Communication & instructional strategies in APA Flashcards
What is the difference between receptive and expressive language?
Receptive language is the comprehension of language - listening and understanding what is being communicated.
Expressive language is putting words together to cohesively express thought.
There is a general societal expectation to be verbal.
What are the different modes of communication?
Verbal, non-verbal, and para-verbal
What is non-verbal communication?
Our body language, posture, and motion of the body. It also includes proxemics (our personal space, including mobility devices) and kinesics (body language).
What is para-verbal communication?
It is not what we say but how we say it! It includes our tone, volume, and cadence.
What are Augmentative and alternative communication (AACs)?
AACs include all forms of communication (other than oral speech) that are used to express thoughts, needs, wants, and ideas. They can be augmentative (augmenting a message, telling you more through some form of tool or facial expressions) or alternative (an alternative way of getting your message across).
What are some examples of high tech AAC options?
Electronic devices that permit the storage and retrieval of messages, often providing speech output. These can be speech generating devices (SGDs) or Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCAs).
What are some examples of low tech AAC options?
Communication tools that do not require batteries, electricity or electronics
Why are visuals important?
Visuals can reduce anxiety, which in turn, reduces challenging behaviors. They can be used to provide several types of support:
* Procedural supports: Show what the process will be, what is coming up, or steps to completion.
* Spatial supports: Show boundaries, targets, distances etc.
* Rule supports: Show how to do things, and what is and is not allowed.
* Temporal supports: Show how much time has passed or how much time is remaining, which can reduce anticipation and anxiety.
What are social stories?
Social stories are a type of visual support. You may want to research more about what social stories are and how they are used.
Why are AACs used for physical activity?
AACs can:
○ Increase understanding of activity requirements
○ Facilitate communication
○ Reduce unpredictability
○ Help transition from one activity or environment to another
○ Provide structure
○ Increase understanding of social requirements
What are some important things to remember when working with an AAC user?
Parents of AAC users want you to:
* Wait and give them a chance (a long one!) to respond
- Model verbs, adjectives, and fun things to say - not just nouns and choices
- Know that they are learning every time you model, even if they seem uninterested
- Respect that using their AAC device to speak is their choice and it shouldn’t be forced
- Understand that the device is their voice, and it should always be within reach – even if they’re choosing not to use it
- Respond to everything the student says as if it is intentional
- Do not turn off the volume or take the device away