Cold war- the Berlin crisis Flashcards
What proportion of the german democratic public fled to the west between 1945-61?
1/6 of whole east german population.
Why did the East need to dramatically improve living standards?
-1/6 population fled
-skilled workers+ professionals quitting in large numbers
Who was the East dependent upon?
-Moscow + 20 divisions of Russian troops.
What did Khrushchev intend to achieve by creating a crisis in Berlin?
-force USA to make concessions over West Berlin without risk of war or risking communism.
- through exaggeration of Russian nuke capabilities. Stop NATO arming West G with nukes
-show china+ Russia he wasn’t soft on imperialism.
What did Khruschev intend to do with the west?
-divide and force them to accept the USSR as political + millitary equal through a German equal recognition treaty.
When was Khrushchev’s Berlin ultimatum?
-27th November 1958
What was Khrushchev’s Berlin ultimatum?
-peace treaty with German states
What were Khrushchev’s demands in the Berlin ultimatum?
-demillitarisation of West Berlin
-withdrawl of the west
-said if they did not negotiate they would claim sovreignty and restict west access.
How did Khruschev threaten he would restrict west access?
-interefere with traffic + land corridors.
-removal of the hallstein doctrine.
What was the Hallstein doctrine?
-Any German citizen from the East could become a citizen of the west without papers.
What was the Western reaction to the Berlin ultimatum?
-WGerman chancellor worried
-statements from Washington + London signalling desire for comprimse.
-rejected ultimatum + forced feb 1959 west discussions at Geneva
What was Khruschev’s reaction to the western reaction of the Berlin ultimatum?
-pleased with splits.
Why was little progress made with the Berlin crisis between 1959-60?
-Bolshevick agreements denied.
-no willingness to comprimise.
Why did Khruschev agree to the construction of the Berlin wall?
-growing unrest due to collectivisation + upset over fleeing East.
-prevent east German collapse.
How important was the construction of the Berlin wall for the soviet bloc?
-West recognised East.
-access to west berlin soviet responsbility.
Why did tensions remain high despite construction of the wall in Aug 1961?
-USSR nuclear testing
-face off at checkpoint charlie
When did the confrontation at checkpoint Charlie occur?
October 1961
What happened at Checkpoint charlie?
-could east german guards view travel documents of an US diplomat.
-US tanks and infantry dispatched to nearby airport.
-10 soviet tanks 30m from checkpoint charlie- US did the same- 16 hours,
What agreement was supposed to allow free crossing of diplomats around Berlin?
4 powers agreement