Cognition and the Association Cortex Flashcards
What is cognition?
1. Internal life: perception, attention, memory language planning, emotion
- Invovles integrating information–> perceptual whole, guides choice of app behaviors
- Occurs between a stimulus and a response (attention, recognition, planning
What is a default network?
Active at REST
Day dreaming, mind wandering, memories, moral dilemas
Often more active w/ mental illness
What is a time positive netowrk?
Active when performing tasks
Where do unimodal and multimodal integration take place and what are they?
Both take place in the association cortex.
Unimodal- integrates info from ONE sensory modality
Multimodal- integrates info ACROSS sensory modalities and from other sources
Describe “information flow” from the primary sensory cortex to the motor cortex.
Primary sensory cortex
What is cortical lamination? How many cortex layers are there?
Density of cells throughout the cortex is NOT unriform.
6 layers
Where are pyramidal and stellate cells found?
Pyramidal: layers 1-3
Stellate: 4-6
Layer 4 from the primary sensory cortex gets input from?
Sense specific thalamic nuclei!
Layesr 1,2,3, and 5 get input from other cortical areas.
What are the sense specific nuclei?
Retina > LGN > primary visual cortex
Cochlea > brainstem nuclei > MGN > primary auditory ctx
Skin > medial leminiscus > VPL > primary somatosensory ctx
Layer 4 in the sensory association cortex gets info from where?
Multimodal thalamic nuclei!
Other layers receive information from other cortical areas
What are the multimodal thalamic nuclei?
Sup. colliculus (visual) > Pulvinar > Pariotemporal/VAC
SC, Olf cortex, amygdala, ventral pallidum > Medial dorsal > FEF, VAC, Ant cingulate, striatum
Lateral Posterior
Input: Assoc cortex, ant. cingulate, retina
Output: parietal and visual assoc. cortex, ant. cingulate, striatum
Input: Hypothal, hippo, cingulate
Output: post. cingulate
Which has the higher density of corticocortical connections? PSC or SAC?
the association cortex has a higher density
Where do modulatory inputs come from?
Thalamus (1)
brainstem (all 6 layers)
What is the function of the association cortex?
- Integrate input from different modalities
- Mediate between sensory inputs and appropriate behavioral outputs
What is associated with the parietal association cortex?
- Selective Attention- “gate”
- Stroop Test- test deficits in selective attention (WHITE)
- Damage: Spatial neglect (posterior parietal cortex)
- Skilled movements
- R-L orientation
- Damage: Motor apraxia (intraparietal sulcus)
What is associated with the Temporal association cortex?
- Language and social attn (superior temp. sulcus)
- Recognition (inferior temp. sulcus)
- Damage: Agnosias (inferior temp. sulcus)
bilateral lesion of ITC
Visual agnosia
can’t recognize OBJECT
unimodal visual cortex
can’t recog obj by TOUCH
unimodal senosry cortex
Associative visual agnosia
Can identify but can’t NAME
posterior parietal cortex
Finger agnosia
Gerstmann synd: finger agnosia acalaulia, agraphia and R-L confusion
angular gyrus of dom. parietal cortex
What test can be used to test the frontal assoc. cortex?
Wisconsin Card sorting test
Cards- color, shape, number
See how quickly pt picks up on rules
Tests cognitive flexibility and ordered thinking