Combo of all Chapters (Minus Math and Diagrams) Flashcards
List 6 methods of tactical breaching described in the manual.
Manual Mechanical Ballistic Thermal Explosive Surreptitious
Define Tactical Breaching and how it applies to the use of explosives:
Using the minimum amount of force necessary in order to achieve effective penetration into the selected objective.
Which of the following is NOT a policy guideline for regulation of a Breacher Team?
A) Written Mission Statement
B) Written Description of standards outlining team guidelines for “qualifications” and “re qualifications.”
C) Written guideline identifying / justifying essential equipment and supplies required to maintain proficiency.
D) Written Protocol for evaluating that the team’s capabilities are following current trends and contemporary standards.
E) All are coorect
E) All are coorect
Which of the following is NOT administrative duties of the breacher?
A) Familiarize, maintain and properly use tools, explosives, and equipment related to breaching operations.
B) Be prepared to brief command staff and other officials as to the concepts of the explosive breaching as well as the procedures and capabilities of the team.
C) Aggressively build load data and maintain contemporary standards.
D) Train additional personnel to become explosive breachers.
E) All of the above.
D) Train additional personnel to become explosive breachers.
Define what an explosive is…
A substance that, through chemical reaction, rapidly and violently changes to gas, accompanied by high temperatures, extreme over-pressure, shock and loud noise.
List two categories in which explosives are classified…
- High
2. Low
According to the manual, what speed distinguishes between “burning” and “detonation” ?
Speed of sound through the material. Sub Sonic (Low) Super Sonic (High)
What are the three rates of combustion?
- Ordinary
- Deflagration
- Detonation
Of the the three types of explosions, which applies to explosive breaching?
What three physical effects are produced as a result of the combustion process?
- Heat
- Light
- Release of Gas
Define an oxidizer and it’s relationship with explosive compounds…
- Chemical that decompose during the chemical reaction creating oxygen.
(A Chemical explosion requires enough oxygen to initiate and maintain instantaneous combustion. Adequate supply cannot be drawn from air, so a source must be incorporated into the chemical makeup.)
What is generally required for a low explosive to detonate?
Confinement of the explosion and initiation.
What is generally required for a high explosive to detonate?
Shockwave of considerable force.
What type of work effect is associated with low explosives?
They have pushing or heaving power.
What type of work effect is associated with high explosives?
They have shattering power
List three work effects achieved when utilizing explosives for breaching operations…
- Blast
- Cut
- Push
What is high order detonation?
A complete detonation of the explosive at it’s highest possible velocity.
What is low order detonation?
It is either an incomplete detonation of the explosive or a complete detonation of the explosive at a lower than maximum velocity.
What five factors can cause low order detonation?
- Detonator of inadequate power
- Deterioration of the explosive.
- Poor Contact between the detonator and explosive.
- Lack of continuity in the explosives (airspace).
- Critical diameter less than required.
Define “Tamping” (as it applies to explosives) and explain its application to tactical explosive breaching…
A method of increasing efficiency of a charge by focusing the pressure in the direction of the breach point without increasing the N.E.W.
Explain what is meant by “Reflective Pressure” and how it relates to explosive breaching…
Created when incident overpressure waves are reflected off solid surfaces. The incident overpressure wave bounces off these surfaces and creates reflective overpressure waves. The pressure behind the incident overpressure wave by minimum of double the pressure wave.
Give an example of how the “Diffracted Loading” process may affect the entry team stack…
As a leading edge of the pressure wave strikes the object, a portion is reflected from the front of the surface as the remainder diffracts around the object.
Explain the definition of an Explosive Train…
A series of chemical reactions arranged to achieve a desired end result.
A license to conduct blasting operations in the State of California is issue by…
Cal Osha
List two factors which determine damage and casualties from over pressure.
- Amount of Explosives
2. Separation Distance
What manual is a source for determining damage to various structures for different PSI values?
Army TM
Air Force 60a 1-1-4
Explain the purpose of plotting various PSI distances on graph paper prior to deploying a charge.
To accurately plot the various pressure valve distances from the detonation point ranging from 10psi to .5psi
List four factors that determines a person’s ability to withstand exposure to blast pressure.
- Duration of the overpressure exposure.
- The valve of the psi and distance from detonation point.
- The position of the person in relation to the blast overpressure wave (standing vs. prone).
- Age / Health
Which of the following are LEAST susceptible to injury from a pressure wave?
- Ears
- Lungs
- Upper Respiratory Tract
- Muscular Skeletal
- Sinuses
- Muscular Skeletal
Whenever conflicts between Federal, State and / or local explosives regulations are encountered, which jurisdiction or agency authority must be adhered to?
The most stringent.
What PSI value has been determined to be the maximum a team with appropriate safety equipment should be exposed to?
One advantage of explosive breaching over manual entry tools is that it is usually unnecessary to identify or plan alternate breach points. (T or F?)
What ordinance item can be mistaken for detonation cord?
Time fuse (time delay fuse)
Which of the following are the responsibility of the breacher during mission planning and preparation?
A) Analyze all info to determine breach points and methods required.
B) Preparation of required tools and charges.
C) Preparation of Operation Briefing documentation
D) All of the Above
E) Both A and C
D) All of the Above
Which individuals are responsible for developing a breaching plan prior to an operation?
Tactical Team Leader & Primary Breacher
How often must public safety agencies inspect their magazines for unlawful or attempted entry or theft; and under what section(s) is this required?
7 days
ATF P 5400.7
What three items of information (at a minimum) must be submitted to the local fire protection agency regarding explosive materials stored in their jurisdiction?
- Permit to types of explosives
- Magazine Inventory
- Magazine Location
Which type of magazine is authorized for temporary storage of explosives while attended?
Type 3 magazine with proper locks (Day Box)
Explosive Breaching charges constructed by Law Enforcement are classified as “Destructive Devices” and regulated by ATF? (T or F?)
Material Safety Data Sheet requirements on explosive materials in an Agency’s possession are regulated by…
In the event of a blasting accident or unusual incident which may affect the safety of workers, a report of the incident must be forwarded to…
List the three basic effects of an explosion…
- Blast pressure effect / incident overpressure.
- Fragmentation effect
- Incendiary Thermal effect.
What is meant by “sensitivity of an explosive” and the two groups in which explosives are classified relative to their sensitivity?
Amount of external force or effort needed to cause a detonation or can be induced to react chemically.
- Primary
- Secondary
What are four types of ancillary (secondary) effects from an explosion?
- Reflected Overpressure
- Diffracted Loading
- Ground, Earth, Water shock and tamping effect
- Fumes
List examples of primary and secondary hazards of explosives…
Primary: Blast Overpressure, Fragmentation, Incendiary Heat.
Secondary: Fire, Structure Damage, Light, Smoke.
What calculation is used for determining the distance of PSI value from detonation point?
D=K(Cube Root of TNT N.E.W.)
Explain the proper procedures for cleaning magazine floors from leakage stains of explosive material
Clean in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
If the magazine placement is unacceptably limited by the presence of roads, occupied buildings, adjacent magazines or other factors; what steps can be taken to alleviate this?
Reduce H.E. in magazine, barricade, re-locate, or bury / excavate.
What ATF document details compliance procedures for storage of explosives?
ATF P5400.7
During normal business hours, ATF has the authority to conduct warrant-less inspections of ANY explosive magazine, inventory and records pertaining to explosives. (T or F)
Law enforcement explosive handlers are currently required to possess a permit to use explosives by Federal Law (T or F)
What are the Federal Guidelines for the storage of shock tube?
May be stored as a high or low explosive, when detonator is not attached to shock tube.
“ECT” is an appropriate explosive for breaching operations due to its high fragmentation hazard (T or F)
Explosives that are deteriorated or damaged are still useable? (T or F)
Why shouldn’t packaging of explosives be burned in a stove, fireplace, or other confined space?
The explosives (residue) could detonate / cause poisonous fumes / cause accidents.
Under what conditions should personnel attempt to fight fire after the fore comes in contact with stored explosives?
Smoking around explosives and explosive transports are permitted if the smokers are careful (T or F)
ATF regulations provide an allowance for public safety explosive teams to store explosives overnight within unattended “official response” vehicles. (T or F)
Blasting caps and detonators can be in the same box or magazine with other explosives. (T or F)
The area surrounding an outside explosives magazine shall be kept clear of brush, dried leaves and grass and other combustible materials for a distance of _____.
50 ft
What could occur if a detonator / blasting cap is tampered with, cut open or roughly handled?
It could detonate.
To minimize injury should a detonation occur while handling, how should a blasting cap be held?
Away from the body
Define a “medium” and its use in breaching charge construction.
The ability to withstand detonation without disintegration and maintain its form to penetrate the objective. (Non compressible / HGH density material to create push effect)
Preparations of initiators should be performed at what minimum safe distance from other detonators / blasting caps and explosives?
25 ft
List five characteristics of explosives used for breaching…
- Readily available
- Relatively insensitive to shock, yet easy to detonate.
- Shattering effect
- High density
- Minimum toricity.
Commercial detonators vary in their net explosive weight, depending on the manufacturer and type, while military blasting caps have consistent NEW’s. (T or F)
When breaching framed or mass construction roofs, the charge should be placed at least ____ feet from the roof’s edge.
4 feet
Explain why breaching explosives are compared to TNT.
TNT is the standard for calculating structure material damage and personnel casualties resulting from detonation.
(TNT is the global standard all explosives are compared to in all T/B charts)
During training with explosives, who gives the approval or signal for the detonation of a charge?
RSO / Tactical Breacher
Reflective over-pressure can be a major hazard in both internal and external detonations (T or F)
“Outward Opening” doors open away from the entry team into the objective. (T or F)
Strength of reflected over-pressure, as well as duration and location of intersection points can be determined with the use of PSI calculations. (T or F)
After a detonation of an explosive charge, what should the area be searched for and why?
Any remaining explosives, explosive components, and unsafe conditions.
Who is responsible for conducting misfire procedures?
RSO / Tactical Breacher
During breaching training, what is the standard time frame to wait before inspecting a misfired explosive charge?
30 mins