comm journey 2 Flashcards
What is the aim of social marketing?
improve health, prevent injuries, protect the environment, contribute to communities, and enhance financial well being. Concerned with making the world a better place.
What 5 things does social marketing aim to do?
Injury Prevention
Social Marketing Behavioral Focus
Accept a new behavior
Reject a potentially undesirable behavior
Modify a current behavior
Abandon an old undesirable behavior
Value Exchange
the perceived benefits of performing a behavior
Results from continuous montioring and subsequent changes to improve program
4 Ps of Marketing
Steps to campaign success
Define situation. Benefits and barriers
Analyze and segment audience
Establish goals
Select dissemination strategy
Design messages
Pilot messages w/ priority messages
Implement campaign
Evaluate campaign
Why campaigns fail
Unrealistic expectations
Poor evaluation techniques
Lack of theory
Inadequate exposure
Cultivation theory
Media exposure shapes perceptions over a long period of time and is a stable part of lifestyle.
Iceberg analogy
Argues that heavy media exposure creates an exaggerated belief in a mean and scary world.
Media exposure and cultivation theory
According to Shrum’s study, Media Exposure may not change attitudes but makes them stronger.
Priming theory
When people witness, read, or hear of an event via the mass media, ideas having a similar meaning are activated, and that these thoughts in turn can activate other semantically, related ideas and action tendencies.
Jo and Berkowitz (1994) predict for a short period of time after a violent stimuli, a viewer will be inclined to…
Hostile thoughts
Justify aggressive acts
Be inclined to behave aggressively
Agenda Setting Hypothesis
The agenda-setting hypothesis asserts that attention given to issues by the media influences the public’s perceptions of the importance of issues. News Media sets the agenda, tells us what to think about.
Suggests that media not only sets agenda but selects, emphasizes, excludes and elaborates on particular elements of the news story.
Tells us what to think and how to think.
Entertainment Education
Prosocial messages embedded in popular entertainment media content
Narrative involvement/Transportation
A “convergent process, where all mental systems and capacities become focused on events occurring in the narrative.”