Building Analysis Flashcards
• EDM: Electromagnetic distance measurement
Laser based instrument with a computer to measure distance, horizontal and vertical angles of a laser beam to a reflective prism target. Need two people
• REDM: reflectorless electromagnetic distance measurement
Relies on return signal bounced from the object being measured. Less precise. Depends on angle of laser and surface reflectivity
Rectified photography
• Rectified photography:
Focal plane set parallel to façade givevs a flat image with no perspective distortion, can be scaled and measured
• Orthophotography
Digital photography then computer software corrects distortion
stereo and convergent
• Photogrammetry
○ Surveying of objects through photogrpahy and associated software
§ Stereophotogrammetry
□ Two overlapping photographs to produce a digital stereo image, can be used to make an accurate 3d drawing
§ Convergent photogrammetry
□ Multiple photos taken at different angles are overlapped
□ Need reference point or measured distances between reference points to scale the drawing
Slower than laser scanning
laser scanning
• Laser scanning
○ Pulsing lasers beams sweep over an object to obtain 3d coordinates of points
§ Point cloud forms image to extract dwgs from
Info gathered from single point
things to include in building survey
• Things to include in building survey:
○ Site features
§ Parking, service, ped access, adjacencies, microclimate, amenities
○ Configuration and structural components, location of utilities
○ Structure type and condition
○ Roof type conditition and life span
○ Exterior envelope, insulation and windows
○ Mechanical systems, type of heating and cooling, capacity and distribution system
○ Plumbing, sewer capacity and number of fixtures
○ Electrical system, capacity and condition
○ Fire protection, pipes and heads
○ Major equipment, refridge or lab
○ Finishes
Compliance with ADA
analyzing existing structures
• Analyzing existing structures
○ Do location site massing and structure work for the new building use
○ Appearance and character in line with clients aesthetic
○ Work and cost to repair (seismic and foundation and primary structure most expensive)
○ MEP scope
○ New occupancy in line with construction type and area
○ Code review
Determine time and cost for min renovation then for desired renovation
national or state landmark
• If a building is a national /state landmark sprecific requirements will limit the type and extent of rehab allowed
○ Must meet requirements to receive tax credits
Contact national park service or state historic preservation officer
historic preservation treatments from mist to least historically accurate
○ Preservation
§ Retain all historic fabric through conservation maintenance and repair, reflects the buildings lifetime
○ Rehabilitation
§ Emphasizes repair of historic materials but gives more latitude to replacement, typically because of deterioration, allows for new technology and materials, more efficient buildings
○ Restoration
§ Keeps materials from the most significant time in properties history while removing all other materials
○ Reconstruction
Recreate a nonsurviving site and building in new materials
10 standards for reno
○ Property should be used for existing purpose or something that does not require much alteration
○ Preserve historic character, avoid removing historic materials
○ Physical record of its time place and use, do not add false features
○ Preserve historic changes over time
○ Preserve distinctive features finishes and construction
○ Repair over replace for deeriorated features, replace missing features through pictoral evidence
○ Do not use chimcal or physical treamtments that will damage materials
○ Preserve archeological resources, mitigate if disturbed
New additions must not destroy existing conditions, shall be differentiated by compatible with massing
10 standards for restoration
○ Maintain use or give a new one which reflects restoration
○ Retain and preserve materials
○ Physical record of time place and use
○ Document exissting materials from other historical periods before removal
○ Preserve distinctive materials and features
○ Repair over replace for deeriorated features, replace missing features through pictoral evidence
○ Do not use chimcal or physical treamtments that will damage materials
○ Preserve archeological resources, mitigate if disturbed
Designs that were never executed historically will not be constructed
masonry in historic buildings
○ Identify, retain and preserve
○ Protect with proper joints and drainage
○ Clean only when need to stop deterioration or remove soiling
§ Test before to determine long term effects of cleanign
§ Gentlest method possible
○ Only remove paint if damaged, replace with documented color
○ Repari or replace if deteriorated or loose
○ Repoint mortar by handraking joints
○ Match color composition and joint profile
○ Do not use electric saws or hammers
○ Repatch damaged masonry, do not replace unless absolutely necessary, match
○ Remove other elements from other historic periods and use for research
Recreate if necessary using photographic documentation
probelm seeking by pena and parshal - 5 things
○ Establish goals
§ Clients objectives and reasoning
○ Collecting facts
§ Existing conditions and requirements for meeting goals
§ Number of people, site conditions, space adjacencies, users, equipment, growth rate, costs code, climate
○ Uncovering concepts
§ Abstract solutions for basis of design
○ Determining needs
§ Balance desires of client against available budget
§ Or develop a budget based on goals and needs
§ Separate wants and needs for budgeting
□ Balance quantity quality budget and time
○ Stating the problem
§ Culmination of all of the above in a simple way
§ Bridge between programming and design
1 statement for each major consideration
major design considerations
○ Function
○ Form
○ Economy, initial cost operating cost and life cycle cost
Time, past present and future (expansion)
24 common programmatic concepts
○ Priority / order of importance
○ Relationships of people and activities / organization
○ Heirarchy to express authority
○ Character
○ Density
○ Service groupings or ungroupings
○ Activity grouping
○ People grouping
○ Home base
○ Communications
○ Neighbors / sociality / surrounding facilities
○ Accessibilities
○ Separated flow peds vs auto vs service
○ Mixed flow promote interaction
○ Sequential flow for specific processes or events
○ Orientation / wayfinding / points of reference
○ Flexiblity
§ Expansibliity, convertability, versatility
○ Toeralnce to change in future
○ Safety in building code
○ Security control
○ Energy conservation
○ Environmetnal controls to meet human comfort needs
○ Phasing completing projects in stages
Cost control
bench marking
Benchmarking: establishment of common standards for rooms and activities based on measurements of similar facilities
net area
Net area: individual areas determined by one of three programming methods, does not include support spaces and circulation and wall thicknesses
nonassignable area
Nonassignable areas: secondary support spaces
gross building area
• Gross building area: net area + nonassignable spaces
Gross building area = net area / efficiency
efficiency ratio
• Efficiency ratio: ratio of the net area to the gross area
○ Depends on occupancy type and how well the building is planned
§ Hospital has a lot of hallways will be less efficient than a factory that is open programmatic space
○ Range from 60-80%
Efficiency can be related to amount of leasable space
students sttting in a classroom
office worker
• Student sitting in a classroom
○ 15-20 sf
• Office worker
100-250 sf depending on private office or open floor or heirarchy
clients tell architecs
Clients tell architects the size and height requirements for specific program or aesthetic
program spaces not defined by client
• When program spaces are not defined by client determine by one of three mentods
○ Number of people to accommodate
○ Object or equipment within the space and its clearances
Activity with defined spatial requirements
fixed seating programming
• Fixed seating programming
○ Continental seating
§ Rows of seats are continuous and accesed by two side isles
§ Wider space row to row to accommodate for more ppl exiting
○ Multiple aisle seating
Rows of seats are not continuous, side and intermediate isles
common space planning
○ Offices 100-250 ○ Restaurant dining 15-18 ○ Restaurant kitchens 3.6-5 ○ Hotel room 550-600 ○ Library reading room 20-35 ○ Book stacks .008 per book ○ Theaters with fixed seats 7.5 ○ Assembly areas with moveable seats 15 ○ Theater lobbies 30% of seating area ○ Classrooms 15-20 Stores 30-50
space type efficiency
○ Offices .75-.85 ○ Retail offices .75-.90 ○ Restaurants .65-.75 ○ Public libraries .75-.80 ○ Museums .83-.90 ○ Theaters .60-.75 Hospitals .50-.65
space requirements for non assignable areas
○ Mechanical rooms total 5-9% § Heating, boiler 3-5 § Heating forced air 4-8 § Fan room 3-7 ○ Vertical dust space 3-4 sq ft per 1000ft sq of floor space available ○ Toilets 50 sq ft per water closet § Water closets 1 per 15 ppl up to 55, 1 per 40 ppl over 55 § Urinals substitute one for each water closet byt total water closets cann not be reduced less than 2/3 number required § Lavatories 1 per 15 ppl for offices or public buildings up to 60 ppl □ 1 per 100 ppl for public assembly ○ Elevator 7'4 wide by 6 deep ○ Elevator lobby 6 ft deep ○ Main corridor 5'7 ○ Exit corridor 4' or 44" by code min ○ Monumental stairs 5'-8'ft Exit stairs 4' or 44" min by code
rentable area
• Rentable area: gross area for client space within existing building
○ Sum of occpant area exclusively for tenant and and prorated shared spaces and amenities
Multiply needed occupant area by load factor to account for shared spaces
BOMA international
• BOMA International: building owners and managers association
Common methods of measuring space by program
• IFMA: international facility management association
Also makes standards for measuring building floor area for facilities management
base building ciruclation
• Base building circulation:
Min path on multi occupant floor necessary for acces to occupant areas, stairs, elevators and support spaces
demising partitions
Demising partitions: separate adjacent tenant spaces
tenant occupies entire floor
• Tenant occupies entire floor
Area includes all space taken by the base building circulation as well as the elevator loby
tenant occupies partial floor
• Tenant occupies partial floor
○ Measure to inside FF of surface of corridor partitions and to centerlines of demisng partitions
○ Measuring to exterior walls
§ 50%+ of the area of the wall is glass measure to the inside surface of glass
§ Other wise measure to inside surface of exterior wall
Ignore columns and recessed entries
two methods determining rentable area for tenant
• Two methods determining rentable area for tenant ○ Multipy occupant area by load factor for both ○ A - legacy § Varying load factors by floor § Rentable/usable ratio - R/U ○ B - single load factor § Same load all floors Net floor area / usable area -R/O
gross area equation
Gross area = net / efficiency
rentable area equation
Rentable area = Gross area x load factor
adjacency needs
○ People § Physical connection ○ Products § Mechanical change like dumbwaiters, conveyor belts ○ information Electronic connection
value engineerign
• Value engineering
○ Reviewing items and materials to find a more inexpensive solution
Easier done at the beginning of the project process
building cost
Money to build as well as contractors overhead and profit
site developemtn cost
○ Parking site irrigation costs
Large projects may need to update adjacent shared roads or utilities
○ Furniture fixtures equipment
May come out of separate budget depending on project
professional services
○ Arch and engineering fees
Specialists,inspections and testing
contingency cost
○ For unforseen changes and errors
Usually 5-10%
○ Long term interest paid on permanent financing as well as immediate costs of loan fees and admin costs
○ Debt service
Not included in project because it is considered and on going cost for the owner… like property maintenance
speculative for profit projects
○ Owner works out a pro forma statement
§ Listing expected income and costs to build
§ Rent per squarefoot is calculated against project cost
□ Limit is set on building cost to make this feasable
Architect must work within this cost
public projects
○ Funded through public funding or legislation
Fixed budget without involvment of arch
4 basic considerations for budget
○ Quantity quality time and cost
One can not be changed without effecting the others
inflation measurement
Inflation is measured to the estimated midpoint of construction date
site selection
○ Location, local market conditions, potential to generate profit
§ Catchment, population density, site featurs, transport and utilities
○ Land appraisal - highest and best use
§ Value assumes property will yield highest return on investment
Anything less is considered under developed
mill levy
○ Property tax expression
○ Mills = thousandths of a dolllar charged per $1000 of assed value
Assessed property value is a % of actual value set by taxing authority
tax incentives
○ Reduce or eliminate taxes may turn an uneconomical project into a viable one
Used as a way of implementing public property
• Ongoing activity, revise at each stage of project
AIA - if project exceeds budget architect may have to redesign within budget with no additional compensation
3 methods of prepping budgets
• Project comparison
○ Estimate using costs of past projects with similar scope and function
○ Usually used for feasability
○ 15-25% accuracy, determine low mid and high
• Area method or square foot method
○ Use if type and extent of site and building are known
○ Average cost per unit of area or volume
○ May use different averages per program within one building for example a lab would be more expensive than typ classroom
○ 5-15% accuracy
• Assembly method or system method
○ Use during schematic design
○ Building broken down into sub systems ( wall roofs floors equipment ect)
○ Based on historical cost info
§ Dollar amounts in system cost include contractor overhead and proffit
10% accuracy
3 ways land value is calculated
• Market approach
○ Surrounding area is investigated to find similar properties that have recently sold or are on the market
§ The property in question would be valued at the same price
§ Usually based on value per sq acre or foot
• Income approach
○ Value of the land is based off on potential to turn a profit
§ Estimate gross income and subtract expenses
• Cost approach
○ Land value is estimated at its highest and best use
○ Cost to replace or add improvements is calculatedd
○ The estimated depreciation if figured and subtracted from the improvement costs
This amount is then added to the land value to give the total value of the property
general tax
○ Imposed for governmental purposes
○ May be limited or require vote of general population to increase
○ Used to fund schools and infrastructure typically
○ Property tax - ad valorem taxf
Based on property value
special sales tax
○ Imposed for a specific or single purpose authority
○ Use to fund major transport project or something along those lines
Require a majority vote
general obligations bond
○ Issued by city and backed by tax revenue
○ Used for public capital facilities like schools museums libraries or land
Property tax is issued to repay the principal interest over 10-30 year period
revenue bonds
○ Government issued bonds backed by customer revenue
Rates are usually increased
public enterprise revenue bonds
○ City issued bonds for revenue producing public enterprises
○ Paid off from revenues generated through charges
Airports parking garages hospitals
design bid build
○ Phases after programming § Schematic design § Design development and spec outline § Construction documents § Bidding or negotiation § Construction admin architect acts as the owners agent and rep in overseeing and approving construction ○ Time needed per phase can vary § Size and complexity § Numer of people working on project § Ability and design methods (age of team) § Type of client and approval process - large corp owner has long approval process ○ Other variables § Contractor management § Material delivery § Quality of architects drawings § Weather § Labor availablitty § New construction vs remodel § Site conditions § Architects CA skill and process § Lender approvals Agency and govt aprovals
abatement accessory building amenitites amortization anchor tenant appraisal aquifer assesed value
• Abatement
○ A reduction in the price of a property due to discovery of some problems
• Accessory building
○ Building with secondary function to main building
• Amenities
○ Desirable features of a building or near a building that inc value
• Amortization
○ Payment of a loan using equal payments at equal intervals over life of loan
• Anchor tenant
○ Major tenant in shopping mall that attracts shopers at benefit of satellite tenant
• Appraisal
○ Estimation of property value made by qualified appraiser
• Aquifer
○ Natural underground reservoir from which wells draw water
• Assessed value
Value given to a piece of property to be used in assessing taxes. Assessed value is a % of the actual value
bedroom community blighted area boilerplate bufferzone capital expenditure cash flow cc and r
• Bedroom community
○ Region or small town that contains mainly housing offers few employment opps
• Blighted area
○ Many buildings in state of decay and need improvement
• Boilerplate
○ Standard portion of written doc
• Buffer zone
○ Piece of land separating two incompatible uses
• Capital expenditure
○ An amount of money used to make physical improvements to a property to enhance value overtime
• Cash flow
○ Net income after expenses
• Cc and r
Covenant conditions and restrictions - all rules that apply to property owners in condos and co ops
cluster housing conditional use permit conveyance co op demising wall despoil discount rate downzoning
• Cluster housing
○ Close proximity housing or apts with nearby common spaces
• Conditional use permit
○ Permit for special use not otherwise allowed in zoning jurisdiction to make sure surrounding neighborhood is not adversely effected
• Conveyance
○ Act of transferring an interest in a proeperty to another person
• Co op
○ Residents of individual units own an interest in the corporation that owns the property but do not directly own their unit
• Demising wall
○ Party wall
• Despoil
○ Remove items of value from a site
• Discount rate
○ The rate of interest that reflects the time value of money and is used to discoutn future values
• Down zoning
Change in zoning resulting in a decrease of allowable density
easement eminent domain encroachment equity fixture ground lease improvment ratio inverse condemnation landlocked
• Easement
○ Right to use a portion of land owned by another for a specific purpose
• Eminent domain
○ The righth of a government jurisdiction to take ownership of private property of the public good while paying fair compensation to the owner
• Encroachment
○ Intrusion onto one prperty by the improvement of adjoining property
• Equity
○ The amount of money an owner keeps after selling property and paying off debt
• Fixture
○ Item attached to building included in sale
• Ground lease
○ Long term lease of a property that allows the tenant to use and improve the land but reverts to the owner at the end of the lease
• Improvement ratio
○ Ratio of the value of improvements on a property to the value of the property alone
• Inverse condemnation
○ Eminent domain
○ Remedy by court for private land owner whose land has been taken away by govt bodyd
• Landlocked
Parcel of land not bordering public roads
land sale leaseback lien lien waiver material lien min property standards modified uniform present worth factor
• Land sale leaseback
○ Legal arrangement in which the owner of a property sells the property to someone else then immediately leasees it from purchaser
• Lien
○ Right to keep possession of property belonging to someone else until a debt owed by that person is paid
• Lien waiver ○ Document that gives up a persons right to claim a lien against property • Materialmans lien ○ Claim placed against deed by someone who has provided work that has not been paid for • Min property standards ○ Min standards for resi buildings required by fed housing admin for construction or for underwriting a mortgage • Modified uniform present worth factor Dicount factor that is used to convret anuual amount that is changing from year to year to a given escalation rate to time present value
net leasable area occupancy permit pad site proforma restriction riparian riparian rights special use permit
• Net leaseble area
○ Does not include common areas structure or circulation
• Occupancy permit
○ Doc issued by the city dept giving permission to be occupied
• Pad site
○ Separate location for developemnt of retail space near but not in a shopping center
• Pro forma
○ Financial projection for a development project that is meant to determine whether the project is feasable given estimates on income and cost
• Restriction
○ Restrictive covenatn
○ Limit on how owner can use or improve property
• Riparian
○ Pertaining to land adjacent to river or other body of water
• Riparian rights
○ Rights of a landowner to use or control all or a portion of the water bordering their property
• Special use permit
Exemption from zoning regs
underimproved land uniform capital recovery uniform present worth factor uniform sinking fund usury
• Underimproved land
○ Property not producing max income given size and zoning
• Uniform capital recovery
○ Method of converting the future value of money to a present worth using the discount rate
• Uniform present worth factor
○ Discount factor used to convert uniform annual value to time equivalent present value
• Uniform sinking fund
○ Amount of money that has to be invested at todays value at a given interset rate / the distcount rate to become a specified amount of money in the furture
• Usury
Illegal practice of charging exorbitant interest rates on a loan
zero lot line
zoning bylaw
• Variance
○ Permission to deviate from zponing ordinance where strict adherence would cause undue hardship
• Wetlands
○ Land that is commonly flooded and environementally sensitive
• Zero lot line
○ Part of a zoning regulations set back requiremetns that allow a building to be constructed up to the prop line with no setback
• Zoning bylaw
Local jurisdiction regulates building practices