Colonial test study Flashcards
Who were the Puritan, Pilgrims and Separatists
Were all Calvinists and wanted to find a place where they could practice own religion.
Puritans - the Puritans wanted to purify/reform the church of England
Pilgrims - founded Plymouth
Separatists - wanted to separate from the church of England
House of Burgesses
Where all the Burgesses went to meet (Burgesses are government representatives)
Bacon’s Rebellion
Bacon wanted to expand into the land that was owned by the natives but Berkley didn’t want that but stop Berkley Bacon burnt down Jamestown and forced Berkley to flee.
This is important because it was the start of slavery.
Cash crop people harvested it and sold it to make money. (you couldn’t eat it)
Slave codes
Laws that slaves had to follow and were treated like property not humans.
A place
What does “City upon a hill” mean
It means to be an example society and be above everyone else.
they all fled to different colonies because of their rules
George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards
They lead Sermons during the Enlightenment period.
The first permanent colony led by John Smith many hardships like disease conflicts with the Natives and were interested in finding gold than planting crops so no food
Colonial charters were approved when the king gave a grant of exclusive powers for the governance of land to proprietors or a settlement company.
John Smith
Ran James Town with an Iron fist
Virginia Company
Funded the expedition to the Americas and why Virginia called Virginia
Proprietary colony
A colony that the King/Queen hired a person to run
Mayflower Compact
A pledge that people signed that united the government and forced people to follow the laws.
A period of realization where lots of people started inventing stuff like Isaac Newton and Ben Franklin.
to hold an opinion that differs from the public
Home to the first group of English colonists randomly disappeared they fled inland and probably died from massacrer, sickness or natives killed them.
Picking or being mean to someone
Indentured servant
A servant that gets paid in food and clothes and only lasts for 5 years
Middle Passage
A journey that slaves took to get from Africa to the Americas very harsh conditions for the slaves
Royal Colony
A colony owned by the Royal family
John Winthrop
Gave the “City upon a Hill” speech
Great Awakening
Time when new religions started
to talk on a religious or moral subject
William Pen
Founded Pennsylvania
The Quackers were a group of religious people who had different believes than the rest of the people in England which caused them trouble and sent some to jail. So they moved to the New World and settled in Pennsylvania were they created things called Quacker meetings were they only spoke if they thought god wanted them to. They also believed that you had to show the actions of a religion if you were that religion so they helped poor people fought for women’s and Natives Rites, they were also peaceful.