3-5% of ___ ___ children have been diagnosed with ADHD in the U.S.
school age
ADD occurs due to a combination of factors. What are they?
genetics, dopamine imbalance, insufficiency of neurotransmitters
American Psychiatric Association Delineates 3 types of ADHD . Name them and their percentage
Primarily inattentive (20-30%)
Primarily hyperactive (less than 15%)
Combination inattentive/hyperactive (50-75%
Relationship of SLI to ADHD :
- __% of ch with specific lang impairment (SLI) also diagnosed with ADHD
- SLI ch with significant levels of receptive lang impairment most likely to be ____, ____, and ____.
- 59
- impulsive, distractible, overactive
Contributing factors Relationship of SLI to ADHD are:
- Basal ganglia, regions of _____ significantly smaller in ch with ADHD
- Non-genetic factors: premature birth, maternal drugs and alcohol during pregnancy, exposure to high levels of lead in early childhood
- cerebellum
-Watching TV/screen time before __ years of age is strongly correlated with attention problems later
- Ch 3-5 years of age—only watch ___ and ____ _____
- For ch exposed early, school is boring, noninteractive, slow
-TV topics presented briefly, lots of visual stimuli, varied settings, loud noises, movement, flashes of color
- 2
- educational and nonviolent programs
Computer Use and Executive Functioning
(Recent research Morris; Westby)
- Computer use—drawbacks which affect ____ ____ (planning and reasoning) skills
- ____ ____—multitasking and continuous partial attention –cause irritability, impair cognition
- executive functioning
- general browsing
Playing computer games can impair the development of the ____ lobe, the part of the brain that inhibits anti-social behavior
- frontal
True or false.
- Every hour of TV/video game (VG) use per day increases risk of attention problems
- Ch wired for high speed stimulation
- American Academy of Pediatrics: ch under 2-no TV or VGs
- When ch have been exposed in childhood it becomes Difficult to think, plan, and reflect when exposed to a great deal of screen time in childhood
- Students and parents—unplug and get moving
true or false
- Not diagnosed by standardized tests—”diagnosis is based on a careful assessment of the behavioral symptoms”
- Difficulties coping with everyday life
ADHD is most likely :
- An impairment in the executive function portion of brain that regulates behavior, esp. ____
Owens, Farinella, and Metz (2015)
- Teachers often believe that these ADHD ch’s ___ ___ skills can be attributed to pragmatic difficulties
- Ch may not be id on lang testing that ignores pragmatics
- poor social
true or false
Specific Behaviors may Include:
- Difficulty remaining seated
- Poor follow through on tasks
- Executive motor acitivty-fidgeting, squirming
- Short attention span
- Distractibility
- Inability to delay gratification
- Shifting rapidly from one activity to another
- Loses things; “space cadet”
true or false
- Poor auditory memory
- Continually saying “what?” “and” “huh?”
- False starts, verbal mazes
- Poor story-telling ability (disorganized)
- Poor pragmatics-interrupting, non sequiters (totally off topic)
- Stimulant medication increases ____ in brain
- Best: combo of pharmacological and behavioral approaches
- dopamine
true or false.
Popular current medications include:
- Cylert
- Adderall
-Strattera (not a stimulant; may not have much effect)
-Concerta (time released—take one pill in the A.M., and lasts all day)
true or false
- Work on concepts such as -before, after, more than
- Help students use clocks to mark time
- List of tasks to be completed-check off as finished
- Visual aids
-Therapy rooms and classrooms should be highly structured
“movement breaks”
- Turntaking skills
- Continigency- what they say must relate to what other person just said Memory, esp. for info presented auditorilly-often forget things
- Minimize external distractions
- Discuss what “paying attention” is (listening, asking ?’s when you don’t understand, sitting still, eye contact)
- Monitor output—speak in organized fashion
- Pragmatics, esp. ways to join groups effectively
true or false
Kowalski ASHA Schools Conference
- Social etiquette posters
- Have ch carry social etiquette cards
- Video ch and show him
true or false
Social autopsy--analyze social errors Who was impacted by? How to correct it? How to avoid it in the future? Much better 1:1 Help get them get organized Extra time to complete tasks-often esp. have trouble on timed tasks
true or false
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973:
Civil rights statute that prohibits schools from discriminating against children with disabilities
Eligibility is based on the existence of a physical or mental condition that substantially limits a major life activity
ADHD students qualify for classroom accommodations if they can’t learn under typical circumstances
What are the gifts of ADHD?
Ability to think outside the box