Cognition: Problem solving Flashcards
What is meant by a problem?
When we have a goal but don’t know how to achieve it
What is meant by thinking?
A process of mental exploration of possible actions and states of the world
Name 8 forms of problems
Well defined problems, ill defined problems, knowledge rich problems (specialised knowledge needed,) Knowledge lean problems, Non adversary problems, Adversary problems (opponent involved,) large scale (months or years to solve,) small scale.
What is known in a well defined problem
Initial state, end state and possible methods
What is the Gestalt form of thinking
Changing the way the problem was seen, or in other words restructuring the way a problem is represented.
What is meant by an insight?
A restructuring that leads to a rapid solution.
Give an example of animals using insight in an experiment
Monkey stacking crates to get hanging fruit
How did Duncker seek to demonstrate insight in humans
Using the think aloud method he showed them a diagram of an x ray into a tumour surrounded by healthy cells and asked how they would attack the cell without damaging the healthy cells.
What was the result of Duncker’s experiment of insight?
People divided the problem into goals and sub goals before landing on the insightful solution to use a lens to focus a weak bundle of rays on the tumour.
What is meant by set in regards to problem solving?
The tendency to persist with one approach to a problem
Name and explain another barrier to insight as recorded by the gestalt psychologists
Function fixity is a difficulty in thinking of a novel use for a familiar object.
Why may children be better at insightful riddles
They haven’t developed as strong functional fixity
What was the major drawbacks for the gestalt approach?
A lack of clarity in their explanations (how restructuring came about.) It also did not address how we solve problems that do not require restructuring or insight.
What is meant by a problem space?
An abstract representation of possible states of a problem.
Name and explain the two sub types of problem spaces;
A state-action space is a representation of how problems can be transformed from starting state through intermediate states to the goal while a goal-subgoal space is how an overall problem goal can be broken down into subgoals and sub-subgoals.
What three main methods can a state-action tree be approached systematically?
Depth first search (light load on memory, only one possible move at a time is considered moving down the tree. Breadth first search ( Heavy working memory load, considers each possible move at each level and storing the possible tree, this is an algorithm as it always reaches the goal.) Progressive deepening (goes down a certain depth, backs up, goes down another route the same depth, backs up and restarts. If it hasn’t been found it restarts again extending the depth. This is algorithmic)
What is meant by a blind search?
They only classify states as a goal or non goal
What is meant by the term heuristic
A problem solving method that often finds a low effort solution but is not guaranteed to solve.
What was Thomas’s Hobbits and Orcs Experiment
Participants had to get 3 orcs and the 3 hobbits across a river without the orcs outnumbering the hobbits.
What were the results of Thomas’s Orcs and Hobbits Experiment?
The minimum moves to complete the challenge was 11, their average was 20. States 5 and 8 presented most difficulty. State 5 could’ve been due to the number of possible move and state 8 could be due to their hesitancy to backtrack.
Why are problems with a detour often difficult?
Because of the prevalence of simple hill climbing strategys.
Give another name for a sub goal
An alternative action
What is meant by hierarchical goal?
Subgoal analysis which is often referred to as problem reduction or as means-ends analysis.
What was found during lab studies of the Tower of Hanoi task?
People tended towards problem reduction (means-ends analysis) as experience was built up.