Cognitive addiction. Flashcards
Outline Beck’s Vicious Circle.
low mood –> using –> problems.
can start at any point in the circle.
Outline Coping.
People engage in addictive behaviours to cope with stress.
3 main functions:
- Performance enhancement - make you feel more alert/more able to perform certain tasks.
- Mood regulation - increase positive mood, reduce negative mood.
- Distraction - distract the addict from unpleasant life experiences
Outline expectancy.
negative expectations = less likely to engage. e.g. religious, health, moral grounds.
Hansen - alcoholics more likely to be those who perceive fewer negative consequences.
Expectancies do not have to be accurate - may feel that smoking makes them look more attractive - may not be true.
Evaluate the cognitive approach.
Allows free will - addiction occurs due to faulty thinking - can be corrected. Gives the individual a chance to change. Unlike learning model - addiction determined by environment.
Accounts for individual differences - everyone has the ability to think differently. Two MZ twins - one addict one chooses not to be. Contradicts bio approach - both likely to be addicts.
Limited to particular addictions - some have biological evidence (e.g. genes) i.e. it might not be someone’s choice to smoke. Too simplistic - needs a multi-dimensional approach.