Collaborative Language Systems Approach Flashcards
Most important legacy of Collaborative Language Systems Approach
moved field toward collaborative approach to therapy
How Symptoms Develop
symptoms develop thru the language/stories that people tell themselves
Goals of therapy
to dissolve problems in conversation by -co creating stories that open up new possibilities
-goals established by client
Role of Therapist
Client teaches therapist the client’s story. the client is the expert of their own story. Therapist has to be good at asking good questions
Process of Therapy
-emphasis on careful dialoguing about
-therapist begins w/out any ideas about what should or should not change
-therapy is reconstructive; intending to free client from a particular self account and open way for adopting alternative accounts
Use of team behind the mirror
client chooses 1 team member to listen as client’s mother and as clients father etc. try to get client to see things from more than 1 perspective