Buzz n9 Flashcards
The bulk of
Legros de, la majeure partie de
La bete noire
To bungle
Rater/ bousiller
Tourner autour du pot
To beat about the bush
A burden
Un fardeau
A burning issue
Un sujet brulant
Une expression a la mode
A buzz word
Generalement parlant
By and large
To bypass
Un spectateur
A bystander
To call somethg into question
Remettre qqch en question
De portee capitale
Of cardinal significance
Une mure reflexion
Careful consideration
To carry out
Un exemple frappant
A case in point
To male a case for
Plaider en faveur de
Profiter de
To cash in
To cast the blame on somebody
Rejeter la responsabimité sur qqun
Jeter le doute sur
To cast doubt on
Jeter un regard critique sur..
To catch a critical eye on
Attirer l’attention de
To catch the attention of
Une situation inextricable
A catch-22
“In britain you can’t be a professional actir if u dont an Equity card, but u cant get an equity card until u have acted first- it’s a catch-22
To catch up
Pourvoir aux besoins de/ satisfaire, repondre
To cater for
Accidentel/ sans gene
Le centre du débat
The centrepiece of the debate