Collins - Chapters 1 & 2 Flashcards
Egyptian Pharaoh who is credited with creating the first monotheistic cult
This Jericho Settlement was developed as early as:
Eight Millenium BCE
Creation story with three main gods creating humans to take over the work of the lesser Gods. Includes flood story
Emuna Elish
Babylonian Creation story. Marduk
Epic of Gilgamesh
Pursuit of immortality
Goddess of thunderstorms and rain, marriage, extra-marital sex, prostitution
When did the problems of Mosiac authorship begin to be noticed
Middle Ages
Documentary Hypothesis
The view that the Pentateuch is a combination of (at least) four different documents
What are the four sources in the Documentary Hypothesis?
J - Yahwistic
E - Elohim
P - Priestly
D - Deuteronomy
What are characteristic of the J (Yahwistic) source?
More Colorful, God described in human terms, diety represented by the angel of the Lord, Covenant, theme of promise and fulfillment
When and where is J source thought to have originated
9th century
Reign of Solomon - Southern kingdom
Characteristics of E source
Uses the name elohim for God, revelation with dreams, reflect on problems of guilt and innocence, emphasizes “fear of God,” Has no primeval history
When does E start in the bible?
Begins with Abraham
What characters does E focus on?
Figures with prophetic traits: Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses
What are the characteristics of D source?
Found primarily in Deuteronomy. YHWH Loves Israel and Israel is commanded to love YHWH. Central theme is covenant
What are the characteristics of Priestly source?
Dry, Formulaic style. Genealogies, dates, ritual observance. Punctuated by a series of covenants
When was the Priestly Source written?
6th or 5th century
When was Elohim Source written
8th century
When was D source written
7th century
What are the indications of multiple authorship?
Variation in divine name
Duplicate stories
Who created the first writing system and when?
Sumerians around 3200 BCE