coasts Flashcards
steep beaches, low energy, strong wash and deposition are characteristics of what types of waves?
explain hydraulic action
the force of waves hitting against cliffs/shores going into cracks,compresses and then blows the rocks apart
explain attrition
rocks/pebbles smash together, becomes rounder smoother
what is abrasion
rocks and pebbles carried by waves are thrown againts cliffs
what is solution?
the acid in sea water dissolves minerals in rocks
what is swash and backwash?
waves travelling to and from the beach/coast
explain hydraulic action
when waves force wind into cliffs
describe the process of wavecut platforms
ocean/sea attacks the cliff through abrasion and hydraulic action. The cliff is made from diffrent hard and soft materials. a wavecut notch is formed as the abrasion of soft rocks happens under the headland rock. headland rock formes, cliff retreats, repeats. cliff eventually collapses in on itself - no support.
what is discordant coast lands
different rock types which makes up a coast
explain longshore drift
constructive waves flow onto beaches by swash at a 45 degree angle. waves are pushed by prevailing wind. rocks/pebbles are carried by longshore drift, the rocks are called shingle. this desopsits material on the beach which stays as the backwash is not as strong.
describe the long ass formation of a stack
headland rock is weakens by erosion (abrasion/ hydraulic action), creates cracks. the cracks widen and an arch is formed. the base weakens and the roof (arch) collapses due to no support. A tall rock formation is left standing, this made from headland rock (a coastal stack.) stack isolated from mainland erodes over time at the base. eventually creates a stump.
what is a tombolo?
a sand split joint onto another island
what is a sand bar?
a sand split joint onto another art of land
what is a sand split?
a narrow point of sand projecting out into sea, often has a curve at the end
name a solution to litter being left behind by tourists on Dorset’s shores (England)
All bins removed to make tourists/day trippers take their litter home
give a solution to locals being scared by live fire at camps from the MOD (on Dorset’s shores)
the MOD place signage to notify people that they are they’re/ what is going on
name a solution To difficulty of parking - fights and damaged cars
Lulworth estate build a car park to ease the issue
how does a sand split form?
shingle made from small rocks and pebbles is deposited by deposition in shallow water near a beach by constructive waves pushed by paviling winds at a 45 degree angle. As the swash is stronger than the backwash the shingle over time builds up till a long point of sand can be seen projecting out into sea. end often has a hook or curve
headland and bay formation is what?
long rock cliff made from one hard material - concordant coastline
A cliff face made from different rock types, discordant coastline, such as limestone and clay. Softer rock erodes because og the waves through hydraulic action with the limestone stuff staying.
softer rock continues to erode over time further inland to create a bay, often with a beach. Band of resistant rock stay on either side of the bay, the headland rock.
processes of erosion for a corrie?
Plucking: where rocks freeze to the corrie wall and pluck rocks from it.
freeze thaw: Where water enters a crack in the rocks, freezes, expands and thaws, widening the crack. This process is repeated until the crack forces the rock to break apart.