Command Operations 201s Flashcards
Life safety.
Special/other factors.
What does “in transit” mean?
The time it takes for a company to reach their assignment area after receiving an order.
Define “on deck”?
A forward staging position located just outside the immediate hazard zone, safely distanced from the entrance of a tactical position/Sector.
On-Deck crews will be supervised either by the Sector Officer or Company Officer and they will remain On-Deck until assigned by the IC or Sector Officer.
The most likely assignments for On-Deck companies are:
• Reinforce a position within an assigned sector
• Crew relief within an assigned sector
• Any other tactical position assigned by the IC
• Rapid intervention crew
The most likely assignments for On-Deck companies are:
- Reinforce a position within an assigned sector
- Crew relief within an assigned sector
- Any other tactical position assigned by the IC
- Rapid intervention crew
201. 01a
On-Deck crews must also size up the area that they are assigned to, this size up should include:
-Locating the structures entrance/exit points in their assigned area
-Interior and exterior conditions
-Unit ID of crews operating inside the structure
-Approximate location of interior crews
-Identify which crews are operating each hose line
When an On-Deck crew is used as a relief crew, the Company Officer should do a face to face and transfer information with the officer exiting the structure. The information transferred should include:
-Interior conditions
-Routing instructions to the work area
-Interior obstructions
-Additional tools/resources required
-Sector objectives
The Tactical Objectives (listed in order of priority) are:
A.Remove endangered occupants and treat the injured.
B. Stabilize the incident and provide for life safety.
C. Conserve property.
D. Provide for the safety, accountability, and welfare of personnel. (This priority is
ongoing throughout the incident.)
What are The Eight Basic Functions of Command?
1.Assume, confirm, position command.
2.Situation evaluation “size up”.
3.Initiate, maintain, and control the communications process.
4.Deployment management.
5.Identify strategy / Develop an incident Action plan.
6.Incident organization.
7.Review, evaluation, and revision (as needed).
8.Continuing, transferring, and terminating Command.
Quickly establish and confirm a single IC and place that individual in the most effective initial – command position.
What is Assume, confirm and position command.
Is a systematic process consisting of the rapid, yet deliberate, consideration of all critical incident factors.
What is Situation evaluation “size up”.
To provide and manage a steady,
adequate, timely stream of appropriate resources.
What is Deployment management.
Use a systematic method to make basic strategy decisions, and to develop and
initiate a tactical incident action plan.
What is Identify strategy / Develop an incident Action plan.
Develop an effective incident organization
using the sector system to decentralize and delegate Geographic and
functional responsibility.
What is Incident organization.
Confirm that the
current strategy adequately provides for the safety of the workers
What is Review, evaluation, and revision.
Provide the
required duration of command necessary to complete the tactical priorities, to standardize how command is transferred and upgraded.
What is Continuing, transferring, and terminating Command.
These situations where no problem is visible, generally require investigation by the initial arriving company while other units remain in level one staging?
What is Nothing Showing - Investigative Mode.
Examples of Fast-action mode situations(fire) include:
-Transitional fire attacks.
-Coordinated offensive fire attacks (especially in marginal situations).
-Critical life safety situations (i.e. rescue) must be achieved in a compressed time.
-Any incident where the safety and welfare of fire fighters is a major concern.
-Obvious working incidents that require further investigation by the Company Officer.
-Lower crew experience level.
What are some options for the crew of the IC who has taken a stationary command?
- May “move up” within the Company and place the Company into action with two or three members.
- May assign the crew members to work under the supervision of another Company Officer.
- 01
What is JHA?
Jurisdiction having authority.
When an incident is so large or of such duration that State or Federal resources are called to assist, an _ may be assigned to manage these resources?
Incident Management Team (IMT).
What is the information needed for a transfer of command?
General situation status:
-Incident conditions (fire location and extent, Hazmat spill or release, number of patients, etc.)
-Incident Management Plan.
-Completion of the Tactical Objectives.
-Safety considerations.
-Deployment and assignments of operating companies and personnel.
-Appraisals of need for additional resources.
Command should consider adding a command officer to any sector with _ or more operating companies.
If a higher ranking Officer wants to affect a change in the management of an incident, he/she must?
First be on the scene of the incident, and then follow the Transfer of Command procedure.
The benefits of an upgraded Command Post(CP) include:
- Provides IC #2 with a Support Officer
- Establishes an Incident Safety Officer (FIT) (ISO)
- IC #2 has a wider view of the fireground
- Improves communication
- Creates a lighted, warm (or cool), and dry environment for IC #2 to operate in.
201. 01
What is the Role and Responsibilities of the Support Officer?
-Define, evaluate, and recommend changes to the incident action plan.
-Provide direction relating to tactical priorities and specific critical fireground
-Become the Incident Safety Officer
-Evaluate the need for additional resources.
-Assign logistics responsibilities.
-Assist with the tactical worksheet for control and accountability.
-Evaluate the fireground organization and span of control.
-Other duties as necessary.
This organizational level is designed around the IC and Command Team, operating in the Command Mode, and working out of a stationary command post. The strategic level involves the activities necessary for overall operational control, considering critical fireground factors and risk management plan to determine the strategy and develop an IAP, establishing objectives, managing the strategy, setting priorities, allocating resources, and thinking ahead. Strategic Level responsibilities include:
Strategic level.
• Determining the appropriate strategy: OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE
• Establishing a strategic plan for the incident.
• Setting priorities.
• Obtaining and allocating resources.
• Predicting outcomes and planning.
• Assigning specific objectives to tactical level units.
The first management “subdivision” of incident scene organization is accomplished by assigning Sector (Division or Group) responsibilities. Sector officers are responsible for the tactical deployment of assigned resources, evaluation, and communication with the IC. They are assigned by the IC and supervise directly at the site of the assigned activity in order to meet the operational objectives given to them by the IC.
Tactical level.
The level of the organization where the work is performed by assigned companies and other resources.
Task level.
The Strategic and Tactical levels are in place to support the task level. Task level activities are routinely supervised by Company Officers. The accumulated achievements of Task Level activities accomplish Tactical Objectives.
What is the maximum number of Sectors that an IC can effectively manage?
The span of control is usually five sectors and should never exceed seven sectors.
When the number of Sectors exceeds the span of control that the Incident Commander can effectively manage:
The Incident Organization should be divided to Branches.
Utilizing Sectors provides the following advantages:
• Reduces the IC’s span of control – divides the incident scene into more manageable units.
• Creates more effective incident scene communications – permits the IC to exchange information with a limited number of individuals (Sector Officers) who directly supervise teams of firefighters. This reduces overall radio traffic by allowing firefighters and sector officers to communicate face to face instead of by radio.
• Provides a standard and logical system to divide large geographical incidents into effectively sized units – allows the IC to concentrate on strategy from one standard command post location.
• Provides an array major support functions – these are to be selected and assigned according to the particular needs of each situation. The execution and details of these specific operations becomes the responsibility of the sector officer, not command.
• Improves firefighter safety – allows each sector officer to maintain more direct control of the position and function of the companies assigned to their sectors at all times. Sector officers concentrate on their assigned areas and are in a position to move personnel based on incident conditions and the IC’s decisions.
When referencing large scale events ___ ____ is the support mechanism for the organization.
Logistic Section.
Logistics provides services and support systems to all the organizational components involved in the incident. Command may assign the Logistics Section its own radio channel. The Logistic Section Officer may establish Sectors or branches for his/her section as needed.
When referencing large scale events ___ ____ is responsible for gathering, assimilating, analyzing, and processing information needed for effective decision-making.
Planning Section.
Planning Section is responsible for gathering, assimilating, analyzing, and processing information needed for effective decision-making. Planning initiates the planning cycle if the incident will move to subsequent operational periods and informs all other Command staff of the planning cycle’s timing. Information management is a full-time task at large and complex incidents. The Planning Section serves as the Incident Commander’s “clearing house” for information. This allows the Incident Commander to have a single person provide him/her with information instead of having to deal with dozens of information sources.
When referencing large scale events ___ ____ is responsible for the tactical priorities, accountability, safety and welfare of the personnel working.
Operations Section.
Operations Section is responsible for the tactical priorities, accountability, safety and welfare of the personnel working in the Operations Section. The Operations Section Officer uses the tactical radio channel to communicate strategic and specific objectives to Sector Officers and/or Branch Officers.
Once the Operations Officer is in place and functioning, the Incident Commander’s focus should be on the strategic issues, overall strategic planning and other components of the incident. This focus is to look at the “big picture” and the impact of the incident from a broad perspective. The Incident Commander should provide direction, advice and guidance to the Operations Officer in directing the tactical aspects of the incident.
When referencing large scale events ____ ___ evaluates and manages the risk and financial requirements for the Fire Department’s involvement in the incident.
Administration Sector.
In large events that require EOC activation. Who is the contact inside the command post?
Administration Section.
The Emergency Power Outage Plan (EPOP) can be implemented when the heat stress factor (temperature and humidity) exceeds 105 or extremely cold temperatures below 34 degrees. This activation may be initiated at the discretion of:
The Duty Chief, any Senior Staff or Command Officer.
Incident Command System (ICS) and Unified Command shall be utilized within the EOC in order be effective and efficient in domestic incident management. The EOC staff will work within one of five functional areas that include:
• Command Team o City Manager o Police Chief o Fire Chief o PIO o Deputy City Manager • Operations • Planning • Logistics • Finance and Administration 201.02 4/4
The hot zone will be defined as:
Any area that requires an SCBA, a charged hose line and protective clothing or in which a firefighter is at risk of becoming lost, trapped, or injured by the environment or structure. This would include entering a structure reported to be on fire, operating in close proximity to the structure during exterior operations, confined space or trench rescue, etc.
A personnel accountability report (PAR) will be required for the following situations:
-Any report of a missing or trapped firefighter (Command initiates a PAR of all crews on the scene).
-Any change from offensive to defensive (Command initiates a PAR of all crews on the scene).
-Any sudden hazardous event at the incident - flash over, backdraft, collapse, May Day, etc. (a PAR is initiated by Command).
-By all crew(s) reporting an “all clear” (Company Officers of crews responsible for search and rescue will ensure they have a PAR for their crews at the time they report an all clear).
-At every 30 minutes of elapsed time.
-At a report of fire under control.
-Any time Command feels it is necessary.
The term “May-Day” will be reserved ONLY to report lost or trapped firefighters. The term “_____ _____” will be used to report other emergencies.
Emergency traffic.
The term “May-Day” typically will be used in the following situations:
• By the member who is lost, trapped, or in trouble.
• By the company officer, sector officer, or another member who cannot account for an assigned firefighter who is operating in the hazard zone.
• The “May-Day” would generally occur following a PAR report that fails to locate/account for the suspected lost member.
• By a member who witnesses or has confirmed that a firefighter is lost or in trouble.
When theres a report of a missing or trapped FF, several things must be done. The first five (5) must be accomplished very rapidly. What are they?
1.Emergency traffic.
Immediately upon a report of a missing or trapped firefighter “Emergency Traffic” tones will be sounded to alert all personnel working on the fireground of the situation. Following the emergency traffic tone, “May Day” will be announced to alert all operating units of a lost or trapped firefighter (example: “We have a ‘May-Day’ in West Sector.”).
- Change the plan to a high priority rescue effort.
The incident Commander must restructure the plan to include a high priority firefighter rescue effort. A rapid, well thought out, rescue plan must be developed, and the Command organization may be expanded. The plan and objectives must be communicated to other Command staff and sector officers for implementation. - Immediately request additional alarms.
At least one additional alarm should be immediately requested including a medical component. Additional multiple alarms may be requested based on circumstances and potential. Level two staging should be implemented. Early consideration should be given to heavy equipment resources and TRT assistance in structural collapses.
4.Fireground accountability.(PAR)
A Personnel Accountability Report (PAR) must be immediately requested from all companies operating on the fireground. This is especially important in situations of structural collapse. Command cannot develop an effective rescue plan until accurate information is available on the number of missing firefighters, their identity, their last reported work area, and which companies are affected.
5.Commit the RIC crew.
Command will immediately send the rapid intervention crew(s) (RIC) to the most appropriate location to initiate search and rescue efforts (typically the last reported work area). The RIC team will be designated as “Rescue Sector” and coordinate activities at that location. Additional available resources in staging may also be committed to rescue efforts. Teams making entry will receive Rescue Team designations (i.e. Rescue Team One, Two, etc.)
When should IRIC be implemented?
It shall be implemented at all “working” interior structural fires beyond the incipient stage and other incidents where fire department members are subject to hazards that would be immediately dangerous to life and/or health in the event of an equipment failure, sudden change of conditions, or mishap.
Examples of special hazards include, but are not limited to:
• Offensive fire Operations (assumed to be IDLH)
• Hazardous Materials Incidents (IDLH, potential IDLH, or unknown atmosphere)
• Trench Rescue
• Confined Space Rescue (assumed to be IDLH)
• Any other incident having significant risk
What are Standard Exceptions to RIC Requirement at Structure Fires?
-When there is a life hazard where immediate action could prevent the loss of life.
-When the fire is in an incipient stage that could be controlled by a portable fire extinguisher.
When can RIC(Rescue Sector) stand down?
After the declaration of fire under control AND
PAR’s have been obtained from all crews.
Lobby sector will be established on:
All High rise fires, hazardous materials, confined space, trench rescue, water rescue, structural collapse, and any other incident where control of access is critical.
A Lobby Sector is used to control access to a building or area during fires, hazardous materials incidents, rescue operations or any other situation where it is necessary to control and maintain accountability for the entry and exit of personnel.
During large scale evacuations. Who gets evacuated first?
First the ones in greatest risk followed by the greatest concentration.
When evacuating residents, what are the standard evacuation instructions?
-There is an emergency.
-You are in danger.
-Leave immediately.
-Go to shelter (location).
-Take (_______) route out of area.
-Do you need transportation?
• Evacuees should be advised to take the following items:
• Wallet/purse
• House and car keys
• Money
• Eyeglasses
• Medications
• Proper/warm clothing
• Family pet
The decision to return evacuees to their homes is made by who?
The Incident Commander unless the EOC is established and then the EOC staff make that decision.
When to summon additional resources:(read only)
• An actual or potential fire situation exists and the life hazard exceeds the rescue EMS capabilities of initial alarm companies.
• The number, location and condition of actual victims exceeds the rescue/removal/treatment capabilities of companies.
• An actual or potential fire situation exists and the property protection demand (both internal and external) exceeds the fire control capabilities of initial alarm companies.
• Fire conditions become more severe or the situation deteriorates significantly.
• All companies have been committed and the fire is not controlled.
• Forces are depleted due to exhaustion or injury or are trapped or missing: Command must forecast the effect the fire will have on personnel and provide for the support of such personnel in advance.
• Command runs out of some resources (people, apparatus, water, equipment, command, etc.).
• There is evidence of significant fire, but companies are unable to determine location and extent.
• The commitment of companies is not effective.
• Companies cannot effectively perform early loss control operations.
• Situation becomes so widespread/complex that Command can no longer effectively “cope”–the situation requires larger command organization and more sector functions.
• The weather is or has the potential to have a particularly exhausting effect on resources.
• Command instinctively feels the need to summon additional resources– (don’t disregard fireground hunches).
When should air ambulances be considered?
When time and distance affect ground transportation time, sufficient ambulances are unavailable, or when patients are in locations inaccessible to ground units.
During major incidents, Command may request to have the surrounding airspace restricted to avoid interference with emergency operations. Who does he contact?
The FAA Flight Service Station.
A Bambi Buckets can hold from __ to __ gallons of water.
67 to 96.
The Phoenix Police Air Unit has the ability to put two Bambi Buckets in service and are available to respond to brush fires to provide aerial water drop capability. The Mesa Police Department has the ability to put one Bambi Bucket in service.
The buoy wall tanks will hold either __ or __ gallons of water.
3,000 or 4,000 gallons.
The Phoenix Fire Department currently has four buoy wall tanks. Mesa Fire Department has one buoy wall.
The engine company assigned to the landing zone sector will assist the water tender driver with set up and filling the buoy wall tank. The buoy wall must be set up in a large flat area clear of overhead obstruction. Place one or two salvage covers on the ground to protect the bottom of the tank. Buoy wall tanks fill from the bottom only.
Apparatus must be kept at least 150’ to the side of the flight path of helicopters dipping the tank.
When can foam concentrate be added to a buoy wall tank?
When its one foot from the top.
How far should apparatus be kept to the side of the flight path of helicopters dipping in the buoy tank?
At least 150 feet.
Helicopters are restricted from flying over occupied structures with any external load. Roadways may be closed and used as flight Paths.
What are considered “Special Use” helicopters operations:
- External load (sling loads, longlines, water bucket, etc.) -Hover sites (low-level hovering)
- Helicopter rappelling (insertions and extraction’s)
- Flights conducted below 500 feet above ground level (AGL)
- Helicopter operations around a fire perimeter
- Single skid landings
- Any takeoff or landing requiring special pilot technique due to terrain, obstacles, or surface condition.
201. 07
“Special Use” helicopter operations shall only be performed by?
Certified Police Department pilots and Fire Department Technical Rescue Technicians.
The designation for the Mesa Police Department Helicopters?
Falcon is the designation for the Mesa Police Department Helicopters. The designations “Falcon 3,4” will be used to identify these helicopters on an incident. These Helicopters can provide aerial reconnaissance, brush fire fighting operations, Transportation, or special use operations.
The designation for a helicopter operating under the direction of the Phoenix Fire Department?
Firebird is the designation for helicopters operating under the direction of the Phoenix Fire Department. This includes Phoenix Police helicopters providing aerial reconnaissance, brush fire fighting operations, transportation, or special use operations. The designations “Firebird 1,2,3” etc., will be used to identify different helicopters in use on any one incident.
The designation for the helicopter operating under the direction of the Department of Public Safety?
Ranger 41.
Ranger 41 is the designation for the helicopter operating under the direction of the Department of Public Safety. This unit is staffed with one DPS officer/pilot, one DPS officer/paramedic, and one Phoenix Fire paramedic. R-41 has capabilities for emergency medical transportation and aerial reconnaissance transportation of manpower and equipment.
The designation for MCSO helicopter operating under the direction of the Maricopa county sheriffs office.
Fox is the designation for MCSO helicopter operating under the direction of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s office. Fox #1 is a Bell 407 with TRT capabilities. Fox #2 does not have TRT capabilities. Both have “Bambi” bucket capabilities.
What are the landing zone parameters?
-The zone must be relatively flat and free of obstructions for an area of at least 100’ X 100’ for each helicopter.
-All spectators, vehicle traffic (including emergency vehicles) and animals must be kept a minimum of 200’ away from the landing zone.
-In the center of the landing zone, a 60’ X 60’ “touch down” area shall be identified with appropriate visual markers. The individual communicating with the pilot shall stand at the front right corner (as seen by the pilot) of the touch down area. A visual check should be made for overhead wires, poles, towers, and similar obstructions. Any obstructions noted must be communicated to the pilot before he/she is committed. The pilot can then assess the obstruction.
Surface selection for a landing zone in order of preference:
- Concrete
- Asphalt
- Grass
- Compacted dirt (lightly moistened to control dust)
- Dry, loose dirt/sand (heavily moistened to control dust)
A timely and efficient means of air replacement and re- hydration (replenishment) of companies while maintaining their sector assignment.
• Place the responsibility for Incident Command on a certain individual through a standard identification system, depending on the arrival sequence of members, companies, and Command officers.
• Ensure that a strong, direct, and visible Command will be established from the onset of the incident.
• Establish an effective incident organization defining the activities and responsibilities assigned to the Incident Commander and the other individuals operating within the Incident Command System.
• Provide a system to process information to support incident management, planning, and decision making.
• Provide a system for the orderly transfer of Command to subsequent arriving officers.
Use approved nomenclature for companies, sectors, and branches. Stay calm and use a controlled voice. Use the communications order model to keep all communications clear.
Initiate, maintain and control the communication process.
The first arriving fire department unit initiates the command process by giving an initial radio report.
The Radio Report shall include:
- Unit designation of the unit arriving on the scene.
- A brief description of the incident situation,(i.e.building size, occupancy, hazmat release, multi-vehicle accident, etc.).
- Obvious conditions (working fire hazmat spill,multiple patients,etc.)
Recommend using Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta to describe side fire is showing. - Brief description of action taken (360recon,TransitionalAttack, investigating, triage report to follow, etc.).
- Declaration of strategy (for structural fires this would be declaring an offensive, or defensive mode).
- Any obvious safety concerns.
- Assumption and identification of Command.
- Assume & announce accountability location.
9.Follow up with second arriving unit to compliment actions taken.
During offensive fires ___ companies represents a reasonable maximum span of control for a Sector Officer. During defensive fires ____ companies represents a reasonable maximum span of control.
5 and 7.
Sector Officers will be responsible for the following basic functions:(Read only)
A. Directly supervise work in the sector.
B. Monitor personnel safety, accountability, and welfare.
C. Develop a sector IAP that integrates with the overall IAP.
D. Monitor work progress.
E. Redirect activities as necessary.
F. Coordinate actions with related activities, and adjacent Sectors.
G. Monitor welfare of Sector personnel.
H. Request additional resources as needed (on-deck crews etc.).
I. Manage Maydays within the Sector.
J. Advise the IC of situation status, changing conditions, progress, completion, and exception reports.
K. Re-allocate resources within the Sector
L. Provide information for both formal and informal After Action Reviews(critiques).
M. De-commit companies as operations are completed.
The power companies generally experience two types of power outages:
• Local Outages Such as wires or poles down, pole fires or transformer problems, which usually affect a local area.
• Feeder Outages Such as damage or problems at one of their electrical substations or major distribution lines. Feeder outages will normally cause a larger area to be without power.
When should the EOC be opened?(Read only)
The EOC should be opened during large catastrophic events that require a coordinating team of department heads working together to solve city problems. Large multi-jurisdictional and/or multi-disciplined events that extend beyond our city borders, or, into our city borders from other communities. Examples of possible uses of the EOC are as follows;
• Large fires that require multi-jurisdictional response (Conflagration)
• Hazmat incidents that threaten the citizens of Mesa or neighboring
• Mass casualty incidents
• Terrorism or terror related event
• Floods, tornados, microburst or other weather related catastrophes
• Power failures causing black outs, rolling black outs or power disruption for extended periods of time.
• Any event the on-scene incident commander, from police or fire, determines the need to establish an EOC
• Anytime a neighboring community, county or state request the city open its EOC to support their operations.
Each Company Officer will be responsible for ensuring that the ________ and electronic roster always reflects only currently assigned personnel. When entering a hot zone with a partial crew (i.e., engineer remains at the engine to pump lines), the Company Officer must remove name tags of those members not entering the hot zone. The name tags of these members may be returned to the member, placed on the Company Officer’s helmet velcro strip or placed in his/her coat pocket.
Passport. They measure 8x11.
Passport implementation should consider the following basic rules of thumb:
• PASSPORTS never enter the hot zone.
• PASSPORTS must be maintained at the point of entry to the hot zone.
• PASSPORTS must reflect only those personnel presently in the hot zone.
• Crews must turn in their PASSPORTS upon entering and must retrieve their PASSPORTS upon exit from the hot zone.
Implementation of the Passport system will occur at any incident that requires the use of a ____?
Multi-story or high-rise incidents present only a minor modification in the standard approach to PASSPORT accountability.(Read only)
• The first engine to each geographic side of the incident remains the accountability location.
• First-in crews that are parked in very close proximity (50 feet) of the first engine may leave their PASSPORTS on the apparatus.
• Companies parking a greater distance away will deliver their PASSPORTS to the accountability location and place the PASSPORTS on the status board of the accountability engine.
• Once a lobby sector is established all crews reporting to the building will deliver their PASSPORTS to the lobby sector.
• The lobby sector will be responsible for collecting the PASSPORTS of the initial companies as soon as possible (may use incoming crews reporting to the building to pick them up).
• Once the Resource Sector is established, the Resource Sector Officer will collect the PASSPORTS of all crews assigned to fire combat positions. The Resource Sector will assign Accountability Officers at each point of entry to stairwells, etc.
• PASSPORTS for crews assigned to the lobby sector or any support sectors within the building (non-hot zone crews) will be maintained by the Sector Officers.
PASSPORT accountability will be maintained through a report of “____ _____ _____” at which time a PAR for all crews must be obtained. Command will determine at that time, based on the situation and risk, as to whether to continue with the PASSPORT system. If visibility is still impaired or a significant hazardous condition still exists, Command may choose to extend the PASSPORT system further.
Fire under control.
If RIC units are needed to respond to a sudden emergency, in which the Sector Officer is incapacitated (physically or emotionally), the ____ ______ ______ will assume sector responsibilities for the area in which the emergency exists. Rescue Sector should coordinate their activities with the involved sector to maximize the rescue operation.
RIC Company Officer.
For high-rise fires, RICs will be assigned to standby positions in the _______ _____ location, or other appropriate location(s). A secondary standby location may be in the ______ ______ location.
Resource Sector and Lobby Sector.
The items to be included in each RIC-SCBA Kit are as follows:(Read only)
TOOL BAG • Small Bolt Cutter • Mini Strobe Light (2) • Flashlight (2) • Cyalume Light Stick (10) • Door Straps (4) • Rescue Loops (4) • Door Ease/Wedges (4) • Patient Transfer Sheet • Utility Knife • Flex Cuffs (10) • Trauma Shears • Phillips Head Screwdriver • Straight Head Screwdriver • Sprinkler Wedges (4) • Channel Lock Pliers • Cable Cutter • Slip Joint Pliers • Linemans Pliers • Needle Nose Pliers • Wire Cutter
SCBA KIT • 4500 PSI SCBA Bottle • Universal SCBA Refill Hose • SCBA Face Piece and Regulator 201.04 6/6
Safety sector.
On larger events that may span more than one operational period The Support Sector Officer is assigned under the _____ Section Officer as a part of our Incident Command System.
In some situations, in-place sheltering can be used to protect the public rather than to initiate an evacuation. In-place sheltering can be considered during the following circumstances:(Read only)
• The hazardous material has been identified as having a low or moderate level of health risk.
• The material has been released from its container and is now dissipating.
• Leaks can be controlled rapidly and before evacuation can be completed.
• Exposure to the product is expected to be short-term and of low health risk.
• The public can be adequately protected by staying indoors.
Site evacuation:
Site evacuation involves a small number of citizens. This typically includes workers at the site and people from adjacent occupancies or areas. The citizens are easily evacuated and collected upwind at the perimeter area. Evacuation holding times are typically short, generally less than an hour or two, and citizens are permitted to return to their businesses or homes.
Intermediate level evacuation:
The Intermediate Level involves larger numbers of citizens and/or affects a larger area. This level affects off-site homes and businesses and normally affects fewer than 100 people. People may remain out of the area for two to four hours or more. Evacuation completion times will be somewhat longer than a site evacuation, but generally rapid. Collecting, documenting and controlling the evacuees becomes more difficult. Off-site collection sites or shelter areas will need to be determined and managed. Some evacuees will leave the area on their own or be sent home by employers. Site perimeters become larger and perimeter security requires more resources. Close coordination with the Police Department and other agencies will be required.
Large scale evacuation:
A large or concentrated release of a hazardous substance may cause a large-scale evacuation. Thousands of citizens could be evacuated. Rapid initiation of the evacuation process may be required. Evacuees may be out of their homes and businesses for many hours if not days. Evacuation completion time frames will be extended. Evacuation shelters will need to be located, opened and managed. Documentation and tracking of evacuees becomes more important as well as more difficult. Very close coordination with the police and other agencies will be required. Site and evacuation perimeters become extended and require more resources. Security of the evacuated area is always a concern. The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be activated to support the evacuation and site operations.
Once long-term sheltering is identified, per ESF #8 COM ____ ___ ______Department will manage shelters.
Parks and Recs.
For large-scale evacuations or evacuations lasting more than one operational period. Which is?
12 hours.
In other situations, where immediate and rapid evacuation makes door-to-door
notification impossible, use the following notification method:(Read only)
• Use three (3) five-second blasts of the siren while on the “YELP” setting.
• Follow with the standard evacuation instruction over PA system (see instructions above).
• Use maximum volume on PA system.
• Proceed slowly to maximize notification.
• Initiate notification at the beginning of each block and each 50 yards after that.
The ___ _____ will act as the on-duty Public Information Officer (PIO) and will be responsible for the management of public information on the fireground.
CRV Captain.
As soon as practical, after basic rescue and fire operations are extended, Command may establish an Information Sector. The effective establishment of this sector will relieve the CRV Captain (PIO) of the need to deal directly with the media during critical command stages and will provide the standard information the media will require to accurately report the situation.
Radio designation will be “Information Sector.”
The Information Sector Officer should station himself/herself in a readily visible and accessible location adjacent to the Incident Command Post to meet and provide information for media personnel. This location will be marked by a green light.
Survivor Action Team:(Read only)
The Incident Commander also coordinates the activities of the Survivor Action Team. The Survivor Action Team will consist of a number of personnel assigned to handle specific aspects of the funeral arrangements and to assist the surviving family.
These assignments will be made by the Assistant Chief of Human & Medical Services and include:
FAMILY LIAISON OFFICER - on-call to the surviving family 24 hours per day as a logistical contact. Provides transportation for family and maintains constant communication with the Incident Commander.
HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICER- Coordinate activities and information with hospital staff and Welfare Sector.
FUNERAL OFFICER - provides coordination and interaction with:
1) The Funeral Home Director;
2) The Minister and church to arrange the funeral services;
3) The agency responsible for the cemetery.
PROCESSION OFFICER - arranges and directs the funeral procession.
ON-DUTY BATTALION CHIEF - provides interaction and coordination with Procession Officer.
SUPERINTENDENT FROM RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - provides necessary support functions.
LABOR REPRESENTATIVE - makes notification to and assists with activities of pallbearers, honorary pallbearers, ushers, lodging, meals, and special needs.
PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFCER - provides information to the media and prepares public announcements.
The following are considered “Special Use” helicopters operations:(Read only)
External load (sling loads, longlines, water bucket, etc.)
Hover sites (low-level hovering)
Helicopter rappelling (insertions and extraction’s)
Flights conducted below 500 feet above ground level (AGL)
Helicopter operations around a fire perimeter
Single skid landings
Any takeoff or landing requiring special pilot technique due to terrain, obstacles, or surface condition.
“Special Use” of helicopters are activities that require pilots and rescuers to use certified technical rescue skills to affect the rescue of a patient or patients who are in critical condition or life-threatening situations. These high-risk operations can pose a serious threat to the life safety of both patients and rescuers.
Prior to initiating any rescue operation that required the “Special Use” of a helicopter, a risk benefit analysis will be completed by Technical Sector Officer (T.S.O), Police pilot, and Command.
“Special Use” landing zones are defined as any landing zone where the pilot cannot land and shut down power to the aircraft. “Special Use” landing zones are technical by nature and shall be staffed by members of the Technical Rescue Team at both the base and off-site landing zones
Unless approved by the Chief of ______ _______, Fire personnel should not fly with pilots or in aircraft that have not been approved and appropriately carded. If Command has a concern about the ability of the pilot or the overall safety of the operation, Command should stop the operation immediately.
Special Operations.
Incident command system never _____
The command team consists of: ________
Support Officer
Senior Advisor