Anatomy-sec growth Flashcards
tissues involved in sec growth
vascular cambium and cork cambium
meristamatic layer responsible for cutting ofxylem and phloem
vascular cambium
in ———–vascular cambium present in poatches as a single layer bet xylm and phloem
in young stems
in dicot stems the cells of cambium present between primary xylem and priamry phloem is called
intrafascicular cambium
the ———–adjoining intrafascicular cambium become —-and form interfascicular cambium
cells of medulallry rays
becomme meristamatic
the ———–is more or less intact due to the action of vascular cambium in or around centre
primary xylem
at some places cambium forms a narrow band of —-which passes through sec xylem and phloem in radial directions called ————-
secondary medullary rays
activity of cambium is under the control of
many physiological and environmental factors
in —cambium is very active
spring season {or summer
in active state in spring season cambium forms—–having ———-with wider cavities
large no of xylary elements
vessels with wider cavities
autumn wood also called
late wood
in which seasons cambium less active
autumn and winter
spring wood is———–in colour and –density
light colour and low density
in old tress—–part of sec xylem is dark in colour
greater part
heartwood also called
heartwood fn
conduction of water
sapwood fn
conduction of water and minerals from root to leaf
heartwood is —-in colour
peripheral reg of secondary xylem lighter in colour is called
phellogen aka
cork cambium
cork cambium is ——-
phellogen devolops usuually in which region
cortex region
phellogen chara
couple layers thick
made of narrow hin walled and nearly rectangular cells
outercells diff into
cork or phellem
innercells diff into
phelloderm or sec cortex
the cells of sec cortex are ————–
periderm constitute
bark includes
tissues exterior to vascular cambium
bark includes
sec phloem periderm
at certain regions phellogen cutts off closely arranged ————–instead of ———
parenchymatous cells instead of cork cells
lenticels occur in
most woody trees
in dicot stem vascular cambium is
partial sec and partial primary
n dicot root ,vascular cambium is
completely secondary in origin
vascular cambium in roots originate from
below the phloem bundles and above the xprotoxylem
state true or false
sec growth also occur in roots and stems of gymnosperms
bark formed early in the season is called
soft or early barck
vessels is a characteristic feature of