cockroach Flashcards
cockroach size
1/4 - 3 inches
length of cockroach
sclerites called tergites and sternites lieing
tergites dorsally
sternites ventrally
head lies —-at —-to the longitudinal body axis
anteriorly at right angales
head formed by the fusion of —-segments
—- of the head bears appandages forming biting and chewing type of mouth parts
anterior end
head is connected with thorax by a short extension of —— known as —–
how many pair of walking legs in thorax
3 pairs (each thorasic seg has 1 pair
first pair of wings(forewings tEgmina) arise from
wings used in flight
hind wings
how many segments in thorax
segments in abdomen
in females ——is boat shaped and together with —–and —- forms a brood or genital pouch
7th sternum boat shaped
together wityh 8th and 9th sterna
==== part of genital pouch contains —–,,——–,,———
anterior part
spermathecal pores
collateral glands
in males ,genital pouch or champer lies at the ——–and bounded———by ——–and ——-by ———
hind end of abdomen bounded
dorsally by 9th and 10th terga
ventrally by 9th sternum
genital pouch of males contains —-,—-,and ——-
dorsal anus
ventral male genital pore and gonopophysis
in both sexes —-bears a pair of jointed filamentous structure called ——–
10th segment
anal cerci
how many pair of salivary glands
1 pair
gizzard aka
gizzard has outer layer of —–and —-forming 6bhighly chiinous plates called teeth
outerlayer of thick circular muscles and thick inner cuticle
crop and gizzard fn
crop =storing of food
gizzard =grinding of food
entire forgut lined by
ring of ———-called hepatic or gastric caecae present in the jn of forgut andmidgut which secreets digestive juices t
6-7 blind tubules
junction of midgut and hindgut present another ring of ——yelow coloured thin filamentous ——
100-150 yellow coloured thin filaments called malphigian tubules
heart of cockroach consists of ——lying along ——-of thorax and abdomen
elongated muscular tube lying along mid dorsal line
respirtaory stem of cockroach has network of trachea that open through ——of small holes called —–present on —-og body
10 piars
lateral side
exchange of gases takes place in th —–by ——
tracheoles by diffusion
each malphigian tubules lined by
glandular and ciliated cells
helps in excretion along with malph tubules
fat bodies nephrocytes uricose glands
head contains only a small part of NS rest is spread along ——of body
ventral or belly side
NS of cockroach consits of serioes of ———-joined by ——-on ——-side
fused segmentlly arranges ganglia joined by paires longitudinal connectives on ventral side
compound eyes situated at—-of head and each eye has has —-hex ommatidiea
brain is rep by—-which supplies nerves into ——–
supra esophageal ganglion which supplies nervesto antennae and compound eyes
testis lying
lateral side in the 4-6 th abd seg,ments
EJ opens into male gonopore sutuated —to anus
mushroom gland present in —-fns as —
male rep sys 6 -7 th abd segments fn accesory reproductive galnd
in male rp external gen rep by
male gonopophyses or phalomere(chitinous assymetrical str surrounding male gonopore
sperms are stored in sem ves which aere glued together in the form of —–and disch during copln
ovary lying
laterallly in the 2-6th abd seg
a pair of —- presnt in —-segment which opens into genital chambers in fem rp
6th seg
sperms are transferred throgh
oothecae length
each ovary group of——-ovarian tubules or ovarioles
female prod——to—-oothecae
9 -10
each oothecae conatins
14-16 eggs
dev is —-in periplaneta mericana
how many times moulting in cockroach nymph