Collins Chapter 6 - Joshua Flashcards
What are the four models of Israel Immigration in Joshua?
- Immigration Model
- Conquest Model
- The Revolt Model
- Gradual Emergence Model
What is the Immigration Model?
The idea that the Israelites first occupied the highlands and only gradually extended their control into the plains. The Canaanites were not initially driven out of many lowland cities.
Who is associated with the Immigration Model?
Albrecht Alt and Martin Noth
What is the Conquest Model?
Taking the account in Joshua literally, ignoring archeological evidence
Who was the leader of the Conquest Model?
William Foxwell Albright
What is the Revolt Model?
The Israelites who had escaped from Egypt united with disaffected Canaanites. Israelites was not originally an ethnic group but the union of a people fleeing oppression who joined together in worship of YHWH
Who started the Revolt Model?
George Mendenhall
Who added a Marxist twist to the Revolt theory
Norman Gottwald
What is the Gradual Emergence Model?
Israelites were Canaanites who gradually developed a separate identity. It has become the consensus in the 21st century
What are some indicators that the conquest had a ritualistic character?
- Circumcision
- Prominence of Priests
- Ark in Battles
When was the Deuteronomistic history edited?
During the exile or later
What source could have influenced the Deuteronomic history?
The Priestly Source
A religious act, like sacrifice. It not only condoned indiscriminate slaughter; it sanctified it
What are some suggestions of why the Deuteronomists insist on the savage treatment of the Canaanites
- Assertion of National Identity
- Purist view of Yahwism
- Canaanites were perceived as a threat to the purity of Israelite religion
- Consolation for the Judeans
What is the most remarkable aspect of the Ai story?
Corporate responsibility
Does Collins think that the tribes being related to each other is true or false
In what chapter does Joshua divide the land between tribes alone?
Chapter 18
Sacred league that protects a shrine
Which tribe is missing in Moses’s blessing in Deuteronomy 33
What is the covenant at Shechem based on
The people serving the Lord
During the time of the Judges who had control over Shecem