Cold War Flashcards
Cold war
Period of political hostility and military tension between USA and USSR -> started after WW2 ended with the reunification of Germany in 1990 and breakup of USSR in 1991
. Consequences: threats, propganda, political/economic rivalry, arms race and competition for influence (eg. Korea, Vietnam and Berlin)
Origins of Cold War: Allinace breakdown of 1945 -> History of Hostility
. Resentment: intervention of west in Russian Civil War againts Bolsheviks (Russian Revolution 1917)
. Mistrust: West appeased Hitler in the 1930s and Stalin believed that what they wanted was Hitler to destroy communism -> Nazi-Soviet pact 1939 (USSR couldn’t attack Germany) led Britain and USA to never fully trust USSR intentions
. Geopolitical rivalry: 2 biggest countries in the world with large populations and natural resources
Origins of Cold War: Allinace breakdown of 1945 -> Different ideologies
Communism (USSR -> dictatorship) VS capitalism (USA -> democracy)
. USSR: feared American expansion through economic power -> saw capitalist America’s actions as a selfish way of building their economic empire and political influence
. USA: fear of communism expanding -> by 1945 ‘Soviet Sphere of Influence’ was growing exponentially
Origins of Cold War: Allinace breakdown of 1945 -> Remival of common enemy
Germany was no longer common threat -> no need of allied cooperation like in WW2
Origins of Cold War: Allinace breakdown of 1945 -> USA’s change of policy
. USA was determined not to repeat its isolationist policies of the inter war years -> appeasement didn’t work and dictators had to be confronted and democracy supported
. USA did not want to return to the depression, and wanted to secure markets for its goods -> communist countries wouldn’t buy American goods and so was determined to prevent spread of communism
Yalta conference -> leaders, where, when?
Leaders: Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill
Where?: Yalta, Ukraine
When?: February 1945
Yalta conference -> What to do with defeated Germany
. Surrender was to be unconditional
. Germany and its capital Berlin: where to be temporarily divided into four occupation zones -> USA, USSR, Britain and France
. Germany’s eastern border: was to be moved, westwards -> land gained by Poland
. War criminals: were to be hunted down and punished
. Germany have to pay reparations
Yalta conference -> What to do with countries formerly occupied by Germany
Following liberation, they were to be allowed to hold free elections to decide how they were to governed
Yalta conference -> future of poland
. A provisional government was to be established consisting of pro-Soviet lublin Poles and exiled London Poles who had fled in 1939
. Poland border was to be moved westwards into German territory and east border also moved westwards
. Free elections were to be held
Yalta conference -> How war against Japan could be ended
. Stalin agreed to intervene in war against Japan, after Germany was defeated -> in return Russia was to receive land in Manchuria and territory lost to Japan during the 1904 -05 Russo-Japanese war
Yalta conference -> How a lasting piece was to be mantained
. United Nations was to be set up -> every country had a veto
. ‘Soviet sphere of influence’ to protect USSR -> Stalin concerned over security
Between Yalta and Potsdam conference: USSR
. USSR: Stalin liberated eastern Europe by installing sympathetic government, but he failed to hold free elections -> believed ‘Soviet sphere of influence’ was more important than three elections (term was misunderstood -> still inside as a Communist democracy and FDR, as freedom of speech)
Between Yalta and Potsdam conference: USA
. USA: Roosevelt died in April 1945, and was replaced by Harry S. Truman (strongly anti-Communist, but inexperienced in international affairs) -> Truman told USSR that they had successfully tested an atomic bomb just before Potsdam
Between Yalta and Potsdam conference: Britain
. Britain: Churchill’s Conservative party was defeated in general election, and so he was replaced by labour leader, Clement Attlee.
Between Yalta and Potsdam conference: Poland
. Two groups wanted to form a new government in Poland:
. London poles: anti-Communist -> hated stalin
. Public poles: communists -> trusted Stalin
Potsdam conference: leaders, where?, when?
. Leaders: Stalin, Truman and Attlee
. Where?: Berlin, Germany
. When?: July - August 1945
Potsdam conference: agreements
. Nazi party: was to be banned
. Germany: was to be denazified and war crime trials held
. Polish German border: was to be Oder-Neisse line formed by two rivers -> British and Americans disliked this position, but could do a little about it as they were dominated by red army
. Decision to split Germany and Berlin into four zones was confirmed
. German reparations agreed: each country was to take reparations from its own zone + USSR was to receive some additional industrial equipment from Western zones of occupation (little ever handed over)
Potsdam conference: disagreements
. Future Polish government: no agreement was reached.
. Disagreement over Germany: Stalin wanted Germany crippled to prevent future threat
. USSR wished to intervene in the war against Japan -> rejected by the USA
. USA/Britain wanted bigger say on which occurred In eastern Europe -> rejected by USSR
. USSR wanted to take part in running rich German industrial area of Ruhr -> rejected by USA
Soviet expansion over Eastern Europe: excuses given by Stalin -> effects of WW2 on USSR
25 million Soviet citizens had died in WWII -> Stalin was determined to prevent this from happening again
Soviet expansion over Eastern Europe: excuses given by Stalin -> in 1914 and 1941
Germany had attacked Russia through Poland -> (1945) Stalin wanted to take control of Poland and Eastern Europe countries to avoid future attacks
Soviet expansion over Eastern Europe: excuses given by Stalin -> fear of imperialism
(1945) USA was by far the wealthiest country
-> examples:
. Excellent economic condition after WWII -> outputs in factories, increased by 50% and USA owned almost 2/3 of worlds gold reserves
. Had most powerful navy and armed forces -> 1200 major warships, and 2000 bombarders
-> Soviet leaders saw it as their jobs to prevent American leaders from dominating the world by setting up Communist friendly parties in these countries
. Stalin believe that Soviet Union had a cut the heart out of Germany army as 10 million Germans (represented 80% of Germany losses) died on Eastern front
- Soviet leaders believed their country had largely won the war, and so had a right to save the future of Europe
- Stalin saw the war as proof that communism worked: between Communist, Russia, and capitalist Germany, communism had won
Salami tactics
. ‘Slice-by-slice’ Stalin ensured all Eastern Europe countries had Communist governments
Salami tactics: Yalta agreement
The countries that had been liberated during WW2 had to hold free elections -> by 1948 communist parties set up in this countries by:
. Shared power: In a coalition after three elections
. Forcing opponents out of offices: through bribery or threats, or even executing them
Salami tactics: Poland, 1947
. Red Army remained after liberation
. Non-Communist leaders were arrested and murdered.
. Rigged election gave Communist 80% of votes
Salami tactics: Hungary, 1947
. Red Army remained after liberation
. (1945) Communists on 17% of votes in the election allowed by Stalin
. Pro-Russian Rakosi used secret police (AHV) to arrest opponent politicians
. (1948) social Democratic party and Communist party merged after rigged election
Salami tactics: Romania, 1946
. Red Army remained after liberation
. (1945) Soviets accepted a coalition government
. (1946) Rigged election gave Communists 90% of votes.
Salami tactics: Czechoslovakia, 1948
. Red Army left after liberation
. Communist leaders accepted a balanced coalition government
. (1947) popular, non-Communist politician Jan Masaryk murdered in 1947 -> all non-Communist members of government resigned in 1948 (places were taken by Communist politicians)
Salami tactics: Bulgaria, 1945
. Red Army remained after liberation
. Initial agreement on coalition government -> Communists executed leaders of all the other parties
Salami tactics: Albania, 1945
Communists took power after WWII without opposition
West response to Soviet expansion: long telegram, 1946
. George Kennan sent a report, saying Soviets wanted to expand their empire and they had to be stopped-> developed idea of ‘containment’, where are USA would use all means to contain spread of communism
West response to Soviet expansion: Fulton speech, 1946
Churchill describe division between capitalist and Communist countries as an Iron Curtain (Stalin believed this was necessary for USSR’s safety) -> This worsened the Cold War as Stalin so speech as a declaration of war
. Why in Fulton (USA)? To gain support from wealthiest country against communism
West response to Soviet expansion: Truman doctrine, 1947
(1947) civil war broke out in Greece -> royalists VS Communists
. USA stepped in to ensure Royalists stayed in power after Britain couldn’t afford sending troops to help anymore -> Truman supported free people’s resisting with money, aid, advisors, weapons (all to prevent communism spreading)
West response to Soviet expansion: Marshall plan, 1947
Europe’s economy was shattered and owed USA, $11.5 billion -> US Secretary of State, George Marshall, believed countries which were poor were weaker against communism SO $17 billion donated by America (available for non-Communist nations)
. Aims:
- Improve living standards in Europe to reduce appeal of communism
- Rebuild Germany
- Weaken Stalin’s control over eastern Europe
- Boost USA economy by increasing exports to Europe
. US congressmen: were reluctant at first to Marshall aid BUT after Communists took control in Czechoslovakia (1948) my killing its non-Communist president, Jan Masaryk, they accepted it
Stalin’s reaction to actions by the west: Cominform, 1947
Communist information bureau
. Aim: coordinate the works of all Communist parties in eastern Europe -> frequently met in Moscow, which allowed Stalin to keep close eye on them
. Yugoslavia: only Communist power that wasn’t controlled by Cominform as leader Marshall Tito didn’t want to take orders from Stalin -> expelled for its hostility in 1948 (remained communist)
Stalin’s reaction to actions by the west: Comecon 1949
Council of mutual economic aid -> coordinated the production and trade of Eastern Europe Communist countries which were to trade amongst each other and not with West
Berlin blockade
(June 1948) Stalin blocked all roads/railways entering West Berlin cutting off supplies -> aimed to force 3 allies out of Berlin
-> example: Stalin used obstruction techniques like jamming radios
. Airlift: in 11 months, 300,000 flights carried out to supply west Germany, with cole, food and petrol -> (May 1949) Stalin called of blockade as he failed to achieve aim
Berlin blockade: causes of blockade
USA and Britain wanted to help Germany recover BUT USSR wanted Germany weakened
. January 1947, Britain and USA merged zones (Bizonia) and March 1948, France merges his zone to form the ‘Trizone’ -> Stalin felt threatened, and that he would be forced out
. West Germany was recovering economically BUT east Germany suffered from poverty and hunger
-> example: (1948) introduction of new currency in West intended to strengthen economy BUT Stalin refused to introduce it
. West allies seen as threat as their base was in Soviet zone -> west could spy on Soviet activity behind ‘Iron Curtain’
Berlin blockade: consequences of blockade
Germany, divided into two rival zones:
. (May 1949) formation of Federal German republic -> West Germany
. (October 1949) formation of German Democratic Republic -> eastern Europe
Causes of the Cold War: the Berlin blockade (1948-49) who was to blame? -> USA
Union of three Western zones to form one Germany was seen as a threat and insult by the Soviets
. Stalin’s attitude towards Germany was harsh but understandable as Germany had cost appalling damage to the USSR.
. Trumans policy also failed in how western. Germany was recovering and Eastern Europe were struggling to pay Germany (dividing capital-> collapse)
Causes of the Cold War: the Berlin blockade (1948-49) who was to blame? -> USSR
. Harsh treaty of Versailles had caused another world war
. Stalin underestimated Truman -> Western allies decided to bring essential supplies to West Berlin by air (huge operation and lasted almost a year)
Causes of the Cold War: Stalin’s take over Eastern Europe, who was to blame? -> USA
Great length of time taken by Britain and US to open a ‘second front’ against Germany in WWII -> soviet forces did most of fighting in Europe up to 1944 (let them to think they had to claim a reward for this)
Causes of the Cold War: Stalin’s take over Eastern Europe, who was to blame? -> USSR
. Stalin’s fault for trusting Hitler (known for bluffing)
. He did to other countries what he was complaining about -> taking their security and safety (hypocrite)
Causes of Cold War: War damage suffered by USSR
. 15 million Soviet soldiers and civilians killed by Germans
. Many people died because of shortages of food and other harsh conditions of war time
. 25 million Soviet citizens may have died
-> who was to blame?: USA.
Great length of time taken by Britain and US to open a ‘second front’ against Germany in WWII -> soviet forces did most of fighting in Europe, up to 1944
Causes of Cold War: situation before World War II -> fear of Russian expansion
. 1922-36 Russia merged with 10 states -> west feared Communist expansion in East
-> who was to blame?: USSR
Stalin was being too greedy and gaining too much power in Europe, so normal for USA to be alarmed
Causes of Cold War: situation before World War II -> history of mistrust
. New Communist government in Russia angered US -> sent troops in 1918 to invade Russia and overthrow it, but failed, and Communists never forget that she hated them badly enough to make war on them
-> who was to blame?: USA
Aggressive and impulsive response which had logical consequences in how USSR approached USA in future
Causes of Cold War: situation before World War II -> friction between wartime allies
Russia has been allied with Germany before WWII -> USA
. (August 1939) Stalin signed non-aggression pact with Hitler
. (September 1939) Hitler and Stalin, both attacked Poland and divided the country up between them
. (November 1939) USSR attacked Finland
. (June-July 1940) USSR, invade it, and took control of Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
-> who was to blame?: USSR
1. Last of the WWII allies to be against Hitler (after Hitler invaded USSR in 1941)
2. Stalin displayed a similar aggressive behaviour to Hitler
Causes of Cold War: Truman doctrine, who was to blame? -> USA and USSR
. Some agreements in Yalta weren’t very clearly stated, especially concerning Eastern Europe and the idea of ‘Soviet sphere of influence’ -> each country has their own perspective on this term, SO nothing was right or wrong
. These superpowers had a clash of ideologies:
- Most Americans believed passionately that their way of life was best, and they were justifiably proud of the leading role that USA took in defeating nazism (evidence their system worked and was powerful)
- Most Soviet people were equally proud of the country is critical role in the defeating Germany (which came at a devastating cost to build confidence in Soviets) therefore they to believed their way of life was superior
Causes of Cold War: Marshall plan, who was to blame? -> USA
Mixture of generosity and self interest
. US believed that people were more likely to become Communist if they were suffering from poverty SO Marshall plan set up to help Europe recover from devastation of war -> less likely to be influenced by communism
. Helped Europe recover from devastation of war -> ensured American industry had markets for its goods
Causes of Cold War: Marshall plan, who was to blame? -> both USA and USSR.
. Some agreements in Yalta weren’t clearly stated, specifically concerning Eastern Europe, and the idea of the ‘Soviet sphere of influence’ -> each country had their own perspective on this term SO nothing was right or wrong (had no actual meaning)
. These superpowers had a clash of ideologies:
- Most Americans believed passionately that their way of life was best, and they were justifiably proud of the leading role in the USA took in defeating Nazism (evidence their system worked and was powerful)
- Most Soviet people were equally proud of their country’s critical role in defeating Germany (which came at a devastating cost, but built confidence in Soviets) therefore, they too believed their way of life was superior
Causes of Cold War: NATO and Warsaw Pact
NATO: (April 1949) national Atlantic Treaty organisation -> military alliance that committed to defend other members (supported by large numbers of troops on ground)
. Warsaw Pact: Stalin was NATO as a threat and so made his own military alliance with its satellite states in eastern Europe -> counter faced NATO (relied on collective security)