Colles Flashcards
D’abord et avant tout
First and foremost
En premier lieu
First/ First of all/ to begin with/ in the first place/ for a start
For one thing
Tout d’abord
En premier lieu
In the first instance
D’autre part
For another thing
De meme
Similarly/ in the same way
As for/ as regards
Quant à
De plus
Besides/ moreover/ furthermore/ in addition/ whats’s more
In other respects
D’autre part
Sans parler de
Not to mention
En revanche
In return
Quand meme
All the same
En depit de / neanmoins
En fait
Indeed/ actually/ as a matter of fact
De toute maniere
At any rate/ anyway/ in any case
Pour ainsi dire
So to speak/say
Il n’est guere surprenant que
It is scarcely surprising that
Up to a point
Jusqu’a un certain point
Expressions d’intro de colle
- At the turn of the 21st century
- With the advent of globalisation/net-economy
- With the growing gap gap between rich en poor countries
- With the tremendous progress of science/of information technology/of genetic engineering
Transition resume/commentaire
- Now, if I may express my own opinion, -I would like to argue that
- My personnal pov on the topic is that
- my commentary will be based on two points
- By way of conclusion, we can say that
- It all comes down to…
- Finally/lastly/all in all
A conundrum
Un probleme inextricable/ un casse tete
Un point discutable
A moot point
A matter of prime importance
Un sujet d’importance capitale
Un graphique/ un tableau
A chart
Faire remarquer que
Point out that
Insister sur
Dwell on
Eclairer (un pb)
Shed light on
Stress/ underline/ to emphasize/ to lay emphasis on/ to underscore
Reckon/ deem/ consider/ suppose/ believe
Surmise/ assume
Contend that
Pretendre que
Adherer a une opinion genrale
Endorse a common opinion