Coasts Flashcards
What is a system?
A system is a set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process
How is the coastline a system?
The coastline is an open system. It has a range of inputs, components, stores, flows, transfers and outputs that combine to form distinctive landscapes
What is a dynamic equilibrium?
When there is a balance between the inputs and outputs then the system is in a state of dynamic equilibrium. If one of the elements of the system changes, then the beach features may change and the equilibrium is upset, the dynamic equilibrium is upset by extreme events such as storms, humans can also cause disruption to it for example by removing beach material
What is positive feedback?
Where the effects of an action are amplified or multiplied by subsequent knock -on effects (normally done by people)
What is negative feedback?
Where the effects of an action are nullified by its subsequent knock-on effects (normally through natural processes)
Material or energy moving in from the system to the outside e.g. ocean currents, rip tides, sediment transfer, evaporation
Material or energy moving in to the system from the outside e.g. precipitation or wind
Power or driving force e.g. energy associated with flowing water, the effects of gravity on cliffs and moving air
The individual elements or parts of a system e.g. beach, sand dunes, nearshore sediment
The links or relations between the components e.g. wind-blown sand, mass movement processes, LSD
Positive feedback examples
Coastal management can inadvertently lead to an increase in erosion elsewhere along the coast. Groynes trap sediment, depriving ares further down of beach replenishment, this can increase erosion. Sea walls have the same effect by transferring high energy waves elsewhere along the coast
Negative feedback examples
When the rate of weathering and mass movement exceeds the rate of cliff-foot erosion a screw is formed. Over time, this material extends up the cliff face protecting the cliff face from subaerial processes. This leads to a reduction in the effectiveness of weathering and mass movement
Dynamic equilibrium
A state of balance within a constantly changing system e.g. constructive waves build up a breach, asking it steeper, this encourages the formation of destructive waves that plunge rather than surge. Redistribution of sediment offshore by destructive waves reduces the beach gradient. This encourages waves to become more constructive
Area between the high water mark and landward limit of marine activity. Changes take place during storm activity
Area between the high water mark and the low water mark. Most important zone for marine processes that are not influenced by storm activity
Area between the low water mark and the point where waves cease to have any influence on the land beneath them
Area beyond the point where waves cease to impact upon the seabed. Activity is limited to deposition of sediments
Wind is a vital input into the coastal system as it is the primary source of energy for other processes. It is also and important agent of erosion and transportation
4 Features of wind as an input into the coastal system
Prevailing wind
Formation of waves
Agent of erosion
Prevailing wind
Most coastlines have a direction that the wind comes from most often. This influences the amount of wave energy. Our prevailing wind is from the South
This is the distance of open water over which a wind blows interrupted. The length of fetch determines the magnitude of energy of the waves
Formation of waves
Waves are created by the transfer of energy from the wind blowing over the sea surface. The energy acquired by the waves depends on the stretch of the wind
Agent of erosion
Wind can pick up and move sediment from the coast, and also use it to erode other features
Once created and driven by the wind, they are the primary agent of shaping the coast
Characteristics of constructive waves
Wave height- low, under 1 metre
Wavelength- long
Frequency- 8-10 waves per minute
Smash- strong smash
Backwash- weak backwash
Beach profile- gentle/flat
Characteristics of destructive waves
Wave height- over 1 metre
Wavelength- short
Frequency- 10-14 waves per minute
Swash- weak swash
Backwash- very strong backwash
Beach profile- Steep
Wave refraction
The shape of the coastline can cause waves to bend and change direction
- As each wave approaches the coast, it drags in the shallow water at the headland. This increases the wave height and shortens the wavelength and results in increased erosion at the headland. Lower energy waves spill into the bays either side, resulting in increased deposition
What is a current?
The term current refers to the permanent of seasonal movement of surface water in the seas and oceans
There are three main types of current:
Longshore currents (littoral drift) – most waves do not approach the headline ‘head on’, but rather at an angle to the shoreline. This generates a current running parallel to the shoreline.
Rip currents- these are strong currents moving away from the shoreline.
They develop when seawater is piled up along the coastline by incoming waves. The current may run parallel to the coast before flowing out through the breaker zone.
Upwelling – this is the movement of cold water from deep oceans towards the surface. The denser cold water replaces the warmer surface water and creates nutrient rich cold Ocean currents.
The Sun and moon both have an influence on the tides, but the moons influence is stronger, as it is closer
The moon pulls water towards it, creating a high tide in that part of the world, and there’s a compensatory high tide on the opposite side of the world. In the areas between this, the tides is at its lowest
There is a high tide every 12.25 hours on average
The tidal range is the vertical distance between high tide and low tide. Low tile range tends to produce a narrower beach, which is prone to higher rates of erosion
Two types of tides:
Spring tides – as the moon orbits the Earth the high tide follow it. Twice in a lunar month, when the moon, sun and earth are in a straight line, the tidal force is amplified. This produces the highest monthly tides (spring tides)
Neap tides – also twice a month, the moon and the Sun are positioned at right angles to one another in relation to the Earth. This alignment gives the lowest monthly tidal range (neap tides)
Characteristics of high energy coasts
Energy level – high energy waves
Deposition vs erosion – the rate of erosion is greater than the rate of deposition
Landforms – headlands, cliffs, wave cut platforms
Examples – Atlantic coast of northern Europe and Northern America
North Cornish coast in Southwest England
What are tidal surges?
Also known as storm surges
They are occasions when meteorological conditions give rise to strong winds which can produce much higher water levels than those at high tide
The east coast of Britain and the north Sea are affected by this
Depressions (intense low pressure weather systems) over the north sea produce low pressure conditions that have the effect of raising sea levels
Sea levels can rise by 1 cm for every 1 millibar drop in pressure
Strong winds drive waves ahead of the storm, pushing the sea water towards the coastline
This has the effect of piling up water against the coast
The shape of the north Sea means that often water is increasingly concentrated into a space that is decreasing in size (tunnelling)
High tides, especially those of spring tide, intensify the effect
The north Sea was affected by a title surge in 1953
Storms and surges of December 2013 and January 2014 brought some places along the east coast of England higher water levels than 60 years earlier
Characteristics of low energy coasts
Energy level – low energy waves
Deposition vs erosion – rate of deposition often exceeds the rate of erosion of sediment
Landforms – beaches, spits, estuaries, inlets, sheltered bays, Examples – Baltic Sea is an example (has sheltered waters and low tidal rage)
Sediment sources
Sediments comes from a variety of sources, including:
Streams or rivers flowing into the sea
Cliff erosion
Offshore sand banks
Material from biological origin (shells or coral fragments)
What are sediment cells?
A sediment cell is a length of coastline and it’s associated near shore area within which the movement of coarse sediment (Sand and shingle) is largely self-contained.
Interruptions to the movement of sand and shingle within one cell should not affect beaches in a neighbouring sediment cell
The English and Welsh coastlines are divided into 11 cells which are then divided into sub-cells or management units
Sediment cell theory is a key component of shoreline management plans (SMP) which determine future strategies
Sediment cells are distinct areas of coastline separated from other areas by well-defined boundaries such as headlands and stretches of deep water
Sediment cells can be regarded as closed systems (from which nothing is gained or lost)
Sediment cell characteristics
They are discreet and function separately from each other
Within the cell sediment is sourced transferred and stored. Coarse sediments are not exchanged between cells, but finer sediment in suspension can be
Overtime, sub-sinks (temporary stores) will erode, and the sediment will re-enter the cell system
The sentiment in the sink is away from wave action and longshore drift. It becomes essentially an output as it is no longer being worked by the processes within the cell.
What is a sediment budget?
The amount of sediment available to the sediment cell
The sediment cell will produce depositional features which are in equilibrium with the amount of sediments available. If the budget is decreased, then the waves will continue to move sediment, causing erosion in some areas. if the budget increases, then deposition is more likely. More material ADDED to the cell than removed- a net accretion of material, this is a positive budget, or a surplus of sediment, the shoreline builds towards the sea.
More material REMOVED from the cell than is added, this is a negative budget, or a deficit in sediment supply, the shoreline retreats landward
Examples of inputs, transfers and stores
Inputs (sources of sediment) – fluvial sediment, cliff erosion, erosion of wave cut platforms, eroding depositional features e.g. beaches, dunes
Transfers (transportation) – longshore drift, current, saltation
Stores (sinks) – sinks/permanent storage = estuary, offshore bar, dredging (removal of sediment), submarine canyon
Sub-sinks /temporary stores = sedimentary features e.g. Beaches, dunes, spits, bars
What is longshore drift?
The movement of material caused by the approach of swash at an angle to the shore and the subsequent perpendicular backwash down the steepest beach gradient which moves the material laterally downdrift. Aided by wave refraction
Geomorphological processes
There are two types:
Marine – processes that operate on the coastline that are connected with the sea, such as tides, longshore drift and waves e.g. Transport by waves, deposition by waves, processes of marine erosion
Sub aerial – these operate on land but also affect the shape of the coastline such as mass movement, weathering and run-off. These processes break down the coastline, weaken underlying rocks and allow sudden movements or erosion to happen more easily. Material is broken down IN SITU meaning it remains in its original position e.g. all types of weathering and mass movement, deposition by wind and transport by wind
Processes of marine erosion
Attrition – rocks in the water crash into each other, becoming smaller rounder
Abrasion – material in the water thrown against cliff faces and wears them away
Solution – dissolving of rocks in water such as calcium and based rocks like limestone
Wave quarrying – force of air getting into cracks in rock, creating pressure and forcing rocks apart
Hydraulic action – force of water getting into cracks in rock, creating pressure and forcing rocks apart
Factors affecting erosion at the coast
Wave steepness – steeper waves are high energy waves and have greater erosive power than low energy waves
Breaking point – waves that break at the foot of the cliff release more energy than those that break some distance from the shore
Fetch- (the distance travelled by wind or waves across open water) a wave that has travelled further have more energy than one that has not travelled as far
Sea depth- a steeply shelving seabed at the coast will create higher and steeper waves
Beach presence- beaches absorb wave energy and can therefore provide protection against marine erosion
Human activity – if protective material such as sand and shingle are removed from beaches it may lead to more erosion. Construction of groynes will reduce erosion where they are built but may increase erosion somewhere else along the same coastline
Geology is a very important factor in rates of erosion at the coast: Geomorphological processes
Lithology: refers to the characteristics of rocks, such as resistance to erosion and permeability e.g. very resistant rocks such as granite tend to be eroded less than weaker rocks such as clay. The variation in rates at which rocks wear away is known as DIFFERENTIAL EROSION
Structure: the structure and layout of rocks can affect erosion. Rocks that live parallel to the coast (concordant) creates very different types of coastline then those right angles (discordant)
Discordant coastlines
Rocks run at right angles to the coast, allowing the sea to erode weaker clays and sandstones to create large bays e.g. Swanage Bay in Dorset
The harder rock either side is eroded more slowly and creates headlands e.g. Peveril point in Dorset
Concordant coastlines
Rocks run parallel to the coast. If the rock closest to the sea is made of limestone e.g.
Portland limestone in Dorset, then Cliffs form as they are more resistant. In a few places, the sea is able to erode through the limestone and a road the week of rock behind it e.g. Lulworth cove
Examples of hard and soft rock
Hard rock – chalk, Purbeck limestone, Portland limestone, granite
Soft rock – Kimmeridge clay, Bagshot beds, Wealdon clays and green Sands
What is a dip?
The steepest cliffs form in rocks that have horizontal strata (lines) or which dip gently inland. Rocks that dip towards the coast tend to produce much more gently sloping features.