Cognitive & Language Development Flashcards
Issues in developmental psychology ( 3 main debates)
Nature VS Nurture
Early VS Later Experience
Continuity VS Discontinuity
Explain Nature VS Nurture
The debate over the relative contribution of inheritance VS environment in development.
(Basically genetics VS environment)
Explain Early VS Later Experience
The relative importance of early experiences versus those that occur later in life
Are we affected more by events that occur in early childhood, or do later events play an equally important role ?
Explain Continuity VS Discontinuity
Does change occur smoothly overtime, or through a series of predetermined steps?
(Steps vs a path)
ADLs for children: FEEDING (among diff age groups)
18-24 months
24-30 months
3 years
4 years
5 years
ADLs for children: DRESSING (among diff age groups)
18-24 months
24-30 months
3 years
4 years
5 years
ADLs for children: BLADDER & BOWEL (among diff age groups)
18-24 months
24-30 months
3 years
Cognitive development: birth to 6 months
Cognitive development: 6 to 12 months
Cognitive development: 12 months
Cognitive development: 2 years
Cognitive development: 3 years
Cognitive development: 4 years
Cognitive development: 5 years
What is speech
Sounds used to transmit information or ideas
What are the speech domains?
Fluency /rhythm
What is language?
Understanding the sounds produced or heard; provides meaning to speech
What are the domains of language? (in the correct sequence)
Language development: birth to 6 months
Language development: 6 to 12 months
Language development: 12 to 24 months
Language development: 2 years
Language development: 3 years
Language development: 4 years
Language development: 5 years
What age is the following?
Respond to the sound of bell or rattle
Birth to 6 months
What age is the following?
Prefers patterns
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Eyes follow a moving person
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Visually prefers people to objects ; recognizes mother
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Associates behaviors and people
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Repeats action for own sake
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Vocalizes at mirror image
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Turns head to look for fallen objects
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Lengthy inspection of objects in the environment
Birth to six months
Which age is the following?
Reaches, inspects, and attends to objects and others
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Imitation begins
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Responds to name
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Waves bye-bye
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Deliberate choice of toy
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Responds to “no—no”
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Simple problem-solving: pulls bell to ring
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Looks at pictures in books
6 to 12 months
Which age is the following?
Object permanence is present
6 to 12 months
What does object permanence mean?
If they don’t see it, then it doesn’t exist
That’s why peekaboo is so fascinating to them
What age is the following?
Imitates putting objects in a box
12 months
What age is the following?
Labels one object
(Ex: Giving name to a bottle or blanket or toy)
12 months
Which age is the following?
Follows one-step directions (follow simple commands)
Ex: stand, sit, go, come, sleep, etc.
12 months
What age is the following?
Points to three body parts (hair, eyes, nose)
12 months
Which age is the following?
Identifies pictures in a book
12 months
Which age is the following?
Points to parts of doll on requests
( ex: “where’s her eye?” )
12 months
Which age is the following?
Discriminates two common objects (cup, box)
12 months
Which age is the following?
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs / listens to musical instruments
Two years
Which age is the following?
Joins in nursery rhymes and songs/listens to musical instruments
Two years
Which age is the following?
Matches familiar objects and gives the use of an object
Two years
Which age is the following?
Response correctly to two or three commands.
Two years
Which age is the following?
Shows and gives names for hair, hands, feet, nose, eyes, mouth, shoes
Two years
Which age is the following?
Associates the use with objects
Two years
Which age of the following?
Enjoys simple stories read from book
Two years
Which age of the following?
Recognize self in photos
Two years
Which age is the following?
Repeats two digits
Two years
Which age is the following?
Can point to the tongue, neck, arm, knee, thumb
Three years
Which age is the following?
Tells action in pictures and tells simple story
Three years
Which age is the following?
Knows concept of two , three
Three years
What age is the following?
Puts together multi-piece puzzle
Three years
Which age is the following?
Comprehends past and present
Three years
Which age is the following?
Comprehends three prepositions :
- On top of
- Under
- Inside
Three years
What age is the following?
Knows concepts : big/little, fast/slow, up/down
Three years
Which age is the following?
Follows three-step command in proper order
4 years
Which age is the following?
Can name materials objects are made of / gives age
Four years
What age is the following?
Knows Day and night
Four years
Which age is the following?
Can tell pictorial similarities and differences
Four years
What age is the following?
Can make opposite analogies
Four years
What age is the following?
Matches and names four primary colors
Four years
Which age is the following?
Defines the use of pencil, spoon, car
Four years
What age is the following?
Listens eagerly to stories
Four years
What age is the following?
Follows directions : on, under, in front of, behind.
Four years
What age is the following?
Appreciates past, present, and future
Five years
What age is the following?
Can define six words / knows some letters
Five years
What age is the following?
Gives home address, names, and ages of siblings
Five years
What age is the following?
Can judge weight
Five years
What age is the following?
Knows names of dime, Penny, nickel
Five years
What age is the following?
Knows right from left
Five years
What age is the following?
Names palm, eyebrow, elbow, thumb
Five years
What age is the following?
Can count to 20
Five years
What age is the following?
Primary purpose of speech mechanism is for breathing
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Responds to other’s voice
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Babbling , coos, gurgles, sounds of contentment
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Mono-syllabic utterance
0 to 3 months
What age is the following?
Vocalizes pleasure / displeasure
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Reacts to sounds
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Smiles at mothers voice
Birth to six months
What age is the following?
Di-syllabic utterance
3 to 6 months
What age is the following?
Motor responses accompany vocalizations
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Vocalizes attention–getting, socialization .
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Re-creation of sounds to recall a pleasurable situation or object
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Responds to human speech by smiling and vocalizing
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Distinguishes angry and pleasant sounds
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Beginning of imitation of parental utterance
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Single words emerging
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Comprehends many nouns and verbs
12 months
What age is the following?
First words (dada, mama, bye-bye)
6 to 12 months
What age is the following?
Receptive language greater than expressive language
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
Beginning of primitive grammatical system
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
Frequent repetition of words and syllables
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
Use of nouns, few verbs, and some adult pronouns
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
20 to 100 word vocabulary
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
Naming of objects in books
12 to 24 months
What age is the following?
Rapid increase in Language Growth
Two years
What age is the following?
Demands response from others
Two years
What age is the following?
Two-word utterances — primitive grammar
Two years
What age is the following?
Inflections ( s for plural)
Latter part of second year
What age is the following?
250 word vocabulary
Two years
What age is the following?
Acquires adult syntax and grammar
Three years
What age is the following?
Is versatile in language use
Three years
What age is the following?
Can be controlled by language
Three years
What age is the following?
Laughs , sighs
Three years
What age is the following?
Uses normal loudness and tone
Three years
What age is the following?
900 word vocabulary
Three years
What age is the following?
Use of language in imaginative play
Three years
What age is the following?
Self-centered explanations
Three years
What age is the following?
Questions other’s activity
Four years
What age is the following?
Girls exceed boys in linguistic ability
4.5 years.
What age is the following?
Imitation of parent’s intonation pattern
Four years
What age is the following?
Voice well-modulated and firm
Four years
What age is the following?
More complicated sentence structure
Four years
What age is the following?
Vocabulary continues to increase
Four years
What age is the following?
More sophisticated use and comprehension of language
Five years
What age is the following?
Increased speech in social interaction
Five years
What age is the following?
Vocabulary of 2000 words
Five years