Commandments 6 & 9 Vocab Flashcards
sexual activity between 2 person, at least one of whom is married to another
declaration by the Church that a marriage is null and void, it never existed in sacramental union
- divorces must have the marriage annulled by the Church to be free to marry once again
artificial insemination
process by which a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg are united in a manner other than natural sexual intercouse
- separates intercourse from the act of procreation
virtue by which people are able successfully and healthfully to integrate that sexuality into their total person
living together before marriage
the tendency of all human beings toward sin, as a result of Original Sin
the deliberate attempt to interfere with the creation of new life as a result of sexual intercouse
sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not married
something related to the power of producing new life
in-vitro fertilization
fertilization of a woman’s ovum with a man’s sperm outside her body
intense and uncontrolled desire for sexual pleasure
self-manipulation of one’s sexual organs for the purpose of erotic pleasure or to achieve orgasm
maintaining decency, discretion
natural family planning
teaches married couples how to recognize the wife’s fertile periods and practice chaste abstinence during those times to avoid pregnancy
something related to marriage or a marriage ceremony
having more than one spouse
a written description of visual portrayal of a person or action that is created or viewed with the intention of stimulating sexual feelings
act of providing sexual services in exchange for money, drugs ,or other goods
purity of heart
enables us to see the human body as a manifestation of God’s beauty
sexual integrity
your inner & outer life are united; thoughts, words, and actions reflect God’s purpose for the gift of sexuality
surrogate motherhood
medical process in which a woman becomes pregnant through artificial means and delivers a child for someone else
cardinal virtue by which one moderates his or her appetites and passionate to achieve balance in the use of created goods
cardinal virtue by which a person is inclined toward choosing the moral good and avoiding evil
artificial conception
the process by which a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg are united in a manner other than natural sexual intercourse