Cocktail Flashcards
Louie’s Sangria by the glass
0.5 oz Cruzan Black Cherry Rum
0.5 oz Dekyper Amaretto
3.0 oz Canyon Road Merlot
0.5 oz Orange Juice
1 Lemon, Lime, Orange Wedge
Add ingredients in mixing glass. Squeeze and drop the wedges. Fill with ice and gently shake and pour.
Garnish: Orange (rim), Float Cherry
To make pitcher, 3x ingredients
Coconut Mint Lemonade
8 Mint Leaves
- 0 oz Monin Pure Cane Syrup
- 5 oz SKYY Coconut
- 5 oz Lemon Juice
- 5 oz Coconut Water
Add ingredients into mixing glass and fill with ice. Shake for 10 seconds and strain over Fresh Ice in a 12 oz Bucket
Garnish: Mint Sprig
The Manhattan
2.5 oz Makers 46
1.25 oz Noilly Pratt Sweet Vermouth
3 Dashes of Fee Brothers Orange Bitters
Add ingredients into mixing glass and fill 3/4 with ice. Stir 30 times with mixing spoon. Strain into martini glass.
Garnish: 3 Cherries on a prism without stems
Mason Dixon
- 0 oz Monin Pure Cane Syrup
- 0 oz Lemon Juice
- 0 oz SKYY Citrus
- 0 oz Seagrams Sweet Tea Vodka
- 0 oz Fresh Brewed Tea
Add ingredients into mixing glass except tea. Fill glass with ice, and fill the top with tea. Shake for 10 seconds and pour into Mason Jar.
Garnish: 2 Lemon Wedges and 2 Straws
Peach Lightning
- 5 oz Jacobs Ghost White Whiskey
- 5 oz Peachtree Peach Liqueur
- 0 oz Funkin White Peach Purée
- 0 oz Lemonade
Add ingredients into mixing glass except lemonade. Fill glass with ice. Fill the top with lemonade. Shake for 10 seconds and pour into mason jar.
Garnish: 2 Cherries and 2 Straws
Tiki Torch
2.0 oz Sailor Jerry
1.0 oz Lemon Juice
0.5 oz Pineapple Juice
0.5 oz Orange Juice
3 Blackberries
1.0 oz Pure Cane Syrup
2 Dashes Angostura Bitters
Add ingredients into mixing glass. Fill with ice. Shake for 10 seconds and pour. Top with ice if necessary.
Garnish: Cherry and Pineapple Wedge skewered on Prism pick
Ultimate Bloody Mary
2.0 oz Absolut Peppar
0.5 oz Guinness
5 dashes of Bar Louie Hot Sauce
7.0 oz Zing Zing Bloody Mary Mix
Add ingredients in 20 oz glass except BM mix. Fill glass with ice and BM mix. Box and pour into celery salt rimmed 20 oz glass.
Garnish: Full celery stalk and Ultimate Garnish (Lemon wedge, Pickle, Blue Cheese Olive, Provolone Slice (folded in half, and again), Salami, Lime Wedge)