Collective Bargaining Agreement Flashcards
How often are union dues collected?
twice per month
When does the deduction of union dues occur relative to when the authorization is received by the district?
the following month
Continuous service with the district is what?
Upon satisfactory completion of probation, the employee will be added to the seniority list effective when?
Date of hire
A lay off of up to how many months may be included in an employees seniority?
36 months
A period of illness or disability up to how long may be counted in an employees seniority?
one year
FMLA up to how long counts toward seniority?
12 weeks
FMLA used to care for a family member who is an injured member of the armed forces will will count towards seniority for what duration?
26 weeks
Periods of service in the armed forces count toward seniority?
An employee may be terminated if they fail to return to work within how many days of a certified mail notification to return to work?
5 days
Union Bulletin board materials must be submitted for review to whom prior to posting?
Chief or AC
Where may district 7 union meetings take place?
St 74 meeting room
Travel for union business within the district must take place when?
After working hours
All requests for leave utilizing the union time bank must be made how far in advance and to whom?
5 days
Deputy chief
How much vacation time does each union member agree to donate annually?
up to 3 hours
What is the cap on the union time bank?
240 hours
Is union time bank time allowed to be donated to an employee on FMLA or compassionate leave?
Under what conditions may the provisions of the CBA be suspended by the chief or his designee?
civil emergency conditions
weather related catastrophes
The chief may choose to promote from the top how many, with less than ten people tested? With more than ten tested?
top three
top five
T/F demotion while on promotional probation is without recourse?
For how long may the chief extend an employees probationary period?
6 months
T/F probationary employees are not entitled to arbitration in cases of discipline or discharge?
In what circumstance may the employee or district require a grievance to go directly to arbitration?
Grievances involving discharge/termination
Under this contract, any dispute, claim, or complaint concerning the interpretation or application of the terms of this contract is referred to as what?
Submittal of a grievance to a successive step must occur within how many days or will be considered what?
7 days
withdrawn by the grievant
The grievance shall be taken up with the AC within how many days after the occurrence of the event leading to the grievance?
14 calendar days
In cases involving disciplinary action, the fourteen day period will commence when?
when written notice of discipline is provided to the employee
The AC may provide an answer in writing to the aggrieved employee within how many days?
7 calendar days
Failure of the AC to respond to a grievance shall be considered what?
A denial of the grievance
How long after the demand for arbitration is made does either party have to make a written request to the federal mediation and conciliation service for a list of qualified arbitrators?
30 days
How many arbitrators will the service provide on the list?
Who strikes names from the arbitrator list first?
The moving party
Within how many days will the parties select an arbitrator from the list?
7 calendar days
Which party is obligated to present their case first?
the party which referred the grievance to arbitration
In what case must the District present their case first?
Discipline or discharge
Arbitration proceedings shall be recorded by whom at the request of either party?
official court reporter
Who is the union not required to process grievances for?
non union members
Shift exchange requests must be submitted how far in advance?
3 days
When are paramedics allowed to shift exchange with other paramedics of different rank?
When doing so is necessary to maintain ALS service at a station.
How many line officers must be present in the district at all times?
3 (3 Lt’s or 2 Lt’s and a BC)
How many out of rank shift exchanges is an employee limited to, annually?
What three factors are considered when determining selections for layoffs?
Disciplinary record not including LOG’s
All other factors being equal, which consideration prevails when determining layoffs?
No new bargaining unit members shall be hired by the district until all members of the bargaining unit who were laid off in the last ____ months are offered recall?
36 months
Employees recalled from layoff in excess of _____ months must also successfully complete the districts pre-employment testing.
12 months
Who is responsible for cleaning the interior of staff vehicles?
vehicle user
When may uniform clothing be worn (3)
On duty
enroute to duty
returning home after duty
Bargaining unit employees shall not engage in outside employment activity within how many hours prior to reporting for duty?
8 hours
What break/lunch time are employees permitted during the workday?
2 x 15 min breaks
1 x 30 min lunch
Who must authorize instructors pay in advance?
chief or AC
What is the minimum number of personnel an OC Lt must supervise to be paid for the OC?
OC pay begins when, when an employee is away on mutual aid or standby outside the district?
3 hours
In the absence of a Lt, do Engineers have the same authority as a Lt even if not being paid OC?
Employees shall live within ____ direct line miles of the district.
Who has the authority to waive the residency requirement?
Chief or AC
What will happen to employees failing to comply with the residency requirement?
Employees hired after what date are required to be non users of tobacco products?
October 1, 1997
What administrative code designates FF employee places of work as tobacco free?
FAC 69A-62.024(6)
What is the time cutoff for consuming alcohol prior to reporting for shift?
8 hours
What is the BAC cutoff for reporting to shift?
Any employee convicted of a crime involving drugs or alcohol is subject to disciplinary action up to what level?
How often are employees provided a 2 view chest X ray?
every three years
How often are employees provided a tetanus/diptheria vaccination?
If the last one was 5+ years ago.
Employees will be provided a blood test for the presence of heavy metals when?
after an incident involving them
last medical exam prior to retirement
What is the screening and confirmation level for amphetamines/methamphetamines?
1000/500 ng/ml
What is the screening and confirmation level for cannabinoids?
50/15 ng/ml
What is the screening and confirmation level for cocaine?
300/150 ng/ml
What is the screening and confirmation level for PCP?
What is the screening and confirmation level for opiates?
2000/2000 ng/ml
All drug tests will be conducted by a laboratory that is authorized to do so by what entity?
Florida Agency for Healthcare Administration
Drug testing with reasonable suspicion is not limited to what?
substances listed in the contract
Any on the job accident resulting in injury constitutes what?
reasonable suspicion to test all employees involved
Employees with confirmed drug/alcohol tests will be subject to unannounced follow up tests for what periods?
During normal work hours while in outpatient treatment
For up to two years following completion of any program
Support groups such as _______ shall not be considered rehab programs for the purposes of follow up testing.
The initial test for alcohol shall be what methodology?
enzyme oxidation
Tests for drugs shall use a sensitive and reliable FDA approved what?
immunoassay procedure
The confirmation test for alcohol will be what type?
gas chromatography
The confirmation test for drugs will be what type?
gas chromatography/mass spectometry
What bodily fluid will be used for all drug tests?
What bodily fluid will be used for all alcohol tests?
Reasonable suspicion and unannounced follow up drug/alcohol testing shall only occur on the order of a supervisor of what rank relative to the employee being tested?
one level of supervision above the immediate supervisor of the employee being tested
How long will a employee under suspicion of drug/alcohol use be given to read the notice of drug/alcohol testing?
20 minutes
Refusal to submit to drug/alcohol test, or adulteration of such test, will be considered what?
just cause for termination
To whom will written results of any drug test be sent?
District Medical Review Officer
What must the District MRO be?
licensed physician
Within what time frame from receipt by the MRO,must the district notify the employee of a positive test result?
5 non holiday weekdays.
Inpatient or outpatient drug/alcohol rehab will be at who’s expense?
A recurrence of a drug/alcohol problem will result in what?
immediate termination
Are drug/alcohol based dismissals grievable offenses?
Employees in outpatient treatment for a substance abuse problem may/may not continue working, at the discretion of the district?
In cases where EAP advises no rehab is necessary, what will the districts actions be?
Conduct an informal inquiry to determine the need for disciplinary action
Employees who admit to a substance abuse problem prior to specimen collection will/will not continue to be paid during treatment?
Vacation accrual for probationary employees?
Vac for probation-5yr employee?
Vac for 5-10yr employee?
Vac for 10-15yr employee?
Vac for 15-20 employee?
Vac for 20-25 employee?
Vac for 25+ employee?
What is minimum increment vacation time may be used in?
3 hours
Vacation requests must be submitted how many days in advance?
5 days
Vacations may not be scheduled more than how far in advance?
one year
Consecutive vacation days for the following year may be reserved during what time period?
Nov 15-Dec 15
How many Lt’s may be on vacation at a time?
no more than 2
Special permission must be obtained from the Ops DC to schedule more than how many days of vacation in a row?
During what time period is the holiday priority list in effect?
Nov 15-Dec 15
What are the maximum hours of terminal leave allowed to be scheduled?
What must donated vac time be used for?
Disaster declared by the president
In what increments may vacation time be donated?
3 hours
To whom should an employee donating vac time give written notice of such intention?
HR Director
At what time are visitors allowed on holidays?
After daily cleaning and apparatus checks are complete.
What is the cutoff time for visitors to the station?
Fraudulent use of sick leave shall be considered what?
just cause for dismissal
How long must an employee be with the district in order to the eligible for a sick leave payout upon separation from the district?
20 years
How much base pay time does an employee calling in sick after 6:30am forfeit?
3 hours or or the time at which they called in, whichever is greater
Is educational reimbursement based on pass/fail, or according to letter grade?
How soon after the end of the class must an employee provide documentation for reimbursement?
30 days
During what period after a class is taken/reimbursed must an employee repay the reimbursement if they resign or are terminated?
2 years
How many trips to the grocery store are employees entitled to per shift?
What is the exception for employees using cell phones while operating district vehicles?
Lt’s acting as BC’s
When may employees sleep during the period from 7am-4pm?
holiday afternoons
When are employees not responsible for replacing district issued clothing/badges?
When the item was lost or stolen while on duty.
Is the selling of personal property/services allowed on district property?
How often are personnel permitted to have dinner at a local restaurant?
monthly and holidays
During what hours may personnel dine out?
For how long may dining out privileges be revoked if the crew is subject to a complaint?
2 months
What is the holiday OT rate?
Double time
NYD MLK Presidents Easter Memorial Independence Labor Patriots-9/11 Columbus Veterans T-Giving T-giving friday Christmas
What month and year was the employee health and fitness article vacated?
September 2013
New employees with how much prior experience, or previously credentialed medics, may be started at up to what pay level?
Changes to employee paycheck deductions will take when, relative to when they are submitted?
end of the next pay period
Does longevity pay calculation include periods of absence while on workers comp?
Longevity pay for 5th anniversary?
Longevity pay for 10th anniversary?
Longevity pay for 15th anniversary?
Longevity pay for 20th anniversary?
Longevity pay for 24th anniversary?
Who is responsible for providing a copy of the CBA to any non union members?
Changes to rules/policies etc affecting CBA members shall be provided to the DVP for preview for how many days?
Light duty assignments shall not exceed how long?
4 months
Every employee who becomes pregnant shall be granted a leave of absence without pay, not to exceed how long?
one year
How much life insurance is provided by the district?
2 x annual pay
Dependent coverage for children dental and vision normally ends at what age?
Dependent children who are students can have their dental and vision insurance extended to what age?
end of calendar year they turn 25
Dependent children medical coverage will normally end when?
26th birthday
Dependent children are eligible for extension of medical benefits out to what age provided conditions are met?
30 years old
What is the copay % for spouses and dependents?
Employees who qualify for FRS disability retirement are eligible for district insurance at what cost?
Employees may appeal decisions regarding workers comp supplemental payments for line of duty injuries within what time frame, and to whom?
90 days
Fire commission
Are workers comp supplemental compensation appeals subject to arbitration?
Who are educational leave requests submitted to?
Ops Chief
How far in advance must ed leave requests be submitted?
5 days
Partial day educational leave requests may be contingent upon what?
Staffing levels that day.
How long may personal leave of absences be for?
1 year
Leave of absence for educational purposes may be how long?
1 year
Does a leave of absence for personal reasons guarantee immediate employment at it’s conclusion?
Employees who are held over or called in are provided a minimum of how many hours pay?
How much overtime must be worked for an employee to move to the bottom of the list?
4 hours
If an employee is required to be held over, who should it be?
Lowest seniority employee of the necessary credentials.
Persons held over or called back for duty will not be relieved their assignment during what hours?
An employee shall be allowed how many shifts off with pay in the event of the death of a spouse, child, mother, father, brother, sister, step child, or foster child?
3 shifts
An employee shall be allowed how many shifts off in the event of the death of the employees mother/father inlay, stepmother, stepfather, foster parent, employee/spouses grandparents, any friend living in the same household.
2 shifts
Employees may be requested to provide proof for need of compassionate leave in the form of what?
Death certificate
How many additional shifts of compassionate leave may be granted beyond three, at the chiefs discretion?
2 shifts
Employees serving jury duty must immediately return to work following release from duty unless such release occurs after what time?
Are employees paid for jury duty?
Employees required to attend off duty legal proceedings related to their employment at the district shall be paid at what rate?
time and a half
Are employees attending off duty legal proceedings paid for travel time?
Who are employees attending off duty legal proceedings related to district employment required to contact when reporting to, and at the conclusion of such proceedings?
on duty shift commander
How many weeks of FMLA are employees entitled to take?
12 weeks
Are probationary FF’s entitled to FMLA?
Is FMLA calculation based on a calendar year or rolling year?
Rolling year
Time that an employee is receiving disability or workers comp is automatically considered what?
Does vacation time continue to accrue during FMLA?
Does FMLA time count toward seniority?
Does FMLA count toward FRS time in service?
Who comprises the safety committee?
DC training
3 same shift bargaining unit members
Who appoints the bargaining unit members to the safety committee?
How long do members serve on the safety comittee?
One year-April 1-March 31
When are safety committee meetings held?
Quarterly-January, April, July, October
After what date must IMFD employees retire to be eligible for the VEBA?
October 1, 2006
Do employees have to continue to participate in the dept medical plan to be eligible for the VEBA?
Who appoints trustees to the VEBA board?
How long do VEBA appointments serve for?
3 years
What % of wages is earmarked for the VEBA?
4% of wages
When will new employees be added to the list of VEBA participants, relative to hire?
within 30 days
Any deviation from local protocol, accepted state standard of care, or reasonably expected practical performance which may potentially, or may have in fact, already unfavorably influenced patient care.
Medical Quality Issue (MQI)
How and to whom are MQI reports submitted?
In writing to the Training DC
As a result of an MQI, if pt outcome is found to have been adversely affected, what will become of the matter?
Passed to district medical director or other appropriate agency
Are non written MQI complaints processed?
All medical care rendered by IMFD is under the direct supervision of whom?
Medical Director or designee
What are the three causes for immediate termination of medical privileges ?
Missing narcs
unremiated substance abuse issues
disruptive/destructive behavior that endangers caregiver or cowoekers
How long does the MQI suspended employee have to restore privileges through the medical director?
90 days
To what rate will a MQI suspended paramedic have their hourly incentive reduced?
If after 90 days the MQI suspended employee has not had their privileges reinstated, what will happen to their hourly incentive?
Are decisions made by the Medical Director subject to the grievance or arbitration articles?