Commandments 1-3 Vocab Flashcards
one who denies the existence of God; the denial of the existence of God
speaking, acting, or thinking about God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the saints in a way that is irreverent, mocking, or offensive
- sin against the 2nd Commandment
solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made
practice of seeking power or knowledge through supernatural means apart from the one, true God; a sin against the First Commandment
area of Christian faith having to do with the last things: the Last Judgement, the particular judgement, the resurrection g the body, Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory
examination of conscience
prayerful reflection on, and assessment of, one’s words, attitudes, and actions in light of the Gospel of Jesus; more specifically, the conscious moral evaluation of one’s life in preparation for reception of the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation
conscious and deliberate rejection of a dogma of the Church
worship of other beings, creatures, or material goods in a way that is fitting for God alone
- violation of the 1st Commandment
belief in supernatural power that comes from a source other than God
- sin against 1st Commandment
belief in and worship of only one God
group of gods and goddesses worshipped by a particular people or religion
sin of lying while under an oath to tell the truth
- sin against the 2nd Commandment
speaking disrespectfully about something that is sacred or treating with disrespect
- Old Testament: “seventh day” on which God rested after the work of Creation was completed
- Old Law: weekly day of rest to remember God’s work through private prayer and communal worship
- Catholics: Sunday, the day on which Jesus was raised, which we are to observe with participation in the Eucharist in fulfillment of the 3rd Commandment
quality of being holy, worthy of respect and reverence
offense against God; abuse of a person, place, or thing dedicated to God and the worship of Him
buying or selling something spiritual, such as grace, a Sacrament, or a relic; violates the honor of God
attributing to someone or something else a power that belongs to God alone and relying on such powers rather than trusting in God
- sin against the 1st Commandment
commitment to donate a tenth of some other percentage of our income to the Church and other charitable causes
action that shows deep reverence for something sacred
- ex.: on Good Friday, individuals in the assembly venerate the cross by bowing before it or kissing it