Cognitive Practical Flashcards
To conduct a lab experiment to study how having a schema (a title prompt or not) will affect people’s recall of words (scored on a coding scheme).
This study was independent measures with participants taking part in one condition or the other.
They were given a 16 line piece of text which was worded vaguely but about doing laundry. One group had a sheet entitled ‘doing laundry’ whereas the other had no title.
They were given 3 minutes to read the test and then 5m to write out the text as close to the original as possible.
Their answer was scored on a standardised scoring scheme with one mark for the jist of each sentence and extra points available for key words and phrases in each sentence.
All results were kept confidential and participants were both debriefed and given the right to withdraw at any point.
They were then debriefed and told the true purpose of the experiment.
The data was then analysed (see next slide, it can count in procedure but might be uts own question too)
The title group scored higher. (mean 40 vs 32) This difference between the groups was tested using Mann-Whitney U.
This found the results to be Significant P<0.05 which an observed value of 37 and a critical value of 42.
Ppt with a title prompt remembered significantly more of the paragraph that those without.
Controlled and reliable e.g. standardised words and timing
+independant measures
little chance of order effects and demand characteristics
-opportunity sampling
Opportunity sampling so not generalizable
-independant measures
May introduce participant variables/difference
Others could have suggested other measurements/coding of what got points
Low in mundane realism
Informed consent, withdrawal etc
Low mundane realism because this is an unrealistic and unusual task (recalling ambiguous text)
Small sample
Similar characteristics
The use of a title to prompt a schema is beneficial in aiding recall of reconstructive memory (they scored a higher mean no. Of words/sentences recalled). They were able to recall more words and the results were significant.
Data analysis
Their answers scored on a standardised scoring scheme with one mark for the list of each sentence and extra points available for key words and phrases in each sentence decided deforehand.
A mean was calculated for each of the two groups.
A Mann-Whitney U analysis was conducted to test the data for significance.
Opportunity sampling gathering 27 people from A-level college library, aged between 16 and 19 (15 in one group and 12 in another)
Alternative: ppts with a title prompt will recall a higher number of correct words/ more sentences (max score of 55) from a paragraph compared to ppt without a title prompt.
Null: there will be no difference between amount of words/sentences (max sore of 55) recalled by ppt who have a title prompt or no title prompt. Any difference is due to chance.
IV: schema-whether you have a title prompt or no title prompt
DV: number of correct words recalled from a paragraph