Coeliac Disease and Bowel Carcinoma Flashcards
Examples of significant GI disease (3)
- Crohns disease
- Coeliac disease
- Tumours
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Crohns disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- Colonic Ca
Aetiology of coeliac disease (3)
Sensitivity to the a-gliaden component of gluten
- Can cause inflamed villi
Loss of villi (which increase SA for absorption) - May lead to villous atrophy
Name examples gluten can be found in (2)
Wheat + barley
Coeliac disease can cause jejunal atrophy in the SI,
what are the effects of this? (2)
CLINICAL (30-40%)
- Growth failure
- Oral ulceration
- None
Coeliac disease symptoms (9)
- Weakness
- Lassitude
- Weight loss
- Dysphagia
- Abdominal pain
- Steatorrhea
- Diarrhoea
- Glossitus
- Aphthae
Coeliac disease investigations (4)
- Jejunal biopsy
- Capsule
- Endoscopy - Faecal fat
- Haematinics
- Autoantibodies
- antigliadin
- antiendomyseal antibodies
How can a gluten free diet aid coeliac disease? (3)
- Reversal of jejunal atrophy
- Improved wellbeing
- Reduced risk of lymphoma
What autoimmune skin disease is Coeliac disease associated with?
Dermatitis herpetiformis
Describe how Dermatitis herpetiformis presents? (3)
- Blisters on skin filled with watery fluid, very itchy
- Granular iGA deposits in skin and mucosa
- Reaction to gluten
What tests are used for aphthae patients, and what do they show (2)
- Haematinic tests to detect deficiency
- Folate/ folate + ferrin deficiecy suggests malabsorption
Colonic carcinoma symptoms? (3)
- None
- Anaemia
- Rectal blood loss
Colonic carcinoma screening
- Tests faeces for blood - Barium enema
- Xray for colon abnormalities - Endoscopy
- MRI/CT scan
- Carcinoembrionic antigen (CEA)
- Low levels of this protein may be increased in certain types of cancer
What age does colonic carcinoma screening start at?
Over 50s
5 year repeat if negative
Aetiology of colonic carcinoma (7)
- Diet
- Increased meat and fat
- Decreased veg and fibre - Smoking
- Alcohol
- Less exercise
- Genetics - P53 in 75%
- Ulcerative colitis
- Intestinal polyps
Define polyps
Abnormal growth of tissue from a mucous membrane