Commercial pilot maneuvers Flashcards
Establish the angle of bank at approximately 30°.
Simultaneously apply power and pitch to maintain a smooth, coordinated climbing turn, in
either direction, to the 90° point, with a constant bank and continuously decreasing
Begin a coordinated constant rate rollout from the 90° point to the 180° point maintaining
power and a constant pitch attitude.
Complete rollout at the 180° point, ±10° just above a stall airspeed, and maintaining that
airspeed momentarily avoiding a stall.
Resume a straight-and-level flight with minimum loss of altitude
Lazy eights
Altitude at 180° point, ±100 feet from entry altitude
Airspeed at the 180° point, ±10 knots from entry airspeed
Heading at the 180° point, ±10
Steep spiral
1) Clear the area.
2) Select an altitude sufficient to continue through a series of at least three 360° turns.
3) Establish and maintain a steep spiral, not to exceed 60° angle of bank, to maintain a constant radius about a suitable ground reference point.
4) Apply wind-drift correction to track a constant radius circle around selected reference point with bank not to exceed 60° at steepest point in turn.
3) Divide attention between airplane control, traffic avoidance, and the ground track, while maintaining coordinated flight.
Maintain the specified airspeed, ±10 knots and roll out toward an object or specified
heading, ±10°, and complete the maneuver no lower than 1,500’ AGL.
Eights on pylons
Clear the area.
Determine the approximate pivotal altitude.
Select suitable pylons that will permit straight-and-level flight between the pylons.
Enter the maneuver in the correct direction and position using an appropriate altitude and
Establish the correct bank angle for the conditions, not to exceed 40°.
Apply smooth and continuous corrections so that the line-of-sight reference line remains
on the pylon.
Divide attention between accurate, coordinated airplane control and outside visual
Maintain pylon position using appropriate pivotal altitude, avoiding slips and skids.