Codes & Regulations During Programming Flashcards
Is the IBC prescriptive or performative? Why?
Mostly prescriptive. It describes specific materials and methods of design and construction for building components and systems, rather than describing how the components and systems are supposed to function.
What is NFPA 1?
Fire Code
What is NFPA 101?
National Life Safety Code
What is NFPA 70?
National Electrical Code
International Residential Code
International Fire Code
International Mechanical Code
International Plumbing Code
International Zoning Code
Who is it published by?
National Electrical Code, published by NFPA
American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers
What is one of the best known NRTLs?
NRTL = Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
What does UL do?
Develops standards and tests products for safety, primarily doors and opening protections.
What does a UL label signify? What are the two types of UL labels?
That it passed the UL test.
- a listed label signifies the product has passed the safety test and is manufactured under the UL follow-up services program.
- a classified label means samples of the product were tested for certain types of uses only.
What are the 3 classes of finish material flammability tests?
Class A (I) FSI 0-25 (most fire resistant) Class B (II) FSI 26-75 Class C (III) FSI 76-100 (least fire resistant)
What is FSI (flame spread index)? SDI (smoke-developed index)?
FSI (flame spread index) = rates the surface burning characteristics of interior finishes and other building materials
SDI (smoke-developed index) = how much smoke is emitted by a material as it burns
For which 2 broad classifications of fire-resistance does the code specify requirements?
- Resistance of construction materials and assemblies
2. Surface burning characteristics of finish materials
What is the “fire-resistance rating” of a construction material or assembly?
The length of time the item can withstand a standardized fire test.
What are 6 types of easements?
- utility easement
- access easement
- support easement
- joint use easement
- scenic easement
- conservation easement
What is a utility easement?
allows a utility company to enter the property to install and maintain utility lines above or below the ground within the boundaries of the easement
What is an access easement?
If a parcel of land is not served y a public road, an access easement gives the landowner and the public the right to cross to the an adjacent property (creates a private or public right-of-way
What is a support easement?
An easement for the construction of common party walls between properties.
What is a joint use easement?
An easement that allows two or more property owners to share common features such as a driveway.
What is a scenic easement?
An easement that protects views and development in scenic areas.
What is a conservation easement?
An easement that limits land use in large areas.
Which two types of easements are used by public agencies to control land use without the need to purchase large tracts of property?
Scenic and conservation easements
What are 3 types of deed restrictions? What do they do?
- Restrictive Covenant = provisions in a deed to the property that restricts the use of the property by the buyer.
- Affirmative Covenant = requires the buyer to perform a specific duty in the future (ex. Construct and maintain a fence)
- Conditional Covenant = permits the title of the property to revert to the original owner if the restrictions prescribed in the deed are not followed
Which deed restriction is often used in residential subdivisions to maintain a desired uniformity of appearance, site development, and quality of construction?
Restrictive covenant
What do most states use for an energy code? Which code does IBC reference?
Commercial buildings = Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential Buildings (ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1)
Residential Buildings = International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
IBC references the IECC
When is a project subject to the federal Fair Housing Act and any state fair housing laws?
If a project involves a multifamily house or 4+ single-family dwelling units in a building.
What are the 7 groups of Fair Housing Act accessibility design requirements?
- Accessible building entrance on an accessible route
- Accessible and usable public and common spaces
- Usable doors
- Accessible route into and through the covered dwelling unit
- Light switches, electrical outlets, thermostats and other environmental controls in accessible locations
- Reinforced walls for grab bars
- Usable kitchens and bathrooms
Which standards do all state accessibility codes follow?
How do you decide if you should use the IBC or IRC?
IRC applies to one- and two- family dwellings and to buildings consisting of 3 or less townhouse units with separate means of egress. All buildings are limited to three stories above grade plane.
What are the 6 primary steps during programming? What are the next 2 steps during SD?
- determine the occupancy
- determine construction type and allowable area
- determine the allowable height of the building (both in feet and # of stories)
- compare the area of the building and allowable height with other zoning requirements/factors to determine a final allowable building configuration
- determine other aspects of the building that may be important to establish during programming so major design decisions can be proposed and rough budget estimates can be started
- establish what energy code will be used in addition to IBC requirements to use IECC
- calculate the occupant load and egress of the building
- complete the code review to determine requirements for other portions of the building as needed for the design to proceed.
What 3 requirements does the building occupancy help to determine?
- Maximum allowable area of the building
- Maximum allowable height of the building (in feet and # of stories)
- How the building will need to be separated from other structures
What are the 5 major types of construction?
Types I & II = noncombustible materials
Type III = exterior walls noncombustible, interior elements are of any materials complying with the code
Type IV = heavy-timber construction
Type V = exterior and interior elements are of any materials complying with the code
What is B occupancy?
What is E occupancy?
What is F occupancy?
factory and industrial
What is H occupancy?
high hazard
What is I occupancy?
What is M occupancy?
What is R occupancy?
What is S occupancy?
What is U occupancy?
utility and miscellaneous
What are 2 approaches to determine construction type?
Option 1:
- Assume what an acceptable construction type may be
- perform the calculations based on that type using the allowable area factor in order to determine the allowable floor area
- compare this area with the programmatic needs of the building
- If calculated allowable area is must greater than the programm calls for, a less fire-resistant construction type can be selected and calculations reworked
Option 2:
- Use the known occupancy classification and the allowable area factors (see table 16.10) and apply the area increases the IBC allows.
- Find the column with the needed area and read up to find construction type).
- Use the calculations and formulas to verify the allowable area.
What are 2 approaches to determine construction type?
Option 1:
- Assume what an acceptable construction type may be
- Perform the calculations based on that type using the allowable area factor in order to determine the allowable floor area
- compare this area with the programmatic needs of the building
- If calculated allowable area is must greater than the programm calls for, a less fire-resistant construction type can be selected and calculations reworked
Option 2:
- Use the known occupancy classification and the allowable area factors (see table 16.10) and apply the area increases the IBC allows.
- Find the column with the needed area and read up to find construction type).
- Use the calculations and formulas to verify the allowable area.