How many senses do we have? Pieter Claesz (1623)
more than 5 types of external sense organ
- vision
- audition
- gustation
- olfaction
- somatoception
- thermoception
- chronoperception
- nocieption
- equalibrioception
What are the two types of sensation and perception?
Exteroperception and interoperception
What is visual perception?
The ability to determine the surfaces in surrounding environment and make interpretations about them to guide behaviour.
This is done by receiving light in the visible spectrum reflected by objects in the environment and giving meaning to this information.
What is Gestalt Priciples of vision perception
- Objects are perceived as well - organised patterns rather than separate and individual components
- based on the concept of ‘grouping’
- organisation of single elements and features into a coherent ‘whole’
- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
What is the configural superiority effect (Pomersnz et al. 1977)
- a phenomenon in which a configuration of elements or features is easier to identify than a single feature alone.f
What is the law of proximity?
- describes how the human eye perceives connections between visual elements
What is the law of similarity
- we perceive elements as a group if they’re similar in shape, size, color, or other characteristics.
What is the law of good continuation
- figures with edges that are smooth are more likely seen as continuous than edges that have abrupt or sharp angles.
What is the law of closure?
explains how we perceive incomplete shapes (Palmer & Rock, 1994). When there is missing information in an image, the eye ignores the missing information and fills in the gaps with lines, color or patterns from the surrounding area to complete the image.
What is the law of symmetry?
the gestalt grouping law that states that elements that are symmetrical to each other tend to be perceived as a unified group.
What is the law of uniform connectedness?
- elements that are connected to each other using colors, lines, frames, or other shapes are perceived as a single unit when compared with other elements that are not linked in the same manner
What is the law of Prågnanz?
- elements that are connected to each other using colors, lines, frames, or other shapes are perceived as a single unit when compared with other elements that are not linked in the same manner
What is the Kanesza triangle illusion?
- In the case of the Kanizsa triangle, the brain constructs the perception of the triangle and effectively fills in the lines between the mouths of the pac-men, resulting in the perception of a white triangle that seems brighter than the white paper
What is bottom-up and Top-down processing?
BU: Taking sensory information and then assembling and integrating it (what am i seeing?)
TD: using models, ideas and exectations to intepret sensory information. (Is that something I’ve seen before?)
what are the two types of factors that affect deployment of attention?
Stimulus-driven - they interact to aid object detection
- flashing light
- on - rushing object
- bright object
- what you are interested in
- what are you looking for
How does the brain determine how far away things are?
There are two forms of cue which we use in depth perception
- monocular cues
- binocular cues
what is accommodation in ocular cues?
- the lens of the eye contracts when an object is near, to maintain focus… monocular cue
what is convergence in ocular cues?
The eyes tuen inwards as something is close to us. Binocular cue
What is stereopsis?
the perception of depth produced by the reception in the brain of visual stimuli from both eyes in combination; binocular vision.
What is the difference between kinetic cues and pictoral cues?
Kinetic cues are visual clues as to how far away an object is. Pictoral cues are perspective, reletive size and familiar size.