you feel better
rubbing head for stress playing with hair or even objects braceelte etc.
List and briefly explain 4 facial management techniques
Intensifying: to exaggerate a feeling
De-intensifying: to underplay a feeling
Neutralizing: to hide a feeling
Masking: replace or substitue expression of one emtion for another
Allows tiome to think
can hurt oithers
might indicate anxisty
may prevent or encourage communication
may indiscate nothing to say
Denotative vs connotative
denotative = objective, literal, meaning
found in dictionary eg winter or home
connotative = subjective, implied or emtotional/associated meanig
the emotional meaning people give to a work eg. winter or home
indirect messages vs direct message
direct is explicit clearly states speakers preferences and then ask if the listenera grees
indirect is suggesticve, vague, body langage express thoughts without insutling or offending
abstract vs concrete
Abstract are concepts and ideas that have no physcial dimensions (freedom love happiness equality)
concrete referes to object people etc. perceived throuhg 5 senses
how many drinks, hydrated skin, healthy BP
5 key elements of listening
Verbal commiunication
NV communication
active listening
courtest empathy
We retain>
25% throiugh pattern recognition, differenceing discount sounds that remain the same and filters creates realirty as its what we pay attention to and perceive
Why are we losing our listenting
writing audio and video recording PVR ing
Stages of listening
Receiving focus on speaker V and NV dont think about what you will say next
understanding find what speaker means relate info to what you know ask questions
remebering repeat key conccepts summarize what you remember
evaluating resisty evaluation until you fullyu uinderstand speakers message
responding use i messages resposnses made while speaker is talking i see yes uh uh after ask for clarification challenge agree
surface vs depth
surface is literal meaning vs depth is underlying meaning motive behind what they are saying
responding styles
judgemental/evaluative: decicde if message is right or wrong
advice: we know what the other person needs or should do
questions: we need more info
supportive: we try to be encouraging