Cognitive Considerations of Motor Learning: Lecture 5 Flashcards
Cognitive processes
- executive function
- problem solving
- mental flexibility
- memory
- processing speed
- intelligence
- communication and language
- arousal/awareness
- orientation
- attention
Mental flexibility and attention
Trail making - alternating attention
Stroop test - selective and/or alternating attention, mental flexibility
Stroop test and stroop effect
When word and ink color are the same (stimulus-response compatibility)
- response time is faster
When word id different than it’s color (stimulus-response incompatibility)
- response time is slower
Impacted by
- foreperiod length regularity (anticipation)
- movement complexity
- movement accuracy
- repetition of a movement
Long-term memory
Procedural memory
Stores information about “how to do” specific activities (motor skills)
Semantic memory
long-term memory
Stores our general knowledge about the world based upon experiences (concepts)
Episodic memory
long-term memory
Stores our knowledge about personally experienced events
Alert and oriented x4
Person A&O x1
Place A&O x2
Time A&O x3
Situation A&O x4
Mini mental state exam (MMSE)
- orientation
- registration
- attention and calculation
- recall
- language
Multiple domains of cognition
Montreal cognitive assessment (MOCA)
- visuospatial/executive
- naming
- memory
- attention
- language
- abstraction
- delayed recall
- orientation
multiple domains of cognition
Movement characteristics related to memory performance
Location and distance characteristics
- movement end point location remembered better than movement distance
- arm movement end location within the person’s own body space remembered better than outside body space
Meaningfulness of movement
- movement becomes meaningful if it can be related to something person knows
Action preparation
Specific preparation the motor control system makes just prior to initiating movement
Influenced by skill, performance-context, personal factors
Stimulus-response compatibility
- response time fast/slow depending on compatibility
Preparation for and performance of motor skills are influenced by our limited capacity to select and attend to information
Focused: focus on and respond to a specific stimulus
Sustained: sustain attention over a period of time
Selective: focus attention in the presence of distracting stimuli
Alternating: shift focus of attention from one task to another
Divided: respond simultaneously to multiple tasks
Internal vs external focus of attention
Internal focus: intrinsic FB, how does it feel to perform the movement
- tends to benefit the novice performer
External focus: extrinsic FB, environmental cues, expected movement outcome
- tends to benefit the skilled performer
Will overlap w/ FB info (KR and KP)
Multiple resource theories
We have several resources for attention - each source has a limited capacity
Sources based on info processing need (sensory input, response output, type of memory code)
Performance depends on competition for attention resources