Combos Flashcards
Common preflop hand types:
Pocket pairs - Combos? (AA)
Unpaired Hand - Combos? (KQ)
Unpaired & Suited - Combos? (98s)
Unpaired & Unsuited - Combos? (42o)
Pocket pairs - 6
Unpaired Hand - 16
Unpaired & Suited - 4
Unpaired & Unsuited - 12
How many Combos AKo?
How many Combos AKs?
How many Combos TT?
How many Combos 66?
How many Combos T2o?
How many Combos T9o?
How many Combos A5s?
How many Combos A9o?
Tight 3% range [AA-JJ,AKs,AKo]
What is the total combos in this range?
Total combos = 40
Tight 7% range [AA-77,AKs-A9s,AKo-AQo]
What is the total combos in this range?
Total combos 92
Tight 10% range [AA-77,AKs-A8s,KQs-KJs,QJs,AKo-AJo,KQo]
What is the total combos in this range?
Total combos 132
Tight 5% range [QQ-77,AKs-ATs,KQs,JTs,T9s,98s]
What is the total combos in this range?
Total combos 68
Wider ranges 14%
Pairs - AA-55,,
Upaired Broadway draws - AKs-ATs, KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs, AKo-AJo,KQo, JTs
Straight & Flush draws - A5s-A2s,,-J9s,T9s,98s,87s,76s,]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 60
Unpaired broadway hands = 88
Straight and flush drawing hands = 36
Other = 0
Total combos in this range = 184
Wider ranges 13% [AA-TT,AKs-A2s,KQs-K6s,QJs-Q8s,AKo-AJo,KQo]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 30
Unpaired broadway hands = 84
Straight and flush drawing hands = 28
Other = 28
Total combos in this range = 170
Wider ranges 18% [AA-TT,AKs-A2s,KQs-K4s,QJs-Q7s,JTs,AKo-ATo,KQo-KTo,QJo]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 30
Unpaired broadway hands = 136
Straight and flush drawing hands = 28
Other = 40
Total combos in this range = 234
Wider ranges 12% [88-22,A9s-A6s,KTs-K7s,QJs-Q8s,JTs-J8s,T9s-T7s,98s-97s,87s-86s,76s-75s,65s-64s,54s-53s,43s]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 42
Unpaired broadway hands = 16
Straight and flush drawing hands = 76
Other = 24
Total combos in this range = 158
Wider ranges 19% [AA-22,AKs-A2s,KQs-KTs,QJs-QTs,JTs-J9s,T9s-T8s,98s-97s,87s,76s,65s,54s,AKo-ATo,KQo]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 78
Unpaired broadway hands = 100
Straight and flush drawing hands = 52
Other = 16
Total combos in this range = 246
Wider ranges 27% [AA-22,AKs-A2s,KQs-K6s,QJs-Q7s,JTs-J7s,T9s-T7s,98s-97s,87s-86s,76s-75s,65s,54s,AKo-ATo,KQo-KTo,QJo-QTo,JTo]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 78
Unpaired broadway hands = 160
Straight and flush drawing hands = 84
Other = 32
Total combos in this range = 354
Wider ranges 14% [AA-TT,AKs-ATs,A5s-A2s,KQs-KTs,AKo-ATo,A5o-A4o,KQo-KTo]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 30
Unpaired broadway hands = 112
Straight and flush drawing hands = 16
Other = 24
Total combos in this range = 182
Wider ranges 48% [AA-22,AKs-A2s,KQs-K2s,QJs-Q2s,JTs-J5s,T9s-T6s,98s-96s,87s-85s,76s-74s,65s-64s,54s-53s,43s,AKo-A2o,KQo-K7o,QJo-Q9o,JTo-J9o,T9o-T8o,98o,87o]
Break down the combos of each starting hand type.
Pocket pair = 78
Unpaired broadway hands = 160
Straight and flush drawing hands = 112
Other = 280
Total combos in this range = 630
Number of total combinations
of two-pair combos
of pocket pair combos
of pair+kicker combos
of unpaired combos
of any two specific unsuited combos
Of a possible 169 starting hands what are the number of combos for these %Forms?
1/10 -10% - 1/4 - 25% - 1/3 - 33% - 1/2 - 50% - 2/3 - 67% - 3/4 - 75% - ALL - 100% -
10% = 133 Combos 25% = 332 Combos 33% = 438 Combos 50% = 663 Combos 67% = 888 Combos 75% = 995 Combos ALL = 1326 Combos