What is the role of sensory systems?
- to perceive environmental stimuli through specialised mechanisms
- sensory systems consist of receptors in specialized cells and organs that perceive changes in the internal and external environment
-Law of specific nerve energy: Whatever excites a particular nerve establishes a special kind of energy unique to that nerve
Explain sensory pathways?
- stimulus as a physical energy - sensory receptor acts as a transducer
Transducer = a system or device that converts one form of energy to another form of energy
stimulus> threshold - action potentials to CNS
Integration in CNS - Cerebral cortex or acted on subconsciously
What is the typical sensory pathway?
Peripheral Nervous system
- stimulus picked up by receptors
- afferent neuron
- spinal cord or brainstem
- second order neuron
- thalamus
- third order neuron
- cortex
Name the functions/ stimulus of each receptor:
Mechanoreceptors - respond to touch, pressure, vibration, stretch and itch
Thermoreceptors - sensitive to changes in temperature
Photoreceptors - respond to light energy
Chemoreceptors - respond to chemicals
Nociceptors - sensitive to pain causing stimuli
Osmoreceptors - detect change sin concentration of solutes, osmatic activity
Baroreceptors - detect changes in fluid pressure
Exteroceptors - sensitive to stimuli arising from outside the body. located near the surface.
Interoceptors - recieve stimuli from internal viscera. monitor a variety of stimuli
proprioreceptors - monitor degree of stretch located in musculoskeletal organs
What are the 3 types of receptor structure?
a) Simple receptors
- neurons with free nerve endings
b) complex neural receptors
- have nerve endings enclosed in connective tissue capsules
c) most special senses receptors
- cells that release neurotransmitter onto sensory neurons, initiating an action potential
What is the purpose of the eye?
- Focus light to create an image on the retina
Describe the visual pathway:
- input from left visual field is projected on the right hemiretina of each eye
- info from the right hemisphere-retina of each eye travels to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus on the right side.
- half of the optic fibres cross at the optic chiasm
What are the pathways from eye to the brain?
Cortical route:
- retina - LGN - visual cortex
Subcortical routes
- retina - hypothalamus
- retina - superior colliculus
What and where pathways in audition?
What pathway: sensitive to pattern of sound in the anterior temporal cortex
Where pathway: sensitive to sound location in the posterior temporal cortex and the parietal cortex
Gustatory Pathway from Taste Buds:
Taste information reaches the cerebral cortex
Primarily through the facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves
Some taste information through the vagus nerve (X)
Sensory neurons synapse in the medulla
What is somatosensory?
Pain: experience evoked by harmful stimulus
From pain receptors impulses are carried out slowly
Pain axons release two neurotransmitters in the spinal cord
- glutamate and substance P
From medulla to cerebral cortex, both touch and pain are represented on the contralateral side