Anatomy 1-plants Flashcards
egs for sec or cylindrical meristems
fascicular vascular cambium
cork cambium
interfascicualr cambium
cells in parenchyma maybe
spherical oval round polygonal or elongated in shape
functions of parenchyma
collenchyma fns and seen in
mech support (also storage(when contain chloroplast) phoosenthesis)
for young stems and petioles of leaf
walls of parenchyma
walls of collenchyma
cellulose hemicelllulose pectin
cells of collenchyma
spherical oval polygonal and often contain chloroplast
collenchyma occurs in layers below———-in most of the————–plants
epidermis in most of the dicotiledonous plants
During firmation of primary plant body, specific regikns of ———–produce ———
————-and ———
Apical meristem
Dermal tissues
Ground tissues
Vascular tissues
On the basis of _——————-sclerenchyma maybe fibres and sclerieds
Basis of development origin structure
Sclerieds shapes
Spherical ival cylindrical
Sclerieds scene in
Fruit walls of nuts
Pulp of fruits likr guava prar sapota
Seed coatd of legumes
Leaves of tea
Phloem transports
Food materials usually from leavrs to other parts of the plant
Xylrm transports
Watrr and minerals from root to stem and leaves
Which are the mechanical tissues
Chlorenchyma (living)
—————lack vessels in their xylem
Presence of vessels is a charactetistic feature of ==========
Inner layer of the cell walls of………. Have have thickening which vary in form
In flowering plants……. And…… r the main water transporting elements
Trachieds and vessels
———have highly thickened walls and obliterated central lumesns
xylem fibres
———–maybe either septate or aseptate
xylem fibres
=========are interconnected through perforations in their common walls
vessel members
xylem parenchyma are living and ———
thin walled
cell wall of xylwm praenchyma made up of
xylem parenchyma stores food in the form of
starch or fat and other substances like tannins
radial conduction of waer takes place by
ray parenchymatous cells
xylem arrangement and ype in roots
protoxylem towards periphery and metaxylem towards centre (exarch primary xylem)
gymnosperms lacks
sieve tubes and companion cells
gymnosperms have ———and ———-
albuminous cells and sieve cells
end walls of sieve tubes are perforated in a sive like manner to form
sieve plates
sieve tube elments morpholoical features
long tube like syructures arranged longitudinally and associated with companion cells
mature sieve tube element have
peripheral cytoplasm
large vacuole
lacks nucleus
companion cells are ————-
specilaisd parenchymatous cells
sieve tube elements and companion cells are are connected by pit fiels present bet
common longitudinal walls
phloem parenchyma charact
elongated tapering cylindricl cells with
dense cytoplasm nucleus
cell wall of phloem parenchyma composed of cellulose and has pits through which ——-exist between the cells
plasmodesmtal connections
phloem parenchym stors
food materilas and and other subs like resins
phloem parenchyma absent in
most of the monocoteledons
phloem fibres are made up of
sclerenchymatous cells
phloem fibres generally absent in ———–but found in
gen absent in primary phloem but present sec phloem
at maturity -lost their protoplasm and become dead
phloem fibres
————of jute flax hemp are used commercially
jute flax hemp
protophloem have -sieve tubes
phloem fibres (bast fibres ) characteristics
much elongated ,unbranched ,have pointed ,needle like apices
on the basis of ———there r three tisssue systems
structure and location
epidermal tissue system
vascular tissue system and ground tisue sytem
epidermal system consists of
epidermal cells
epidrmal appantages like tichomes hairs
epidermis made up of
elongated compactly arranged cells which form a continous layer
epidermis is usually ———-9layered or unlayered
single layered
epidermal cells are parenchymatous with small amount of ———
cytoplasm lining the cell wall and large vacuole
outside of epidermis covered with
stomata present in
epidermis of leaves
stomata regulates
transpiration and gaseous exchange
each stoma has
two bean shaped guard cells
——————encloses somatal pore
guard cells
in grasses guards cells are
dumb bell shaped
outerwalls of guard cells are —and inner walls of guard cells are ———
highly thickened
guards cells posses —–and reg the opening and closing of somata
sometimes a few ——–in the vicinity of guard cells become specialised in their —–and —– and are known as subsidiary cells
epidermal cells
size and shape
stomatal apparatus
stomatal aperture
guard cells
surrounding subsidiary cells
root hairs are unicellular elongations of —–
epidermal cells
trichomes maybe
branched unbranched and soft or stiff may even secretory
ground tissue system consists of
parenchyma collenchyma sclerenchyma
parenchymatous in ground t s cells are usually present in
medullary rays
primary stems and roots
in —-ground tissue consists of ——–walled choloplast containing cells called mesophills
in leaves
thin walled
cambium is present between xylem and phloem in ——-stems
dicot stems
cambium posses the ability to form sec xylem and phloem tissues and hence called
open vascular bundles
vascular bundles arranged in dig=fferent radii as in roots is called
conjoint means
vas bundles same radii
seen in stems and leaves
——-vascular bundles usually have phloeam located outerside of xylem
conjoint VS
——-vascular bundles usually have phloeam located outerside of xylem
conjoint VS
The meristem which occur between mature tissues
Intercalary meristem
Tissues have…….. Origin
Common origin
Growth in plants largely restricted to,…………. Called meristem
Specialized regions of active cell division
phloem fibres branched or unbranched
ground tissue tissue system alao kniwn as
fundamental tissue system
vascular TS also called
conducting tissue system