Combatives Flashcards
Punch Mechanics
- Hand leads the motion
- Elbow down
- Shoulder & hip rotate forward, keep chin down and roll shoulder forward.
- At the end of the punch, fist rotates 45 degrees
- Punch through the target (not just stop at the surface)
- recoil immediately
- Lifting elbow early (makes punch easier to see and exposes the ribs)
- Arm motion without the shoulder and hips –> creates less power
- Only touching surface of target, not punching through.
- Leaning over hips instead of rotating them.
Left Straight Punch (jab)
- Hand leads motion
- elbow down
- Should and hip rotate forward
- Be sure shoulder and hips are square in stance so that the forward hand has power.
- Think of it as a power punch
- Lifting the elbow early, not rotating hips and shoulder, bending at the hips instead of rotating.
- Make sure you recoil (do not leave arm extended)
Right Straight Punch (cross)
- Hand leads motion
- Elbow down
- Shoulder and hip rotate forward
- Pivot/rotate your rear foot (like squashing a bug) - this will drive power forward.
- Failure to pivot rear foot (** pivot should drive power from the ground, up through the body, into the punch **)
- “floating punch” – punch penetrates the target and then drops instead of recoiling.
* * Think of a chamber, starts and ends same position **
Palm Heel Strike
- Hand Leads
- Elbow Down
- Shoulder & Hip rotate forward
- Strike with the heel of the palm, fingers flexed back
- rotate hand (like with fist).
- Curling fingers too much so top knuckles are exposed
- lifting elbow too early
NOTE: this strike will cause elbow to roll out more due to hand position. Try to keep elbow down as much as possible.
Eye Strike
- hand leads
- Elbow down
- Shoulder & hips rotate
- Fingers rotate to 45 degrees
- Fingers slightly flexed / slightly apart
Straight Punch low
- As you send the punch drop body down and forward
- keep chin tucked, roll shoulder up, opposite hand cover
- head movement and advance on diagonal
- recoil and move away immediately
- keeping head up while punching low
- moving straight in instead of on diagonal
- not committing (reduces power and leaves head outside of punching range)
Groin (Front) Kick
- Swing leg up and hip forward, knee bent
- As kick develops unfold knee (make sure to drive hips forward)
- keep hands up, point toes, strike with shin or instep
- once kick delivered recoil back to fighting stance
- kick THROUGH the target
- hips stay back, or lean forward over hips (strike loses power)
- drop hands
- foot lands heavy – control the recoil
Downward hammerfist
- lift hand in small wind up
- as strike down, create power by rotating shoulder and hips (make sure to bend at the knees)
- strike with the meaty part of the fist (pinky side)
- bending at waist (reduces power and can cause loss of balance)
- Sliding along the target instead of hammering through.
Forward Hammerfist
- hand lifts slightly upward (not too much – you don’t want to windmill)
- strike downward, rotating shoulder and hip for power
- fist starts palm forward to target and rotates as contact is made
- too big of a wind up
- only using arm, not whole body
Hammerfist to the side
Attacks from side or behind 1. Swing arm out, elbow starts bent Hips pivot and elbow unfolds at contact 2. As hand travels back of hand faces target and rotates as contact is made - hitting w/ meaty part of the fist (pinky side) 3. recoil and turn to face the attacker
- winding up too much
- failure to pivot
- sliding off target - “slashing” target instead of breaking through
Front kick: vertical target
- lift knee up (“chamber”)
- send foot, leg, and hip straight OUT (not up)
- as kick curl toes upward, kicking with ball of foot
- keep hands up
- recoil back to fighting stance
- leaving hip back instead of thrusting forward (kick loses power).
- hands drop
Knee Strike
- grab opponent by arm and shoulder - keeping your inside elbow DOWN and forearm across neck and jawline
- pull them in and down - bring bent knee up explosively
- strike with surface area right above knee cap
- recoil immediately
* . target areas: groin, midsection, face
- throw whole body at target instead of just extending your hip
- students strike with whole thigh (this disperses the force – be sure to use the small surface area)
Round Kick
- Raise knee up, roll hips over (“stacked”)
- Base foot pivots; heel pointed at target
- strike with shin, knee should be slightly bent
- Hands stay up; front hand may move slightly forward for counterbalance.
- head should be offline
- recoil to fight stance
- no pivot; swinging leg w/out hip rotation = no power
- hips drop
- constant stepping (allow for a step but train to kick w/out stepping)
Round Knee Strike
- Similar to regular knee strike (grab opponent)
- Knee is chambered
- As you strike roll hip (like round kick)
- Strike on horizontal or diagonal angle
- pivot base foot
- deliver to side ribs, stomach or head
Straight Punch with advance
- Hand leads motion, burst in immediately with feet
- advance should be on slight diagonal
- attack as you advance (don’t just advance else you leave yourself open to to opponent’s counters)
- Huge advance
- Punching too early
- Heavy landing (keep light on feet)
Outside Defenses (360 Defense)
- WRIST to wrist, blade arm, bend elbow, MEET FORCE
- on #1 defense is slightly upward and forward - not directly overhead
- on #6 and #7 bend at the waist not at the knees
- Look at center chest - do NOT follow attacks with eyes
- collapse arms, don’t meet the force
- eyes follow attack
- bend at the knees
- students hinge at the elbow instead of sending their whole forearm forward
Inside defense against straight punch low
- As punch comes in, send your elbow across your body to redirect
- Hand stays up, elbow/forearm make the defense
- blade the body slightly
- tighten abs to protect midsection
1. dropping hands: opens you up to more attacks
Inside defense against straight punch
- bring defending hand forward and inward - elbow should stay below hand
- let the punch slide along – think redirecting not hitting or slapping
- defend body by slightly moving your head to the outside
- slapping, overcommitting, big defense
- moving hand inward but not forward
- retreating: tuck your chin, stay in in fight, trust the defense.
- Hand gets dragged backward - this takes hand out of position. let punch slide off.
Neutral or Passive Stance
Hands down, unprepared position
Fighting / Guard Stance
- Weak side forward
- Feet one natural step forward and back, shoulder width apart.
- back heel off the ground.
- hands up, around chin height, slightly away from face and apart. Elbows down and in to protect body.
- shoulders and hips square to opponent (don’t blade body sideways too much)
- hands down (at chest height instead of chin)
- Stance too narrow / feet not set far enough forward or back