Coeliac Flashcards
summarise the key points for coeliac disease?
IDA ( iron deficiency anaemia), steatorrhea, diarrhoea, cramps abdominal pain, bloating, N and V ( weight loss) , anti TTG and anti- endomysial antibodies ( recurrent mouth ulcers)
villus atrophy and crypt hyperplasia and raised intraepithelial lymphocytes ( infiltrating lamina propria)
Remember can be related to osteoporosis/osteomalacia and dermatitis herpetiformis (AI skin condition - papulovesiculorash - related with coeliac’s) and failure to thrive
define coeliac disease?
an inflammatory disease caused by intolerance to GLUTEN causing chronic intestinal malabsorption
leads to subtotal villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia
Explain the aetiology of coeliac disease?
due to sensitivity of GLADIN component of the cereal protein, gluten
exposure to gliadin triggers an immunological reaction in the small intestine leading to mucosal damage and loss of villi- lose ability to absorb hence diarrhoea and weight loss
if gluten is removed from diet, villi can return and patient is asymptomatic- damage is REVERSIBLE
what are the risk factors for coeliac disease?
10% risk of first- degree relatives being affected
clear genetic susceptibility associated with HLA- B8, HLA- DR3,
summarise the epidemiology of coeliac disease?
- UK: 1/2000
- West Ireland: 1/300
- Rare in East-Asia
what are the presenting symptom of coeliac disease?
may be asymptomatic
abdominal discomfort, pain and distension
steatorrhea ( pale, bulky stool, with offensive smell and difficult to flush)
tiredness, malaise, weight loss ( despite normal diet)
failure to thrive in children
amenorrhea in young adults
what are the signs of coeliac disease on physical examination?
signs of anaemia- pallor signs of malnutrition - short stature - abdominal distension - wasted buttocks in children - triceps skin fold thickness gives indication of fat stores
signs of vitamin/mineral deficiencies: osteomalacia, easy bruising
intense, itchy bruising on elbows, knees or buttocks ( dermatitis herpetiormis)- lesions are papule and blisters up to 1cm in diameter, itchy on exterior surfaces
outline the management plan for coeliac disease
advice- avoid gluten ( wheat, rye and barley products), education, dietary advice
medical- vitamin and mineral supplements, oral corticosteroids if disease does not subside with avoidance of gluten
what are the possible complications of coeliac disease?
iron, folate and B12 deficiency
ulcerative jejuneoileits
GI lymphoma ( particularly T cell ) if untreated coeliac
increased risk of gastric/oesophageal/ bladder/breast/brain malignancy
bacterial overgrowth
cerebellar ataxia ( rarely)
coeliac crisis- RARE- hypovol, water diarrhoea, hypocalcaemia, hypoalbunaemia
what is a coeliac crisis?
RARE- hypovolaemia, v watery, diarrhoea, hypocalcaemia, hypoalbuniaemia
summarise the prognosis for patients with coeliac disease?
full recovery in most patients who strictly adhere to a gluten free diet
symptom usually resolve within weeks-> though histological changes may take longer
gluten free diet must be followed for life
what are the appropriate investigations for coeliac?
d-xylose test
bone scan
screening first degree relatives
what do we look for in the bloods for coeliac?
FBC ( low Hb, iron, folate)
U and E
why is a bone scan important when investigating coeliac?
osteopenia / osteoporosis is very common in patients who are newly diagnosed with coeliac disease and screening is recommended as they are likely not absorbing vitD
what do we look for on serology when investigating coeliac?
IgG anti-gliadin antibodies, IgA and IgG anti-endomysial tranglutaminase antibodies can be diagnostic -
NOTE: IgA deficiency is quite COMMON (1/50 with coeliac) so Ig levels should be measured to avoid false negatives
why is it important to investigate stool for coeliac?
culture to exclude infection, faecal fat tests for steatorrhoea
why is the D-xylose test important?
reduced urinary excretion after oral xylose indicates small bowel malabsorption
what do we look for on endoscopy when investigating coeliac?
allows direct visualisation of villous atrophy in the small intestine (mucosa appears flat and smooth)
what will a biopsy show for coeliac?
It is important to confirm a diagnosis of coeliac disease with small bowel biopsy, which is most easily obtained during an OGD
○ will show villous atrophy and crypt hyperplasia in the duodenum
○ The epithelium adopts a cuboidal appearance - there is an inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the lamina propria
Small bowel changes completely resolve if you are adherent to a gluten-free diet, so it is important to get the biopsies before patients change their diet.
why is screening first degree relative important for coeliac?
10% of their relatives will have / develop coeliac disease and so first degree relative screening is also recommended.
what category of people should coeliacs be ruled out in?
Coeliac should be excluded in all those labelled as IBS