Common mistakes 051-100 Flashcards
Felicidades por tu éxito.
Congratulations ON your success. (WRONG: for)
Las montañas están cubiertas de nieve.
The mountains are covered WITH snow. (WRONG: by)
Mi libro es diferente al tuyo.
My book is different FROM yours. (AVOID: than (US); LESS COMMON: to (UK))
Estoy decepcionado contigo.
I’m disappointed [WITH | IN] you. (WRONG: of)
Dividí el pastel en cuatro partes.
I divided the cake INTO four parts. (WRONG: in)
Dividí el pastel en cuatro.
I divided the cake IN four. (WRONG: into)
Estaba vestida con una falda amarilla.
She was dressed IN a yellow skirt. (WRONG: with)
Es una excepción a la regla.
This is an exception TO the rule. (WRONG: of)
Intercambió su colección de cajas de cerillas por algunos sellos extranjeros.
He exchanged his collection of matchboxes FOR some foreign stamps. (WRONG: by)
Mi hermana es buena en matemáticas.
My sister’s good AT maths.
(WRONG: in)
No insistas en eso.
Don’t insist ON that. (WRONG: in)
Pronto se irán a Inglaterra.
They’re leaving for England soon. (WRONG: to)
Robert tomó a su hermano de la mano.
Robert took his brother BY the hand. (WRONG: from)
Es un secreto entre tú y yo.
It’s a secret between you and me. (WRONG: and I)
Un amigo suyo nos contó la noticia.
A friend of his told us the news. (WRONG: of him)
Amelia compró la misma bolsa que yo.
Amelia bought the same bag AS me. (WRONG: than; that)
Como [siempre | de costumbre] (ella) se ve genial.
As usual, she looks great. (WRONG: As usually…)
Al final la encontraron muerta.
In the end, they found her dead. (WRONG: At the end…)
Jugaron bajo la lluvia/sol.
They played IN the rain/sun. (WRONG: under)
Le pregunté a Paul si iba a ir.
I asked Paul WHETHER he was going. (WRONG: if)