Aggression Poker Quiz Flashcards
1 You bet $50 into a $75 pot. What is the immediate breakeven percentage of your bet?
Risk / (Risk + Reward)
$50 / (50 + $125) = 40%
2 You think the SB would 3bet you with a 12% range of hands.
If you think they would only give your 4bet action with QQ+/AK, is this an outright +EV 4bet?
Given your Ace blocker, they would give your 4bet action about 18% of the time. Your size requires folds about 64% of the time (using the same BE%
formula in Question #1) and you anticipate folds about 82% of the time. Fire away!
- Which range of hands would you squeeze with here?
There are multiple answers pos-sible here due to the subjectivity in player types. For instance,
I would personally squeeze a range with about 50% value hands and 50% bluffs.
My assumption is that EP3 will open many hands that will fold facing pressure from OOP. I also think a weak reg is likely to fold hands like 33, 87s, etc. often against a squeeze. I still like to maintain value hands in my range since one or both of them will fight back at some point.
That being said, with different stack sizes or range/frequency assumptions, the number of bluffs I add into my range will change quickly.
4 Would you consider TT to be a ‘value’ squeeze there?*
Many players just call with TT, but TT performs very well when you squeeze and either player gives you action - especially MP2 who likely does not call the original $20 with QQ+ often.
5 You open TT preflop to $20 and get 2 callers. They both check to you on the flop. What’s your play here?
Some players focus heavily on showdown value (SDV) here. Personally, I would rather bet and get looked up by some sec-ond-best hands like 8x, QT, etc. even though Jx is ahead.
By betting we also veer away from giving either player a free card. If someone wants to suck out on you - charge them for it!
6 You open to $10 preflop and the BB calls. The BB check/calls $15 on the flop. The BB checks again on the turn. What is your play here?
BET $40
An unknown in the blinds will show up with a number of sec-ond-best hands here.
Fire away for $40 and generate value from hands like A5, flush draws, and hands like 65 that picked up equity on the turn. Do NOT only bet $20 and give
them a great price to draw out on you. Overbetting could be a valuable option, but I’d like to know that BB is an inelastic fish before using that size.
7 According to Poker’s 1% by Ed Miller, what should your default betting ratio be on the river?
This ensures that you have at least some bluffs in your river betting range while not going overboard. Of course, there are some situations and players where you would deviate from this ratio - but it’s a great starting point.
8 MP1 opens to $20 and you call. MP1 CBs the flop for $25 and you call. What is your play when MP1 checks the turn?
Don’t make the mistake of checking behind for showdown value here.
Bet the turn and get MP1 to relinquish their equity. You can even get value from their draws!
9 Your opponent opens 22+/ATB/SC+ preflop. If you 3bet with K♠9♠ and they only give your 3bet action with TT+/AQs+ how often are they folding?
Open range: 20% of hands TT+/AQs+: 3.5% of hands
100% - (3.5%/20%) = 82.5%
Remember that your K♠ reduces their combos of KK and more importantly AK which makes up a good chunk of their continuance range.
10 You think one player folds 80% of the time to your CB and the other folds 60% of the time. If you CB for ⅔ pot is your bet outright profitable?
Multiply their folding percent-ages together to see how often they would both fold.
80% * 60% = 48%
Since you pick up more folds than the BE% requires, this is outright profitable!
11 If MP1 called your 3bet with 77-JJ/AQ/AJ/KQ, how often do they have top pair or better on this flop?
Given our blockers, they actually have overcards with AQ, AJ, and KQ 70% of the time.
Know your combos so you don’t panic in 3bet pots!
12 Given the above, are you checking or betting this flop?
Again, rather than just checking and using a showdown value mindset - just fire a bet. There
is no reason to check behind and give them a free chance to improve. Keep the pressure on them long enough and all of the sudden J9 becomes very valuable here!