Coasts Flashcards
What is a coast?
The part of the land adjoining or near the sea
Name 4 uses of coastal environments
- residential
- resources
- energy
- transportation
- tourism
- agriculture
- water and sewage
What does erosion mean?
The wearing away of rocks and other deposits on the earths surface by the action of water, wind etc..
Name the 4 types of erosion
Hydraulic action
What is swash?
When a wave breaks, water is washed up on the beach
What is backwash?
When the water runs back down the beach
What is prevailing wind?
A wind that blows predominantly from a single direction
What is longshore drift?
When the prevailing winds makes the swash go into the same direction and backwash goes straight back Into the ocean. The direction of longshore drift is affected by this
Name the 4 types of transformation
- traction
- suspension
- saltation
- solution
What does deposition mean?
When the sea loses energy, it drops the sand, rocks particles and pebbles it has been carrying
What is weathering?
Rocks gradually wearing away
Name 4 types of weathering
What is physical weathering?
Caused by changes such as temperature (freezing or thawing)
What is chemical weathering?
Caused by chemicals
Why is biological weathering?
Caused by animals and plants