Codes and Regulations Flashcards
Refer to IBC, Accessible and Usable buildings and facilities (ANSI A117.1), local / state zoning and codes Government buildings are exempt from local regulations (not zoning) AHJ - authority having jurisdiction States can use any version of the code that they want it does not have to be the latest, can be accepted at any time as long as it is state wide
• CPSC - consumer product safety commission
○ Regulates certain aspect of construction
Safety glazing requirement
Federal agencies regulating construction
• Federal agencies may regulate construction project or part of project
○ For federal buildings such as military bldgs or fed prisons
○ ADA - removal of barriers to the physically disabled
§ Based on American national standard institutes (ANSI 117.1)
Not a code but a civil right
additional state agency regulations
• Additional state agency regulations
○ Energy code, elevator, flammability, ect
Hospitals schools nursing homes restaurants schools are subject to additional regualtions for healthy and safety
additional local regulations
• Additional local regulations
○ Pertain to specific concerns of a geographical region or designed to ease a local issues
Like extra snow
partial list of regulations to consider
○ Local or state (IBC with modifications or supplements)
○ Local zoning, local utility, drainage / waste
○ City engineer / public works
○ Fire deparment
§ NFPA 1: fire code
§ NFPA 101: national life safety code
§ NFPA 70: national electrical code
○ Local energy code, department of health, dept of hospitals,
○ Housing codes
○ Ada / aba
○ Height restrictions and view easements
○ Historic preservation, shoreline management
○ Insurance, financial lender, deed restrictions and requirements
Covenants, planning review board rules
Created from the complilation of the building officials conference of america, the national building code and uniform building code
2000 bc babylonian code
• 2000 bc babylonian code - first recognized building code
Developed after a builder finished a house with a roof that collapsed and killed the owner
laws of twelve tables
• The laws of twelve tables
Governed life in rome, set up set back requirements to allow for repairs and prevent the spread of fire
assize of buildings
• Assize of Buildings
○ Englands first building code
§ Forbid thatched roofs
§ Encouraged partywalls
§ Different classes of buildings require different materials
Prevent fire - influenced by great fire of 1666
metropolitan buidings act of 1844
Set building areas, heights, types and occupancies
US code developement
• United states codes developed to prevent the spread of fires and disease
○ 1625 new york had the first code regulating roof types to prevent fires
Overcrowded buildings needed regulations to prevent massive tragedies after fires
authority having jurisdiction
○ Responsible for reviewing plans and specs for approval before a building permit is issued
Conducts inspections during construction
Life safety code
published by the national fire protection association
NFPA 5000
building construction and safety code - US code not widely accepted like the IBC but still available
Makes country wide code less consistent
Least acceptable risk
minimum level or risk needed for building and occupancy safety
Not always the best option? Why? What does this even mean
IBC rules
• IBC describes materials and methods not how systems should function
• IBC only allows for untested materials and methods if they can pass performance based testing or can be proven to meet the code reqs
• Codes are written for health safety and welfare of the public
• Administrative requirements:
○ Building official duties
○ Permit process
○ Construction document reqs
○ Certificate of occupancy reqs
○ How to handle violations
Appealing the decisions of the building official as to interpreting the code
adjuncts to building codes
○ International resi code ICC
○ International fire code ICC
○ International mechanical code ICC
○ International plumbing code ICC
○ International zoning code ICC
○ NEC - national electrical code - ICC relies on NEC for electrical code
○ Industry standards developed by trade associations
§ Gypsum assoc
§ ASTM, ANSI, NFPA - standard writing orgs
□ Building code references standards by:
Reference name, number, date of latest revision
State power and the IBC
• States are given the power to enforce building codes but they have the option to redistribute some of the power to lower levels of government (town / county)
○ A few states write their own code
• AHJ checks conformance but it is up to the architect to design a code compliant building
• Most states adopt a model code and enact it with modifications (primary code IBC)
Nyc and chicago wrote their own code
• ASHRAE: american society of heating refrigerationg and AC engineers
• IES: illuminating engineering society
GA: gypsum association
aci aisi aisc aitc ansi
• ACI: American Concrete institute
• AISI: American iron and steel institute
• AISC: american institute of steel construction
• AITC: american institute of timber construction
ANSI: american national standards institute, approves standards develped by others, does not write their own, prevents duplicate info