Communication Flashcards
Which communication model is called mother of all models?
Shannon and Weaver model
No. of Components in Shannon and Weaver Model?
8 - Source, Encoder, Message, Channel, Decoder, Receiver, Feedback, Noise
Is noise included in Shannon and Weaver model?
Shannon Weaver model is better suited for individual communication than group communication? True or False?
Receiver plays a passive role in Shannon Weaver Model. True or False?
Receiver plays an active role in Shannon Weaver Model. True or False?
The concept of ombudsman was introduced in which country?
In Chain network, information flows in which direction in a company?
Upward and Downward
Which is the most centralized form of communication network?
Under the ___ network, information is transmitted only laterally?
Circle Network
What is the most decentralized form of network called?
All channel
In which network, a subordinate can communicate with his senior as well as a second senior?
Inverted V channel
Which network is also called star network?
Probably wheel network
In what kind of grapevine communication, one person tells the whole group?
Gossip chain
In what kind of grapevine communication, some people tell selected others?
Cluster Chain