Info about Bangladesh?
- one of the most densely populated countries in Asia
- over 700km of coast + coastal islands
- 50 million population > rural fishing or farming communities
- eastern coast of rapidly rising folded hills emerging from the Bay of Bengal
Challenges of Bangladesh
- incr frequency and intensity of floods
- flood waters staying for longer
- rising temps lead to incr salinity levels in the soil
- incr pesticide and fertilizer use is affecting water quality
- 1m sea level rise (farming issues > incr soil salinity + large scale mitigation)
- high risks flooding + devastation by cyclones
- coastal erosion
- siltation of channels
- contamination of groundwater with saline intrusion
- water pollution by industry
- deforestation of mangroves
- sea level rise > destroy agricultural crops + cause migration
Adaptations made by Bangladesh
- NGO’s run education programmes (eco-friendly farming)
- education programmes for preparation for natural hazards
- 30,000 received training on improving agricultural practises
- 2000 multi-purpose cyclone shelters (communication equipment)
- NGO’s build latrines on higher ground > educate communities about water sanitation
- 5000km of embankments (protect from saline flood but has caused deposition and waterlogging of farmland) > forestry and fisheries deteriorated
- 150,000 hectares of mangrove afforestation (absorb cyclone wave energy)
- mitigation > physical infrastructure within schools
Bangladesh Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) information
1. Year introduced
2. Aim
3. Main investment targeted at..
2. Pursue sustainable economic development on a safe and secure environment > reduction in poverty for coastal population
- protect population against natural hazards
- develop tourism and fishing sectors
- improving infrastructure + social provisions e.g. health
- management of freshwater resources
What was the most disastrous cyclone + details?
1970 Bhola Cyclone
> 300,000 killed
> 10.6m storm surge
1991 storm
> 5-8m
> 150,000 deaths
What are some of the key developments made in Bangladesh?
- 2000 multi-storey storm shelters (27% of coastal population covered)
- 1500 killas (raised mounds that protect farm animals)
- 5000km of embankment (123 barrier dams protect farmland)
- 148,000 hectares of mangrove afforestation (Coastal Green Belt Policy planted 9000km of vegetation along rail, road, embankments etc)
What is the area of focus within Bangladesh?
The Sundarbans
> the largest delta and covers 10,000km^2 (sediment deposited by the world’s greatest rivers e.g. the Ganges)
What coastal processes occur in Bangladesh?
- tidal action shapes the landscape
- well developed river channels (clay and silt deposits - resistant to erosion so channels remain static)
- non-cohesive sediments washed out of the delta > sand dunes > finer silted deposited > new island
- establishment of vegetation > natural succession > dense mangrove forest
What are the natural and human challenges of Bangladesh?
- coastal flooding
- cyclones
- high levels of salinity in the soil
- instability of the islands
- accessibility and remoteness
- human eating tigers
- over exploitation of coastal resources from vulnerable habitats
- wetlands conversion > intensive agriculture + settlements
- destructive fishing techniques
- lack of awareness for the environment + economic importance of region
- resource-use conflicts
- lack of awareness of coastal issues by decision makers
1. Why are they important?
2. Why do they provide resilience?
- Important ecosystem for the local population + provide economic and environmental opportunities
- range of goods + services is managed sustainably - Significant protection and shelter against storm winds, floods, tsunamis + coastal erosion
- economic value
What are the 3 key opportunities for Sustainable Development in the future?
- International and national destination
- Eco-tourism in the mangrove + wetland areas
- Improvements in communication in the region
Give a summary list of the challenges in Bangladesh?
- incr intensity + frequency of floods
- flood waters remain for longer
- permenant embankments encourage deposition > raising water levels
- rising temps > incr salinity of soil
- incr pesticides + fertilisers > water quality
- changes to seasonal patters of rainfall
Give a summary list of the adaptations in Bangladesh?
- grass-roots NGO’s eduction programmes > farmers ecologically friendly methods
- NGO’s training for natural disasters > planning and preparation
- USAID 30,000 trained on improving agricultural techniques
- policy of multi-purpose cyclone shelter
- salt tolerant rice varieties
- NGO’s build latrines to higher ground > prevent water-bourne diseases
- installing storage tanks for rainwater > areas most at risk from inundation by salt water
- distributing water-tight containers to store important belongings and papers during floods